across the divide ✘ three-way patrol

Arranging patrols had been a bit of a pain, while he really wanted to see all his kits out on their first patrol he knew a combination of him and Cicadastar at a border was just asking for trouble-they brought out the worst in eachother when faced with their enemies and it was for this reason he kept them both off of the WindClan patrol specifically. They would have been there for hours with just his mate gloating about their kits being apprenticed and crowing to the sun until it set. As much as he enjoyed it at times, it was probably for the best that his new apprentice and her siblings got a more relaxed and calm patrol. So to the ThunderClan border they went, along with Fallinglight and Salmonshade. Beepaw and Ratpaw seemed enthusiastic enough and it warmed him to see them both keeping pace and wide-eyed, though Ratpaw had been here before he assumed her own delight was simply in response to his daughter’s eagerness.

Smokethroat lead the way to the riverside, close to the two-leg bridge and at the intersection of territory where they briefly touched both ThunderClan and WindClan at the same time and to his surprise not one but two patrols caught his attention before they’d quite arrived; the scent on the wind carrying both the forest and the moorlands right toward them in a medley of smells.
“Beepaw, come up here…what do you think of this scent?” He would be surprised if she could tell it was two different clans given this was her first time out, but she’d surprised him before with her ingenuity.
Apprentice tag - @BEEPAW.
Patrol - @salmonshade & @FALLINGLIGHT & @Ratpaw

The below patrols are approaching but will not arrive until their lead posts!
Wind Patrol Lead - @SUNSTRIDE
Thunder Patrol Lead - @RACCOONSTRIPE
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Reactions: salmonshade
Life has gone on as normal in ThunderClan, though Raccoonstripe can feel Nightbird’s absence like a wrenched claw. The dark-furred lead warrior had been appointed to her position alongside him, and since then he’s done his best to befriend her. She is the cat he respects most in the Clan, aside from his mother, and he hasn’t realized how often he tries to throw her sly smiles or witty quips until she isn’t here to roll her eyes at him. To be sure, there are plenty of other she-cats in particular who are… but it isn’t the same.

The tabby lead warrior leads his patrol up past the Owl Tree, tasting the air for prey. He grimaces at what he finds instead. “RiverClan is here,” he reports, and then he opens his jaws again, eyes narrowing. “…And WindClan. Splendid.” He sighs. “It’s our lucky day, folks.

He can see a black-pelted warrior across the water, accompanied by a small patrol and a white-flecked little she-cat he assumes must be his apprentice. “Smokethroat,” he meows, courteous but for the slight edge to his voice. “I see this border is popular today.

  • @KILLDEERCRY ; @OAKFANG feel free to tag any apprentices
  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Despite not being on the same patrol with her brother and her other littermate, she finds that she's enjoying the company of those currently on their patrol. She nearly forgets the small sadness of having her first patrol with her littermates as she takes in the surroundings around her with owl sized eyes and perked ears with her bottlebrush of a tail waving behind her in some form of enthusiasm. She tries to keep focused aside from that with her bicolored gaze glancing around her trying to memorize it all so if she comes this way once more during another patrol, she would be familiar with it. Beepaw offers her snowy furred friend a quick smile though turns immediately when she hears that her father calls her over, she casts a quick glance to Ratpaw before joining Smokethroat.

It seems the wind was generous today and had given her a mix of scents, her nose and whiskers twitching momentarily trying to figure out what clan it was (or clans in this case). The scent of the forest standing out the most to her as her nonexistent eyebrows knot together in thought, Beepaw turns to Smokethroat "I smell the forest... Thunderclan." She responded in a quiet voice only to flick an ear recalling that Thunderclan's border had been mentioned when Smokethroat had been assigning patrols but she can't help but scrunch her nose, this was her first time out on a patrol near the border. She doesn't know distinct scents from each clan quite yet remains unsure for a heartbeat or two though her attention shifts over to the Thunderclan patrol that arrives.

A tabby tom leads it and her ears perk up when Raccoonstripe acknowledges Smokethroat, she decides to remain silent but silently takes in the scent of the patrol to familiarize with it. The smells of the pine forest that clung to their pelts being a lot stronger than what the wind had brought her, its nothing like her own clans scent and the familiarity of it. She flicks her tail to the side continuing to stay quiet unless she was addressed or told to speak, she remains attentive for the time being.
  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 3 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of smokethroat & cicadastar
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ❥ penned by bosstaurus
don't try to rush your enemies .
Witnessing disease run rampant through his home brought a sense of melancholy to the smokey tom, especially seeing a deadpan tom obsessed with skulls collapse. He wondered when he’d seen the Owl Tree, although now in charge of molding the next direction of elite warriors, Oakfang had a feeling he’d be seeing it more often. My. My. He turned a listening ear to his apprentice, expression eased. “In case it slipped my mind—” He murmured. “That is the Owl Tree.” He gestured with a flick of his tail toward the massive oak tree that they’d passed. He didn’t provide any context, but knowingly, it would do the feline some good to use context clues to figure it out. “A magnificent tree, don’t you think?”

Oakfang’s nose crinkled, turning a curious optic to Raccoonstripe with a puff of air, annoyance running through his veins. Splendid, indeed. He couldn’t help but agree, sarcasm dripping with each word. “It certainly is.” He remarked out loud with a drawn-out sigh, amber optics glistening with interest. “Quite the coincidence.” He added with puckered lips, helm cocked.

He lowered his helm, whispering in Marigoldpaw’s ear, “You see that one?” He pointed a low-hanging tail in Smokethroat’s direction, amber optics narrowed, humming. “Riverclan’s deputy.” He pulled away, gently flicking his tail to Marigold's shoulder. “I wonder why.” He inquired, smokey tail curling as dark lips quirked up in a slight grin.

/ apprentice tag @Marigoldpaw
thought speech
Though normally Ratpaw found herself walking in silence alongside her mentor ready to listen and learn, they usually were not with other apprentices so close to Ratpaw's age, especially ones that she had shared the nursery with. As they walked today the white-furred apprentice found herself whispering to Beepaw every now and then, pointing out the little things that the slightly older apprentice used to learn where things were, making sure to be silent if either of the two mentors spoke to them so that they could still learn when needed.

Upon arrival to the border, Ratpaw's nose scrunched up by the sudden smell of multiple clans here instead of just ThunderClan, and at first it caused her some confusion. She knew about where they were - although it took a few moments - so she could put a name to the scent, but if she had been asked to pick out the two and name them only by scent alone rather than landmarks she wouldn't have been able to. Too many scents lingering on the border of the two other clans, mixing and melding together to form a gross hodgepodge of smells.

With that, Ratpaw found herself soon standing back slightly, watching the other cats across the border as they spoke before looking to her mentor then back towards the border. Under normal circumstances she may have been comfortable enough to sit, the possibility of a fight on the border lessened so long as everyone behaved, but now there were two other clans on the border for the patrol, and it wasn't just any two - it was the two that RiverClanner's hated the most. She couldn't help the fur that rose along her spine for a moment as more began filtering in, and it wasn't noticed at first. Hopefully others wouldn't notice either, she didn't feel like talking anymore.
  • rat_colored.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 4 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - too young for relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
Marigoldpaw hasn’t been an apprentice for very long, so he hasn’t come to this part of their territory just yet. He was very excited to see more of what the world has to offer when his mentor allowed him to come with, but of course he still has a sense of duty. He keeps a watchful eye while also trying to absorb it all in.

Oakfang points out a mostly unimpressive tree, at least to him. There’s something special about it though, as he calls it the Owl Tree. Is it because owls live in it? Don’t they just live in any old tree? Or maybe it’s shaped like one? He tilts his head quizzically to observe the shape, but it doesn’t seem like it’s anything unique. “It…looks like a normal tree to me. I don’t get it. Do owls just really like it?” Only reason he could see it being chosen was for its unique shape, but that’s about it. Maybe owls prefer weirdly shaped trees for homes, who knows?

The talk is interrupted by Raccoonstripe bringing up that two of the rival clans are here as well, and the smell immediately assaults his senses. His eyes widen for a moment, but then he composes himself. He has heard about the biases when it comes to the two clans, but he figured that he would form his own opinions with time. So with his interests turned, he sizes up the two RiverClan apprentices with curiosity, and then the one Oakfang points out is the deputy. When he ponders why out loud, Marigoldpaw can’t help but snort. This Smokethroat had to have been proven worthy, right? A capable warrior who also cares about the clan. Seems simple enough to him.​
Patrols aren't typically bad in Salmonshades opinion. It's something thats expected of her and something she'd do without complaint, Ratpaw makes it a little more bearable. She won't lie and say shes not on edge as they approach the intersection, as Smokethroat calls Beepaw away from Ratpaws side to ask a question. Theres a heavy Thunderclan scent that rolls in and here they come, with a brown tabby at the lead.

Raccoonstripe. She knows him, not personally, but she has fetched Ravensong for him before when the cure had been discovered. She had fought with him in the marsh group, after all, united under a hatred for pine cats. Those days have long since passed, enemies have changed, such as hers being Windclan and Thunderclan now... How ironic. And then, Windclan scent hits her and she wrinkles her nose with an inaudible sigh. All interest in the patrol is lost near instantly. Pointless fighting will surely ensue...

Her apprentice almost bristles. She only stares as she goes over what to do in her head, but Ratpaw is a good one and she doesn't bark with any empty-pawed threats that shes certain will be flung around today. Theres a pressure at her temples that she knows will begin a headache but again, she says nothing. She moves past, lightly flicking her apprentices flank with her tail in slight comfort, to rub her cheek on some ferns, marking their territory with a flick of her ear. She does not ask Ratpaw anything, she already knows whats going on. At least, Salmon hopes so.

  • salmonfunny.png
    -> salmon ,, salmonshade
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 31 months
    -> warrior of riverclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    -> "speech, ff91a4" ,, thoughts
    -> lesbian ,, single
    -> smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    -> chibi by pin
WE'RE GETTING LOST! The absence of her Clanmates had been distressing to watch. Killdeercry hadn't come to the Gathering to watch them go, to give them her most hopeful of wishes and kindest of farewells. She had remained in camp, one of the few healthy remaining to watch over the sick and protect their prey. The ruddy cat wouldn't put herself through saying goodbye and thinking of their demise in those mountains. She had to keep her mind here, in this forest and not any other.

Even if that meant looking at the back of her worst associate.

Killdeercry kept her maw shut for the most part of their journey. Oakfang was busy with Marigoldpaw, rightfully so. Teaching a young cat everything for the first time never quite ended, and she thought bittersweetly about her own two. Barleysight had grown into a great warrior, strong and willing to do what was necessary just as they were taught. She was more worried about poor Sleekpaw, still weakened after her run with Yellowcough. It was hard to ignore the lack of her shadow.

A pale yellow stare traced back and forth as the Lead noted the two accompanied scents, and the confirmation from Killdeer herself has her whiskers twitching in annoyance. She cast the cats present a mere glance before placing her attention elsewhere, brushing her fur against a tangle of ferns. — tags
✦  .   ˚ .   They are slow behind the other clans' patrols, yet there is purpose to this. Sunstride is reluctant to gaze upon either of their clans now, when sickness plagued them all. And yet, they lingered. Sat upon their shared border, and this patrol could not go unfinished. Though his paws had stilled momentarily, they start forth again with an irritated rumble through his throat and a follow flick of his tail. "Stay far from the border; RiverClan is known to pull cats across it," he mutters to the three with a warning flash to his gaze as he finally breaks into the space of conversation. It is the first that he has seen two clans so closely together outside of a gathering. It is not an altogether pleasant experience. Distaste is clear across his expression, muted and respectful as it may be.

Smokethroat he knows through battle, and Raccoonstripe he sees as the cat that had spoken with him against the kittypet disease, what felt like a lifetime ago. Sunstride will offer a courteous nod to both. "I cannot decide what sort of fate has brought us all here today. It is good to see that your clans are doing well." A brief pleasantry, but he does not have the time nor patience for anything more. Verbal sparring would have to wait– unless another chose to start it, at least.

  • OOC. @Azaleafrost @GRAVELSNAP @Thriftpaw
    ——  a tall auburn tabby with thick fur and bright glacial eyes. sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond it, with fur that flames red and deepens to a burnt amber with every stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of them. he radiates confidence and self-assured authority.

  • "speech"
Gravelsnap had warned Thriftpaw about it before — RiverClan is dangerous. They can drown other cats without a thought or warning, and yet they call WindClan bloodthirsty. Thriftpaw watches them with an open suspicion, his rabbit-heart beating loud enough to remind him just how dangerous the other clans are, and his expression caught in the start of a sneer without progression. It's hard for Thriftpaw to imagine they can be so terrible while sharing in Thriftpaw's shape; he could make better sense of them had they looked more like dogs or birds than cats.

ThunderClan is what stands as an unknown — Thriftpaw hasn't been warned off of them, and they aren't uniquely terrible in the way that RiverClan is, but is that because they are innocent in truth or because they simply haven't revealed themselves yet?​
Azaleafrost may feel weakened from her time being sick, but she will not show it. To show weakness to the vultures around her will only kill her in the long run. She strides along with her patrol, radiating confidence with her head and tail held high. Even weakened, she knows she can still fight. She wonders if she'll ever escape this mindset. To always be ready to fight, even among clanmates. Though to be fair, they don't show her much kindness either. She'll never forget the looks and insults thrown at her as she grew up. She was a mouse in a den of snakes, and at any moment one of those snakes could strike.

She must always be ready for an attack. She can't call it betrayal, because that implies she thought them allies in the first place. Very few cats in Windclan have that privilege.

None of them are with her today.

Sunstride is Wolfsong's beloved, so she tries to look at him in a positive light. She trusts him only a little, but only because he is a dependable warrior, not for his character. She still isn't sure where he stands with her. Does he see her as a stain like the rest of the clan? If so, he's at least less rude about it.

Gravelsnap is her beloathed. She wants to squish him like a bug and she knows the feeling is mutual. She doesn't like how close he is to Periwinklebreeze. She can almost see the fangs and claws closing in around her dearest friend when they're together, and she will be ready to protect him. She won't forget their apprenticeship so easily, the remarks made. Of course, his attitude rubbed off on Thriftpaw, who she also despises for betraying Peri's friendship.

She is surrounded by enemies, always.

Even moreso when she sees the congregation of patrols at the border. She's never seen three patrols meet, but she supposes it's not impossible. More enemies to be wary of. She nods in agreement at Sunstride's comment.

"If they're feeling clawsy today, I'd be happy to drown them in the river they love so much." She says, studying the Riverclan patrol, memorizing their faces. She looks to Smokethroat then, and the apprentice at his side. They look..... Similar..... Could she be...??? Or is she just being ignorant and thinking all black and white cats look the same?

She really isn't sure. So she doesn't point it out. With her luck it will be ignorance and she'll look stupid.

Thunderclan is more tolerable, at least. She doesn't care if they're well, but if she had to choose between Thunderclan and Riverclan, she'd choose Thunderclan. Because at least Howlingstar isn't insane.

"It's not often we all meet at the same time..." She comments. "Nice seeing you all."

No it's not. Go away.​

⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ He's not used to his patrols involving this many cats. RiverClan's numbers are average, yes, but generally, if they come across anyone else, it's just the one clan and not so many strangers as to be crowded. Yet here they are, positively bustling, and he's not oblivious to the tension— WindClan arriving anywhere is enough to put any reasonable cat on edge, although Fallinglight refuses to entertain even the faintest hesitance.

"Sounds a bit like...I dunno, a spider threatening to sting a wasp," he comments in response to the WindClan molly, all smiling pleasantry. "I don't think I have to explain that in more detail." His pale gaze roams over the WindClanners, then leaps to ThunderClan. He can think only of Sunningrocks and does not say a word to their patrol.

  • ooc:
  • FALLINGLIGHT / / 13 moons old / / amab and uses masculine pronouns; will be startled by the use of any others.
    — warrior of riverclan / / earned warrior name early at 10 moons / / skilled but not experienced / / mentoring [n / a].
    — npc parents / / father died in the great battle and mother left when he was apprenticed / / no contact w / siblings.
    — flirtatious & disastrous bisexual / / fairly indiscriminate (even when he should be) / / closed to long-term romance.

    a fairly trim, athletic cream tabby and black chimera with high white. fur is thick and a bit sharp, though tends to soften and curl primarily around his face and tail when wet. eyes are a bright, gleaming blue at home with the river on clear, sunny days. he is rarely without a devil-may-care grin, though despite his daring personality, has yet to accumulate noticeable scarring.
  • dear shell, riverclan, windclan, and thunderclan all meet on patrol. sounds like the line-up to a bad joke, but it can't be one that's worse than the reality. i'm not pretending riverclan's perfect, but windclan and thunderclan have more in common with each other than we do.

Besides the occasional glare shot in Azaleafrost’s direction, Gravelsnap is focused on his apprentice as they follow behind Sunstride. Thriftpaw has grown so much before his eyes, now only a few months away from being old enough to become a warrior. It’s hard to believe—but he’s somehow managed to get both himself and Thriftpaw to this point without some terrible fate befalling either of them. He’s almost proud of it, really. He shoots a smile to his golden-furred apprentice as they walk along, though his expression falls flat as they approach the clan’s border with RiverClan.

The RiverClan patrol they come across is headed by the ugly-faced deputy, but it’s just as unfortunate that a ThunderClan patrol happens to be there at the same time. Sunstride warns them to stay a good distance away from the border—something that Gravelsnap has hopefully drilled into his apprentice’s head already, fearing a repeat of his uncle’s fate—and the black-patched warrior nods stiffly.

Azaleafrost bites out a warning in response to the amber-striped deputy’s words, threatening to drown a RiverClanner in their own waters, and Gravelsnap snorts. "At least you’d be making yourself useful if you drowned one of them," he says, voice hushed. One of the RiverClanners is already flinging a quip at her in return, and for some reason that makes Gravelsnap bristle. Hazel eyes turn on the tricolored RiverClan warrior, flat with boredom. "That one called you a spider. It’s fitting, since you’re so venomous." He isn’t mocking his nemesis, for once; Azaleafrost may be an awful she-cat to be around, but WindClan must be united in front of greater enemies. And the likes of RiverClan and ThunderClan are certainly greater enemies than a house cat turned warrior.
[ you put the fun into dysfunction ]