When Starlingheart presses her nose to the moonstone, sleep overtakes her body with a quickness that she has not felt in a long while now. Darkness folds her into a comforting blanket of stillness, one where she is plagued by no nightmares, no constant twitching of limbs and singular eye flying wide, searching the shadows for the glint of teeth and poisonous green eyes that haunts her dreams. This peaceful void is one she wishes she could stay in, a much needed rest that would never come to her in normal circumstances, but it is not long after she falls asleep that she finds herself opening her eye again.

It is not to the gray walls of cave and stone though. No, when she wakes it is to a forest alight with star shine. her heart roars in her chest, hopeful and melancholy in equal measure as she scans the treeline for a star-dusted black and white pelt. Would Magpiepaw be here, she wonders, or was he lost to her in a different way? She is not sure which answer she would prefer if she is being totally honest with herself.

When finally a figure emerges from the shadows she does not feel disappointment. How could she ever feel anything but elation at the prospect of being reunited with such a dear friend? But questions do begin to race in her mind. "Berryheart, it is good to see you again" she says dipping her head respectfully.

She also knows that, while it would be nice, it was rare for StarClanners to walk in dreams without reason and so when formalities are aside, she scans his features, searching for a clue as to what troubled him. Her mind goes to the eclipse and then to the last time she saw her son, the warning laid upon his tongue. "May I ask you one thing... Is Magpiepaw-is he here?" Her lone eye betrays the sadness she feels, the anguish behind the question. Was he dead or was he still out there, somewhere? She had to know before her friend delivered whatever message he had been sent here to give to her. Surely, he of anyone else would understand the urgency, the desperate need to know her apprentices fate.

  • PSgWDJV.jpeg

  • 80989743_Y4EI15MsrzJWZG0.png
    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
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There is joy in talking to the living... a reversal of talking to the dead. Berryheart had never regretted his visions of StarClan during his time as ThunderClan's medicine cat, but there is significantly more indulgence when walking in dreams compared with being the mind tread upon. Cherished friends and family still dance on the land below. He wishes not for them to join him, but he still misses them... greatly, absolutely. Memories of travelling to the Moonstone are bathed in rosy light, for Pebbles was always at his side, round-eyed and petal-hearted.

Kissed with starlight, he greets her with a crooked, relaxed grin. "My friend," he greeted. She was in life, and always would be. When eventually she joins him here, he will be one of the first to greet her... but, with a single child weaving at her feet, without an apprentice to train, he hopes that day will not come soon.

Is he here? Berryheart does not have much time, but in a misty motion, he nodded his head. "He is." In his silver-beating heart, he hopes that answer may give her the closure she needs. The acceptance that she must move on to forge ShadowClan's survival. It was a lesson Berryheart himself had to learn... the same illness that had nearly killed him had robbed his apprentice of breath, and unlike Quills, Freckles is not here. Where his first apprentice rested now is a disconcerting mystery to the star-speckled tom.

If time was infinite and luxurious, he would give her all the time she needed to process... but there is an urgent matter at foot. Berryheart takes a step toward his friend, a seriousness embedded within a crooked green gaze, uneven in life and death. "Beware..." direct as ever, he whispers, though there is no panic running through his voice... just level seriousness. Would that he could give more than a warning... but there is no other option. "... the darkness a forgotten enemy brings."

The clearing around them will soon wane, like the fading moon. Berryheart gives Pebbles another gentle smile, apology written in the calm, spangled depths of his gaze. There would be more, if it were possible.
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