pafp across the stars | gift

Throughout his apprenticeship, Greenpaw had been nothing but committed and steadfast. Two qualities that would make Greenpaw an exceptional warrior, she was sure of it. And throughout everything, from his first catch, from the Windclan raid, from the fox patrol, he has remained kind. Through things that could have broken ones spirit, should have, he remained unbreakable.

And all of that is exactly why Sheep had disappeared after doing her duties for the day. She had wanted to find a gift, something that Greenpaw could use or put in his nest. She wants him to know how proud she is, how much she believed in him and she only hopes its conveyed in her gift. Words only went so far, you had to speak through your actions, as some wise old cat once said. Or... Something like that.

She returns to camp and immediately hunts him down, waving her tail excitedly as she drops her gifts down. Ones a flower, green, plucked from the clutches of a twoleg garden. It matches his namesake, his eyes, the color she associated him with. Green is a nasty color, Dawnglare may say, but Sheep thinks it suits him just fine. Nothing wrong with green and perhaps throughout her mentorship with the kid, shes learned to appreciate the beauty in the color. The other is a feather, a bigger one she had found after nearly scaring both herself and the bird out of their skin. Rich in color, shes just glad that the birds are slowly returning. Soon it'd be new-leaf again. "I got you some things, mijo. You've been doing extremely well in your training, I just want you to know i'll always be proud of you, no matter what happens." she raises a paw to attempt to ruffle the fur on his head. She hopes he likes them, even if they're not much.


Despite the deadly namesake he's been dealt with, Greenpaw only tries his best to be positive.

Though he has his moments, and though he has his bad days - where infection feels inevitable, where he feels like the demise of his loved ones is only sped up by his presence - Greenpaw tries his best to keep that to himself. Hidden away in attempts to keep everyone else happy - to keep worried glances at bay - with all that's gone on as of late.

Most of SkyClan deserves happiness, anyway: his mother, his siblings, Fireflypaw, Sheepcurl, so on and so forth.

And though he tries to keep that air of kindness around him, woven tight into his mischievous ways, Greenpaw supposes he forgets, sometimes, that even he deserves to be happy too.

Like, when Sheepcurl waves him over with excited eyes and a flick of the tail, for instance. Bounding over to his mentor, a curious gaze looks down at what's set before him - a flower and a feather.

"Hi, Sheepcurl! Are those for Redstorm?" he asks at first. Sheepcurl's findings are pretty, colorful in nature - green petalled and bright. Though he isn't completely sure whether the warrior would like them, Greenpaw does, so he can only hope Redstorm will as well.

However, the gifts placed in front of him aren't for the warrior. The apprentice blinks in surprise.

"These are... for me?" When was the last time he was given something as a gift? He isn't too sure. Greenpaw takes a closer look at the objects as Sheepcurl continues speaking - a promise that she'll always be proud of him. Greenpaw hopes he'll continue to be worthy of her promise.

Orange ears twitch as a paw ruffles the fur between them, his own paws pulling the gifts closer to him. Eyes shine bright as he looks up at his mentor. "They're perfect! Thank you, Sheepcurl!"

He'll have to get her something too, he thinks. For now, a decision is set in front of him - does he wear his new trinkets, or does he set them in his nest, with the rest of his growing collection? Though he thinks they'd look nice with his other treasures, it seems like everyone else was wearing their collection of flowers and feathers right now. Perhaps he should keep these close to him, so that Sheepcurl is always with him.

"Should I wear them?" he asks. Maybe Sheepcurl had a preference for what was done with the gifts she'd bestowed upon him.
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Butterflytuft sits nearby, watching the interaction with a big smile. Her little brother deserves the recognition he's being shown. He's a wonderfully bright tom with a giant heart, and as she watches him thank his mentor she makes her way over. A purr is already rising in her throat as she brushes against him, gifting him a gentle nuzzle cheek-to-cheek before she smiles at Sheepcurl. "They're lovely gifts! Maybe the feather can go right in your tail," She suggests, tilting her head with her eyes squeezing shut in glee. Normally she wouldn't make such a suggestion, but she's quite comfortable around her family, and the lead warrior that's there has a calming presence as well. She doesn't mind speaking up around either of them.
"Well, well, well... Isn't this just too sweet?" It comes out before he can even think about it, said with a boyish sorta grin. Too much thinking is for suckers, anyhow. And he doesn't mean it metaphorically or rhetorically or poetically or theoretically or any other fancy way. It's too sweet, straight up. Who cares if he should wear them or not? How old is this dude and he can't make his own damn decisions, yeesh. He could use them as fish bait for all he cares.

He can practically feel his eyes glazing over as the subject is breached. Blank, bare, whatever the hell. And apparently these sad not-alley cats think this feather is so sick they just have to cuddle him, or whatever.

Wyrm would suddenly perk upward, his eyes flaring wide, hair on end, jaw in a wide– though sort-of-obviously not legit if you really look– typa gape. "My word–!" he would've tacked on the molly's full name for extra effect, but you'd be surprised how few names he actually knows in this place. "Have clan cats not heard of uh... aesthetic intent?" He just made that up. "Communicating without words ya know. You want him to put a pretty thing like that that close to the ground?". His gaze is appaled, like this was the single rudest act he's ever borne witness to. Sadly, he shakes his head. "I shouldn't even have to tell you what that would mean..."

This bit's boring already, so he switches over to something else real quick, his lopsided grin returning with a crease of his eyes. No– screw it, he'll close em all the way just like she had. "Hey is your mom psychic or what? How'd she know what to name your silly self?" His head tilts to the side. Yeah, cause he cares, a lot. "Hahaha, imagine if you'd been Bluekit. You and her both would look pretty stupid right now. At least you'd be getting a way cooler flower that way." Let's face the facts, here. Blue was simply cooler green.​

Eyes light up at his sister's voice, and the apprentice turns his gaze upwards to look at her. Though he hadn't known she was nearby to see the gift exchange, he's glad for her input. Greenpaw bumps his head against hers in greeting, before humming at her suggestion - to place the feather at the base of his tail. He looks back down at the gifts set before his paws, thinking.

"Suppose it would look nice, wouldn't it?" Reds and blues - the bright colors would suit him, he thinks. So, Greenpaw carefully picks up the feather between his teeth, turning to make an attempt at weaving the feather between orange fur at the base of his tail. He isn't quite sure if he's doing this right, but he tries his best. When he's finished adjusting it, he looks to Sheepcurl and Butterflytuft. "How's it look?"

And then, there's the question of what to do with the flower, pretty as it is. By his ear? Next to the feather?

Greenpaw doesn't have much time to think about it before another voice speaks up. A newer face, one that Greenpaw isn't sure he's met before, but isn't sure he really wants to meet, with the words he speaks, the faces he makes. "What... What would it mean?" he asks slowly, head tilting to the side. He thinks his feather looks nice as is, whether the new face tries to place reasons for it not to be there or not.

He pulls the flower closer to him, as he's asked about his name. He's never really thought about the coincidence of his name matching his eyes. He was simply green himself. A name he once thought was special, a name he hardly thinks the same of nowadays.

"Maybe it was luck," he offers, crooked tail twitching behind him. Good luck, bad luck. He has a feeling it leans more to one way than the other. "Or... maybe magic." He takes one more look at his flower as he declares that, a namesake of blue would give him a cooler flower. Maybe he'd be better off as Bluepaw anyway - no curse to loom over him, to infect others with.

"I think my flower's cool," Greenpaw declares, a frown beginning to pull at his face as he looks at the pale feline. Though, maybe he'll keep it in the safety of his nest. You know, just in case. It will fit in well there, among the rest of his treasures, after all.
"Your face looks stupid, Wyrm." Fireflypaw is quick to defend his friend as he walks over, tail raised high in defiance. Warrior or not, anyone who dare insults his minty will suffer his wrath!!! Though, it seemed it was more of a playful atmosphere than anything. Fireflypaw bumps his head against Greenpaw's own, smiling at his friend. "I like your name, Minty. Did you know that green is actually a lucky color? 'Dat's why I've got a gift for you, too!!" He chimes, all sing-song and bird-like.

Ruffling through his chest fur, he finally manages to wrangle out the gift he had thought of. A bright green clover, five leaves on one stem. It wasn't four leaves, but it could work nonetheless. "This is a clover, it's meant to be good luck. It's got the same color as your eyes, y'know? Isn't that great, Minty?" He meows, settling the clover on the ground for the other to take. Smiling back at Sheepcurl, he's excited to dress up her apprentice and give him gifts that truly make him feel at home in his body. Stars knows that he loves his own accessories!
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It's his friend that appears next, with defiant words thrown at Wyrm. Greenpaw bumps his head against Fireflypaw's in return for the greeting, a silent thank you shared with his friend. His kindness can only go so far, and he's glad for the pointed feline's appearance to tell off Wyrm for him.

But, to his surprise, Firefly isn't just there to call the warrior's face stupid. No, the High Priest's apprentice has a gift for him too! The boy blinks, head tilting. "You... You do?" So many gifts, all so quickly!

Greenpaw watches on as Fireflypaw ruffles through the assortment of plants entwined in his fur, beaming as the gift is finally revealed. A clover. Green as his eyes, a symbol of good luck. The boy doesn't know if he deserves a plant of such important meaning - if he truly deserves any of his gifts - but he'll cherish it nonetheless, as it's Firefly that has bestowed it upon him.

"It's perfect!" he says once more, just as he had to Sheepcurl's gifts. Because they were - the feather, the flower, the clover, they were all perfect. "Thank you, Fi!"