AD ASTRA PER ASPERA — meeting 11.03.2023

All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highbranch for a Clan meeting!” Blazestar’s call is strong and confident and rings throughout the clearing. He sits high, shoulders squared back and chest puffed out. SkyClan has reason to be proud today—many reasons, in fact. The Ragdoll waits for his Clan to gather before he begins. “SkyClan, as you know by now, the journeying cats have returned with enough lungwort for all our sick. They will recover in about a half-moon or less. In the meantime, we will have to pick up the slack for those in recovery and those badly injured by rogues, but soon we will all be strong again, thanks to the journeying cats.

He takes a moment to allow the Clan to cheer for those who had gone to the mountains. There’s still a pang in his heart when he remembers Little Wolf had not returned to her Clan, to her kits and kin, but he knows Howlingstar will have honored her in ThunderClan. He does the same in his heart, whether she had taken a new mate or not. The bond they’d shared had brought greatness to this forest, strong and honorable cats who served their Clans with pride. Burnstorm served on Howlingstar’s council, and despite her ire for Blazestar, Moonwhisper was a loyal ThunderClan cat. Howlfire is raising her own litter, and Fireflypaw will one day succeed Dawnglare as SkyClan’s medicine cat. He thinks longingly of Duskpaw and Skypaw, too, and briefly wonders how they’ve taken the news…

But he cannot idle for too long. He has ceremonies and instructions today, but first he has some order of business to conduct.

All the cats who returned from the journey deserve to be honored. SkyClan would not have survived without them.” He clears his throat. “There are two warriors, though, I would like to ask to join my council. Both have exhibited moons of dedication to their Clan and have worked hard to understand the ways of a warrior. I would be honored to have both of them join our noble ranks.” He searches the crowd, finding one ginger-and-white splashed pelt and one fluffy lilac tabby figure.

Greeneyes. Bobbie. Would you do me the honor of serving on my council as lead warrior? Of serving your Clan in this way?

[ ceremonies in next post to get any straggling requests in! activity shoutouts in the next post as well! :3

everyone give a big congratulations to Dejavu / @bobbie and Abri / @GREENEYES ! both have shown months of consistent activity and ooc friendliness in the Discord, and i’m super excited to have them both join the team!! ]

, ”
  • Love
Reactions: mercibun
The call for a meeting makes the hulking tom finally rise from his duties, temporarily leaving his mentor's side to take steps outside. He walks over urgently, seating himself at the base of the tree with a sleepy smile on his face. He listens to the news of the return of the journeying cats, eyes blinking owlishly; he's proud of them for returning all alive, the SkyClan cats. They did the right thing, journeying so far and long. His eyes turn upwards blindly as his father mentions two new members of his council, tail twitching happily as Greeneyes is mentioned.

His head snaps almost harshly towards the scent of Greeneyes and Bobbie, wondering if they'll accept the position. ​
They had been clearing out his old nest from the warriors den, their body still weary with the recent challenges the clan had faced. Blazestar's strong and confident call roused him from his task. With his single good eye glancing at the mouth of the den, they quickly made their way toward the Highbranch where the Clan was gathering.

As he approached, they couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Their resilience and strength had been tested, well past humane measures, but now, with the journeying cats' return and the precious lungwort, their sick clanmates would soon recover. Spotting a cozy spot off to the side but near the front he sat down and perked up. Things could finally have a sense of normalcy. Joyously, he cheered in unison with the crowd, before simmering down at the hushed look of the pointed tom.

He listened attentively as Blazestar meowed on, acknowledging the effort and courage of those who had ventured to the mountains. Many tales had already been stuffed into Dogbite's eager ears. Painting a cacophony of mosaic landscapes even he had no way to conceptualize. Despite the temptation of exploring new landscapes he was perfectly happy sitting there.

Quickly, he snapped out of their daydream and back to the present as Blazestar announced that two of the aforementioned cats would be chosen to join the leader's council. The recognition in his heart swelled, knowing that this was a momentous occasion for the deserving individuals. His gaze followed as the leader called out to Greeneyes and Bobbie.

Dogbite couldn't help but join in the enthusiasm of the moment, releasing a hearty purr for the newly appointed lead warriors. Both Greeneyes and Bobbie had proven above and beyond their dedication. Blue eye shimmering with praise, these cats were more than deserving of this honor. Their tail swayed gently, and high at the tabbies side, reflecting their elation for his clanmates.

Obediently, the cinnamon splotched feline stayed quiet. Watching with silent admiration and kindness waiting to see the new lead warrior's reactions.

  • ooc ;
    HELL YEAH!!!! Congratulations Deja & Abri! ❤️❤️
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 29 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:

the sound of blazestar's confident voice booming out the meeting call is a welcome interruption, one of a thousand things she'd missed while she was gone. a half-moon smile overtaking her face, bobbie joins the crowd that gathers beneath the highbranch's gnarled boughs, wondering what ceremonies and announcements await. surely some of the kits and apprentices have advanced towards their graduations in the time the journeying cats have been gone, despite the series of tragedies they'd been dealt.

surprisingly, the journey had been a protection in a way—she's still picking up the entire tale of plague, starvation, a rogue takeover from camp gossip, but it sounds frightening. blazestar retains a certain gauntness to his face that makes her worry, which is ridiculous, but she can't seem to help it. as soon as she's able, she hopes to have a long conversation with him, divulge the snow-dripping landscapes and unexpected dangers of her journey to her closest friend. which is all he is, she chides herself, shuffling her paws nervously and waiting to see what's in store.

a muted cheer rings around the clearing as he thanks the journeying cats, heaping acclaim and honor upon them. bobbie's ears twitch—it's silly and she's well aware of it, but she feels a warmth in her chest at the unfamiliar praise. she's wondering idly who might have a ceremony today, settling back into the rhythm of clan life, when his words catch her. two new council members? she wonders who it will be; she'd bet prey on figfeather and greeneyes, those young and brave warriors filled with life. and then—

"me?" she blurts out, then immediately wants to clap a paw over her own mouth. oh, stars above, he'd just asked and she was already messing up. the kneejerk reaction to the sudden promotion, one she'd never expected nor pursued (despite smogmaw's advice), leaves her ears scorched with embarassment. surely this was some kind of mistake, or an overstatement of her minimal aid on the journey? still, recalling the conversations she'd had with hazecloud, sharppaw, smogmaw......she wouldn't dream of saying no. bobbie clears her throat, and corrects in a more formal tone, "i mean—yes, it would be an honor."


  • eee thank you!! i'm so excited to join the team <3
  • 6TR0CBJ.png
    bobbie ; warrior of skyclan
    x. she/her ; 42 moons ; tags
    x. small, scarred lilac tabby and white she-cat with green eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    x. mother to lupinepaw, crowpaw, and drowsypaw.


For the return to normalcy, somewhat, Twitchbolt was glad. Some things would never be the same again, but Blazestar calling a Clan meeting and not disclosing that something terrible loomed on the horizon, threatening to strike and kill them at any moment, was nice. At last he could sit beside Quillstrike and angle his ears toward words that were full of hope, instead of warnings that would send him spiralling into stupor that told him he had to tie up all of his loose ends before an inevitable death. Of course, Leafbare still lurked in wait, and would spread its hoarfrost across the pines soon enough, but for now... Twitchbolt was content to exist, and listen.

Attentive eyes flickered, soon, to two new members of Blazestar's council. Cats returning from the journey, thoroughly dedicated. Greeneyes. Daisyflight's son, but more than that. The white-freckled tom was, Twitchbolt considered, a friend. Brave, endlessly- a tom that deserved it above all. In fact, Twitchbolt was rather surprised the offer hadn't been extended sooner. How had he become a lead warrior before Greeneyes?

And Bobbie. He knew how much she strived to be a warrior, how dedicated she was to becoming someone SkyClan could rely on. This honour, he hoped, would finally cement that for her if she hadn't believed it before- that SkyClan would be much worse off without her. A grin shivered upon his maw, cheers ready to burst out. He could revel in this moment, yeah. Could exist and know everything was okay, at this second, in this wonderful minute.
penned by pin ✧
  • Love
Reactions: DOEBLAZE

Hardly is Greeneyes settled back into the normalcy of clan life when Blazestar's voice reaches his ears, but he welcomes the call to gather under the Highbranch as if he'd never left.

The moons away from the pine forest have made it difficult to discern whose ceremonies will be spotlighted in this meeting, a loss in time he'll have to pick back up on sooner or later, just as the rest of the goings-on that had occurred in the forest. The tom has plenty of stories to share with the clan, and in turn, it seems they do as well. Time hasn't stopped here, has kept going without him, he knows.

Greeneyes settles among the crowd, hooked tail curling around his paws as his gaze turns upwards, cast upon Blazestar as he welcomes the journey's cats home. Praise comes his way, cheers of his name amid the rest of SkyClan's formerly journeying party that makes gingered fur feel hot against his back. A sheepish smile grows on his face as he looks around, as he searches the crowd for his sister, for the rest of the cats he'd grown close to along the way.

The SkyClan leader feels the need to extend honor toward the journey further, and Greeneyes' ears twitch at the news of two new council members. Immediately, he thinks of marmalade twists - of Figfeather among the council where their mother once stood. It only makes sense in his mind for her to be chosen. His sister is a strong warrior; his sister brought lungwort home to SkyClan. The tom doesn't have time to think of a second option before Blazestar announces his choices.

Before his own name is called - in place of Figfeather's and alongside Bobbie's.

"Huh?" His eyes go round as he stares up at Blazestar, jaw shutting to avoid echoing Bobbie's own reaction, a question of me? he nearly asks too. Had he been given more time to think of a second option, he thinks his mind would've reached for the lilac tabby too, would've placed her among the council quicker than he would've placed himself. Still new to the life of a warrior - though, really only by a few moons in comparison to him - Bobbie's proved to be a strong one.

And Greeneyes? Well, he's just... Greeneyes, isn't he?

Was he worthy to stand where his mother stood? Where Sheepcurl had stood too?

"I..." he stammers out, as Bobbie accepts the offer before him. Blazestar wouldn't have chosen him for this, if he thought otherwise - a line of thinking he remembers sharing with a tortoiseshell face, a River King in place of his own leader. He must answer soon, he realizes - the crowd is waiting for an answer. His clan is waiting for an answer. Quickly, the tom nods his head.

"Yes!" he chirps out, straightening his posture as he accepts Blazestar's offer. "It'd be an honor - I... I won't let you down!"
  • // thank you so much for this opportunity! excited to be on the team!

  • 70927026_mk0oT2Gc8QoWlIu.png

    Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    — AMAB; He/Him
    — A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    — Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    — "Speech"; Attack

    : * — Born into SkyClan's first litter, Greeneyes is a bright tom with an affinity for the world around him. Despite always seeking to be kind to others, the warrior believes he's cursed - a belief brought on by rhetoric that green is a deadly color.
  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan, mentoring eveningpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
It's with a sigh of relief that Orangeblossom takes her place at Highbranch's base, tension slipping from her shoulders like water as she trails after Blazestar. She turns to face her Clan with more serene of an expression than she's worn in moons, her tail curling loosely around her form as she pulls herself into a rigid seated position. She smells little like SkyClan now, her long pelt tangled by the wind and scent far removed from familiar pine trees (she knows a few sunrises of patrols will fix that, but, at the same time, Orangeblossom knows somewhere in the back of her heart she'll miss it).

Orangeblossom inclines her head at the praise from Blazestar. She had not been part of the initial return to SkyClan, and had not carried any lungwort home, but the phantom weight of Stormpaw across her shoulders and the rough space against her teeth reminds her of the journey they've been on. It reminds her of her debt repaid to ThunderClan, a way that she can lay the memory of Little Wolf to rest without adding Stormpaw to StarClan's ranks.

Without missing a beat, Blazestar offers places on his council to Greeneyes and Bobbie, drawing a curious glance from his deputy. Much like Twitchbolt before them, Orangeblossom considers Greeneyes too young. He has grown up in SkyClan, but to be truthful she still thinks of him as kitten-like. Bobbie, too, is a cat she considers too new to Clan life, especially as a warrior ... However, much like Johnnyflame, both cats had certainly earned their place among SkyClan's advisors.

"Congratulations." She meows, chest fur puffed out proudly after they both accept the role - though brown eyes do stray to Figfeather and Duskpool curiously, wondering what the two think about this. Are they content with being passed over?

Figfeather pads eagerly at the sound of Blazestar's booming voice atop the High Branch, how much she's missed hearing his meeting call. Naturally, she finds herself gravitating to Greeneyes and settles next to him, inviting @Fantastream ! with a welcoming flick of her tail to join them if she was present.

Blazestar starts the meeting by honoring and showing gratitude to the cats who went on the journey, Figfeather grins at her brother as the fur on her chest puffs up with pride. It was in part thanks to them, that SkyClan would carry on, that so many ill had been saved. In this moment Figfeather hopes Tallulahwing sits up in the stars proud of her former apprentice. Not a day goes by where the red tabby doesn't miss her teacher.

Figfeather grows excited at the mention of two warriors- immediately she predicts lead warrior promotions. Perhaps... Duskpool? Chalk? That had to be it- but the names that leave Blazestar's maw instead pummels her heart into her stomach. 'Greeneyes. Bobbie.'

For a split second Figfeather looks utterly horrified, but she is fast in wiping the look off her face. Still no matter how much she tried to hide it shock was abhorrently present on her face, jealousy could be seen in the way her lips tense. She forces herself to look at Greeneyes with a hard-to-pull off smile as he accepts his role, to Bobbie as she accepts hers.

Figfeather doesn't... understand... 'Bobbie was just a queen when I was already a warrior! I know more about being a SkyClan cat than her! Greeneyes... How is he so far ahead of me? Why does he get the patrols, an apprentice- lead warrior! When I'm stuck- I'm stuck at the bottom' What made Greeneyes so great? So much better than her to deserve all these honors? What was she doing wrong?

Even in the height of her envy and shock, she feels horrible for these thoughts. Figfeather doesn't mean them- not all of them. She knows its selfish and bitter to curse the two felines deserving accomplishments, she's supposed to be happy for them. Instead, she feels their success highlights her failures, how much she's fallen short.

Anyone who glances in Figfeather's direction would likely see the warrior's frustration. She tries to hide it, she does, but her posture is tense, and she can't hide the look of panic in her glossy eyes. Fantastream, and unfortunately Greeneyes, would definitely notice.

"...Bobbie!" She begins to chant, looking at her brother with a silent apology in her eyes. She is not proud for feeling this way, not proud that it showed in her body language. "Greeneyes!" And she would chant their names, to honor them as they both deserved. ​

  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Last edited:

Scratched up but nonetheless alive, Tigerscar couldn't be happier to be back home. Of course... he'd sure be in trouble with his housefolk for sneaking out. They had kept him locked in for the past few days, since the rogues had been successfully driven out. The Daylight Warrior had no other choice but to endure the fretting of his folks when he finally returned to their nest, covered in scratches and bite wounds. Hence the... rather bothersome, large cone around his head. But, before he heads back home, Tigerscar makes sure not to miss Blazestar's meeting. He always was one for gossip, and what better place to pick up rumors than a gathering such as this? So, grinning as brightly as ever, he sits in the back, hulking frame peering up at his leader. Two lucky SkyClanners had earned a promotion, and a flaming eye seeks them out among the crowd.

"Congratulations!" Tigerscar howls as loudly as he can, letting loose a powerful purr. Of course, like Figfeather, he isn't so happy that his own name isn't called, but unlike her, he's well practiced at disguising his darker emotions with something far lighter in appearance. "It's good to be home. Cheers to SkyClan's victory, and it's newest lead warriors!" Teeth flash with a cheery smile as the brute beams.

mottledove & 22 moons & female & she/her & skyclan perma-queen

The meeting has barely begun, and already Mottledove finds herself surprised. Fluffy tail rests wrapped around cinnamon and cream figure as she listens, blue eyes blinking wide and owlishly. And then she beams - feeling warm and proud as her clal join in with the others. "Congratulations!" it's not exactly expected - not really. Bobbie had still seem rather inexperienced when she'd left upon the journey. But that doesn't mean she doesn't deserve it, hadn't earned it. She's happy for her friend, and for the young warrior who stands up alongside her.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a fluffy she-cat with a mane of fur and a mottled cinnamon tortie pattern. she is missing half her back left leg leaving her at a disadvantage in most things. mottledove is very quiet and withdrawn, a gentle soul. she and the kits she cares for adorn her pelt with flowers and 'paints' made of plants.

    physically extremely easy && mentally very hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#74a2a5]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

Oddly enough for Slate, it feels nice to hear the leader's voice addressing the clan again. Order, structure... After having lived without it for so long, he's come to appreciate the concept of contributing to something larger than himself. He did not necessarily get along with many members of SkyClan, but having at least a territory and camp to defend was better than wasting his life away in a dark and musty alley. He was relieved to be back in the forest without having to roam from place to place each day.

Slate looks on curiously as Blazestar announces two new additions to his council — huh, there must have been a good reason for the leader to want to add more faces to the already sizable team. “Greeneyes. Bobbie." The formalities that Blazestar delves into afterward are lost upon ears ringing with utter disbelief.


Similar to how other cats felt, Greeneyes was rather young and still had moons of experience to gather under his paws, but he was a longtime and loyal warrior of SkyClan ( he had been born here, had he not? ). He was a fine hunter and held up just fine during the journey, at no point hindering the group or making any unnecessary trouble. Greeneyes was just someone who stayed out of the way, did what he was told, and served his clan unconditionally. Slate did not know the younger tom very well, but managing to stay off his shitlist was a feat in itself.

Bobbie, on the other paw... Slate wrinkles his nose, furrowing his brows and giving side glances toward those around him. Did anyone else fail to understand the reasoning behind this decision? Bobbie had served SkyClan by volunteering for the journey, just as Greeneyes had, but so did Figfeather and Duskpool and Chalk. Why were they unworthy of promotions while Bobbie somehow was?

It wasn't unusual for Slate to choose not to voice any congratulations, if there were any to be had, but today he had even more of a reason to lack any enthusiasm for the newly promoted lead warriors. A judgmental scowl tugs at the edges of his broad maw as he now struggles to comprehend the new reality of having to work alongside that former kittypet. Ugh.

  • 902PApF.png
    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles

With everyone finally home, with the cure in the jaws of those who needed it so badly, with SkyClan once again returned to its home, things could finally go back to normal. It was a feeling they reveled in. Sparrowsong knew they had missed it, but in the wake of it all, maybe they had missed it much more than they were aware of.

The fear of losing everything a second time had been strong. Suffocating, even. Even so, they had all braved it together, one way or another. In the battle to return the Clans to their camps, the small tabby admittedly had spent much of the time cowering in the face of the violence, even being chased themself.

Combat, violence, and bloodshed had always scared them. It made their legs lock up and their heart stutter, made them think of the bodies that inevitably lay unmoving, never to get up again. Everything had worked out, though, hadn't it? Not truly. Cats had died, and the events had left a new hole in their chest.

Things would move forward, just as they always had. SkyClan was settling back into routine, evident in the way Blazestar called for them to gather, in the way Orangeblossom was finally in the spot she had been absent from for so long.

When the flame point announced the promotion of Greeneyes and Bobbie, a smile parted their maw wide. "Bobbie! Greeneyes!" they cried joyfully. They knew how much work the two put in. Recognizing their efforts was well deserved.



Fantastream makes her way to the sound of Blazestar calling for a meeting, takes her place by Figfeathers side when invited, a warm smile on her face and her brown tabby fur brushing against her mates orange pelt. She would never get over that word. Her mate. The feeling of it makes nearly everything else feel dull in comparison. 'There are two warriors, though, I would like to ask to join my council.' Blazestar says and like many others she immediately starts to wonder who it was. Her eyes scan the crowd but honestly there are so many great warriors in SkyClan, so many great warriors who had gone on the journey, it is difficult to guess.

When finally it is announced she can see the way the cat next to her deflates, can see the disappointment and frustration written clearly on her face. "Bobbie! Greeneyes!" she cheers with everybody else but her shoulder fur brushes against Figfeather's in a knowing gesture. She can never fully understand what it is like to watch a sibling succeed over her, but she can surely empathize with it.

Blazestar’s whiskers twitch with pleasure as first Bobbie, and then Greeneyes, accept his offer. He believes both of the cats will contribute fitfully to his council, and though he is not blind to the critical eye of Orangeblossom, nor the huff that leaves Slate’s nose, the Ragdoll is confident in his choices, as he always is. “Good. You will serve SkyClan well.” He lifts his tail, a gesture for the cheers to lower back down to silence. “I do have one ceremony to perform as well. Storm, please step forward.

The Ragdoll will wait until the young tom has crested the front of the crowd. “Storm, you have chosen to join SkyClan and train to become a warrior. From this day forward, and as you requested, you will be known as Happypaw.” His eyes flick to a pale tabby shape in the crowd. “Your mentor will be Sparrowsong.

As he waits for the two to touch noses, he will continue, “Sparrowsong, you received excellent training from Auburnflame and have shown yourself to be kind and noble. I trust you to pass down all you learned to Happypaw, but don’t hesitate to go to the more senior warriors for help if you feel it’s needed.” He dips his head to the new pair, then raises his voice in a chant: “Happypaw! Happypaw!

[ ceremonies: @sparrowsong! @HAPPYPAW

activity shoutouts go to all you lovelies:

@orangeblossom @DAWNGLARE @Fireflypaw @SILVERSMOKE @SLATE @TWITCHBOLT @GREENEYES @bobbie @DUSKPOOL @FIGFEATHER @Coyotecrest @Dogbite @Drizzlepelt @LUX @edenpaw ?! @LITTLEPAW! @Howlfire

thank you so much for your continued activity! it definitely is being seen and recognized :3 ]

, ”
  • Love

Even if it was during a confusing and tumultuous time in their life, Sparrowsong remembered their apprentice naming well. It simultaneously felt like a lifetime ago, and yet not that long at all. Had it really been seven moons ago?

The brown tabby still has a small smile on their maw as their gray eyes turn to the tom as he is called forward. Both of them were much older than the young age of four moons that a kit would typically be named at. Even so, it hadn't bothered them, and they hoped it wouldn't bother him either.

Storm is dubbed as Happypaw, and his mentor is... them.

Sparrowsong's heart jumps in their chest, sitting up straighter as a wide stare turns up to Blazestar. They would- an apprentice? They would be training an apprentice? The pointed tom praises them while all eyes rest upon the two of them, and they duck their head sheepishly in a nod. "I'll do my best," they said, soft voice perhaps lost among the rising cheers. "Thank you!"

Then, after a moment's pause and a realization that made them jolt to their paws, the small tabby trotted over to Happypaw and reached up to touch their nose to his. "We can talk after the meeting," they murmured to him, and sat down beside him.



Fantasplash brushes up against her upon seeing Figfeather’s discomfort. Figfeather looks at her embarrassed but appreciative and takes a few deep breaths.

Blazestar continues the announcements and calls forth Storm, a new feline who has chosen to become a warrior of SkyClan. Blazestar names them Happypaw and calls forth Sparrowsong to teach them the ways of the clan, Figfeather’s eyes flash with surprise. It might be expected for her to be jealous- and yeah, of course she was! She couldn’t help but feel a little more pride, she was so happy that her friend had found such a strong place in the clan. ”Happypaw! Sparrowsong!” She calls, grateful for the easier to swallow announcement.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Storm gathers with the others for the meeting and his voice joins the chorus of chants for Greeneyes and Bobbie - both newly appointed leads. He does not know them well, but he is certain he will get to know them soon enough. The black and white tom is already starting to get to know more and more SkyClanners with each passing day. It feels nice to belong.

Speaking of belonging, the leader then changes gears and announces an apprentice ceremony. Storm's apprentice ceremony! He knew it was most likely coming given his earlier discussion with the fiery ragdoll over names and what it would mean to become a warrior. But actually receiving his new name (and what a joy it was to shed his old one!) and being assigned a mentor made the tom's heart leap into his throat and a wide smile crest his maw. Happypaw moves to touch his nose to Sparrowsong's and nods in understanding to what the brown tabby had recommended. They could get to know each other more after the meeting. "Thank you! I look forward to learning all I can from you," Happypaw purrs as he takes his seat once more whilst others chant his name.