pafp add stripes to increase speed ⚘ hunting

The hunting patrol was going poorly, he could almost feel the aggravation from the other cats there and among them Silversmoke who often times seemed more stressed than he would expect a cat in such a calm clan to be. Then again he supposed his more laidback demeanor stemmed from escaping WindClan and finding what was essentially its exact opposite. Dandelion had no real concerns to cloud his mind, he was no figure of authority like the silver tom was nor did he have family present in the clan; but the disappearance of his new friends had been quite the wakeup call. Maybe he understood the concerns now more than ever so when a squirrel slipped from the grasp of an apprentice's clumsy dive and went running he did not hesitate to bolt after it.
SkyClan was skilled in climbing, something he was still learning and while he had gotten the hang of it he would not be at the same level as them for some time; a lot of practice and work would need to go into perfecting his methods to adapt to his new clans hunting and tracking style but what he did bring to the table was his old habits. Even before WindClan, as a young barn cat, he liked to race across the moors-the wind whipping past him and his paws gradually touching the ground less and less frequently as he dashed madly into the distance. He was always a fast cat, WindClan merely made tempered him, made him quicker, taught him to manuever with skill and turn at a moment's notice.
So when he charged after the squirrel and it skirted suddenly, veering to the right to evade him, he turned as well. His hard rush forward into the tree shifted and his entire body whipped to the side, to shift his weight to successfully pivot his hindquarters slung out first and then he leaned in hard to catch himself for the turn; his paws all briefly in the air for a split second to kick off the tree for traction as he shot forward after the prey.
The squirrel had just touched a tree by the time he caught up and Dandelionwish slammed into it before it could start to ascend, kicking himself off the trunk to land back down with the limp red vermin hanging from his teeth and his shoulders heaving as he caught his breath. As he dropped it to gasp for some air he spotted Silversmoke catching up and smiled, a low chuckle escaping him between wheezes.
" the squirrel. Give me a second and we can...keep going."


The spotted tabby's fur was caught in a near-permanent bristle the longer the hunting patrol went on. His cheek was still sore from the puncture of a jay's beak and, with empty paws, his backward swiveled ears seemed to be out of shame rather than anger. Ghosting Dandelionwish, once the failures had begun to take a toll, hadn't been the silver tom's intention, all the same, he found himself tracing the same paths the point took. Moons had passed and Dandelionwish's place in SkyClan was still uncertain to the Lead Warrior - he'd played some responsibility in the raid, time may have healed his peer's wounds but Silversmoke was certain that only vengeance would satiate his. Except, Dandelionwish was paying off that debt day after day anyways, and with his loyalty to WindClan shattered, there was naught that could be taken that would offer the same sting. It was an odd purgatory Silversmoke found himself in and so, despite his stalking and occasional sharp nod, he was silent, undecided on how best to handle his relationship to Dandelionwish going forwards.

The point cat seemed to notice something he didn't and, when he disappeared into the brush to chase after it, the tom lagged behind, almost disregarding the apprentice who'd failed the hunt to begin with. He'd never considered himself a slow cat, but, face-to-face with a WindClan, it was like he had bones made of lead. A russet shape caught the corner of his vision and Silversmoke whipped his head around, teeth bared at the fleeing squirrel. Then, Dandelionwish turned in the blink of an eye, and Silversmoke's eyes widened exponentially. "What the—" He'd never gotten to learn WindClan's true strengths, his battle with their Lead Warrior short and uninspiring. It felt as if he had just witnessed a hidden technique, a way of moving that the larger bodies of SkyClan would've never considered. Silversmoke barely registered Dandelion's catch. His mouth hung open as he looked the former Medicine Cat over, his tail lashing with an irritation that he had to remind himself to feel at that moment. He stormed forwards, tone equal parts accusatory and curious, wanting to learn more, fearing what it would mean to learn more from one who'd once put his home in terrible danger. "How did you do that?" He didn't know if he demanded it or asked it, his awe blinding him to his own emotions.

Rush was doing his best to catch something, but like the rest of the patrol, he was having no luck. He wasn't losing hope though, as long as he had energy, he could still hunt! He'd catch something eventually, for sure!

Everything happened before him so fast. The fumbling apprentice, the fleeing squirrel, and Dandelionwish bolting after it with the speed of the wind itself. Before he knew it, Dandelionwish had caught the squirrel.

"Wow, that was incredible! Nice job!" He said, striding over. He wondered if he could pull that off.

He didn't understand why Silversmoke seemed so miffed. He would have to pay attention for context clues. He thought Dandelionwish was okay, even if if he talked funny. What was a yeehaw.
.anger makes you stupid ———


——— stupid gets you killed.
———————— ————————
DUSKPOOL, AS USUAL, WAS A WALKING SHADOW AMONGST HIS PEERS, staring ominously as they remained empty-pawed until Dandelion zipped forward without prompt, returning later with a squirrel hanging from his maw. Huh. “Not bad, dandy.” He called out, darkened lips curled in a half-hearted grin, agreeing with Rushwind.

It seems Dandelion was the only one with enough luck to catch something. Of course, he expected nothing from the ex-WindClanner, knowing well enough they’re quick little things. Molten copper hues flickered to Silversmoke, swallowing down the comment with an inaudible snort, shaking his helm. Never underestimate anyone, eh, Silver? He thought.

thoughts speech

A horrid curse upon the patrol was Mallowlark, though the black-footed wraith was ever-unaware. For all of his shortcomings in socialising, his incessant and involuntary cackling, the tom held within him a fair amount of talent for tracking. Though his size was considerably larger than an average moor-dweller, his speed was not lacking; but, his best use when hunting was locating the prey rather than giving chase to it. And here- here, they did not bother chasing! They snuck and leaps, for their presence was not as flighty and kicking than the sort that burrowed beneath the moors... a different culture, but one Mallowlark was beginning to grow accustomed to.

He was distracted by a stale scent elsewhere when he heard Dandelionwish bolt forward- immediately, his head snapped owlishly to attention, a quick movement that looked almost as if it might have snapped his neck in its fervour. As soon as he saw the squirrel hanging from the brown tom's maw- and, to make it all so much sweeter, the dumbfounded look of awe upon the usually-serious Silversmoke's face- a loud laugh burst from Mallowlark's chest, hearty and shrill. "HAH!" That was the cat he'd seen slip from Sootstar's grasping grip! His skills were as sharp as ever, it seemed."You sure hah-haven't lost it!"


Quill was already annoyed at having missed the bird he'd been after, but he was made doubly so upon witnessing Dandelions successful catch. Under any other circumstances seeing a clanmate succeed wouldn't have bothered him, but the way the other had done it had been so clearly Windclan that it made his far bristle in distaste.

His emotions toward Dandelion were mixed at best, the other tom not having caused any trouble for them so far, but also having done nothing to truly prove their loyalty. Quillstrike was very much aware of the fact that they, much like Mallowlark, were only here because of circumstance. Had Mallow not fallen in love with their healer, had Dandelion not not pissed off Sootstar, they both would be on the moors right that very second.

Skyclan would always be their second choice, something they were forced into taking; for the sake of a mate, or for the sake of freedom.

The chimera said nothing from his place in the trees, simply turned and stalked off to continue his hunt.

OOC/ out! Ic opinions only, I love Dandy <3

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.