It had taken time to drag Sunstride from the murk of his thoughts. Apathy and aching consumed him like monstrous teeth beneath his hide. There was no shaking the rot that spread to his core. Perhaps he would linger there forever, small and insignificant beneath the heating moorland sun– perhaps he would spend the remainder of his life there, drowning in his own heart. It would be a fitting end to his troubles. Then again, there were not many that would agree. As certain as the warrior may be of his own worth, not all in WindClan agreed. And he loved them dearly for it. Those prodding paws and concerned hearts had been enough to pull him from his mourning discontent, and though he is still off-kilter within the depths of WindClan, it is easier to push past when his mind may wrap itself around another thing.

He had pulled Adderpaw from his nest early in the morning, and was silent on the trek outside of camp. Morning was a peaceful time of day. When he was not asleep at the oddest hours of the night, it was even enjoyable to wake at such times. The breeze was still cool across his fur, and the glowing colors of the horizon painted their grasses. Without the chattering of a patrol or the silence of company abandoned, Sunstride has found a perfect balance to recover from all that he had lost to himself these past few days. It was as good a time as any to follow through his promise. Adderpaw was a formidable opponent, even in his young age; he deserved to have his curiosity sated. Hopefully this would not be too difficult to master.

At a corner of their territory where the grass is short, yet not without the height to tickle paws, the lead warrior stops and turns to face the younger feline. His gaze is not cold, yet the warmth is as distant as the dawn. Still, he smiles. Not quite yet himself. "Are you ready to learn what I had promised you? Perhaps you will show your siblings, the next time you spar."

  • ooc:
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. thirty-eight moons old. lead warrior of windclan + former rogue.
    —— gay, but somewhat closeted. will not be open about his interests.  single, will be so.
    —— seems comparatively stranger than who he was some moons ago, serious and cool.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"
Life doesn't discriminate
It did not take long to shake the initial grogginess felt from rising so early. With a stretch of sleepy limbs and a parting maw to release a yawn he watches Sunstride lead the way outside their camp. Gathering himself he lopes to the older tom's side, hellfire eyes sweeping over his mentor with analytic intent. He'd kept a close eye on him for a while now, noting the subtle change in attitude and tracking its slow progression back to normalcy. Sunstride might not have been completely whole, but at least there was some progression. A huff flows from his nostrils as he pads forth, dew laden grass coating the wavy fur of his pelt. Their journey ends at a place where the meadow is particularly short under paw.

Adderpaw's ears twitch at the lack of warmth that usually accompanies his mentor's gaze, eyes narrowing at the half hearted smile. "Yeah, I'm ready." Although he vowed to himself that he wouldn't show his siblings anything. Especially after the underhanded stunt his brother pulled during their spar. Besides, he wouldn't want them to try to use anything he'd taught them against him one day.

Bicolored paws test the footing of their makeshift area briefly before focusing on the burnished tom standing across from him. Adderpaw's head lowers to a degree, maw twisting as he debates whether or not he should speak any further. He couldn't just leave the lead warrior to wallow in whatever was plaguing him, could he? A heartbeat later he sighs, lashing his tail behind him as he lifts his head again, foregoing his readiness in order to speak. "Something is bothering you. I can't tell what it is, but I've been watching and you're not the same." Adderpaw grumbles, the bridge of his nose wrinkling in hindsight. The delivery of his concern was terrible, but hopefully Sunstride would not meditate on it too long. Though irritation bathed his features, his eyes clearly begged to know what haunted the tom.
Between the sinners and the saints