admiration, recognition, confirmation, all I ever wished for! // tornado


Dec 1, 2022
Honestly, she's not sure why she offered for Tornadokit, now the apprentice she always wanted to be, to learn from her that day. She knew she was a lackluster apprentice compared to her peers, a catchless to-be warrior who could barely fight off a falling branch let alone a rat or another cat. Perhaps she had felt that she could hide behind the accomplishments of her siblings instead. Its honestly pitiful, but it made Tornadopaw happy at the time, so it was worth it. Lilac got exactly the reactions she wanted.

Currently she was picking at the bonefilled excuse for a meal she'd grabbed from the fresh kill pile, having seemingly picked the poor prey on purpose over the more appealing ones left behind by the queens and elders.

If you don't like me, that's your problem
Tornadopaw was completely unaware of how Lilacpaw viewed herself. In her opinion the older apprentice had won the shadowclan jackpot. Not only was her family full of prestige for carrying not one but two leaders, but she was pretty to top it all off. The girl carried a grace Tornado could only dream she had and she envied her for it. How nice it must be to be the leader's sister, to have special privileges simply based on relation alone while she had to crawl and scratch her way to the top. Jealous she may have been, but she did not hold it against the rosette molly. Even she knew that no one had a choice over what kind of family they are born into. "At this rate it looks like even the prey is starving." The brutish femme voices gruffly, looking down at the boney piece of prey settled between Lilac's paws. Carefully she settles back onto her haunches, belly aching for food as she glances toward the exit of camp. If only prey had not been so scarce. "Catch that yourself?"
When I let it bother me, that's my problem