but he never really quit, he'd just say he did
Sep 4, 2023
He hadn't been there when Harmony first joined, so he didn't quite have that much if a connection with the younger chimera. That is, until Orangestar assigned Harmony to shadow him which meant that he was in charge of them while they proved themselves to the clan and got used to clan life and all that jazz. He wouldn't say he isn't grateful for the chance to teach someone the ropes of good ol' Skyclan clan life, but he couldn't help but think that there were others more capable. Maybe it's 'cause I don't have any apprentice? Everyone else like Slate and all them higher ups have apprentices already. Well... Bobbie's expectin', so I doubt Orangestar wants to have Harmony here shadowing her. Whatever the case, Harmony is going to have to deal with it. Him that is. The chimera will come to find that Bettleback is quite different from the usual warriors within the clan, given that he is much more carefree and playful. If you were to put him beside Slate, you would instinctively point towards Slate to be a warrior than him. Even though they were both warriors (let's just forget that Slate is technically a higher rank than him for a second).

Blue paws tread to the east, humming a song of sorts. Finally, after a couple of songs they've made it to the Rockpile where he turns to Harmony. "This right here is the Rockpile." He motions to the... Pile of rocks before looking back with a deadpanned expression, "I know, it's pretty obvious. We coulda called it Pile of Rocks, but I didn't name it. Anyway, this is where you are gonna be the most! This is the warrior hangout spot after all. When... We aren't working that is." With a crooked smile and a skip in his step towards one of the rocks, he motions with his tail for Harmony to follow. "Not sure how your climbing skills are Harmy, but Rockpile is a good hunting spot too! Popular for hunting mice! Say, do ya like a nice mouse?" Everyone's got a favorite. When I look at you though, I feel like ya don't care for something specific. Food is food type of cat. Never know, you could say something wild like a snake or something.

// @harmony. beetle's showing harmony around skyclan territory! specifically rockpile atm

So far, anyway, Harmony doesn't really have any particular feelings about him, which could be considered a good start. Actually, the loner didn't seem as though they had any particularly strong feelings about much of anything, at least not any that they made very apparent. The pattern of their fur was quite striking indeed, but they hardly intentionally made themself known; they kept to themself most of the time. Not due to any shyness or fear of the unknown—that much was apparent from the way they carried themself. Whether that carried into their words and attitude otherwise was still unclear. Although their reception into the clan had not been entirely welcomed, if they've been deterred at all, they don't show it. After all, the reality is that regardless of the feelings of others, living in a group is still easier than living alone.

Or that was what the past had told them, anyway. They still had very little clue about what clan life included, exactly—their rules and customs, their daily activities, and so on. They had confidence that they would adjust, but it would take time. Quite a bit of it. That much was certain.

They keep silent as they follow Beetleback, placing their paws carefully and quietly, ears pricked. Just in case. The Rockpile is.. well, about as self-explanatory as the warrior explained. They don't respond at first, but follow when Beetleback beckons them to, edging closer to the rocks. One tufted ear flicks at the nickname, but they don't comment on it. For now, at least. Instead, they focus on taking in the scents and sounds in the area, particularly searching for the mouse scent if they were known to be here.

For now, his question goes unanswered, and they present their own instead. "..What kind of work is it that you do?"

  • speech, thoughts, actions
  • 77721058_M07Hu3DIqUr2fr7.png
  • HARMONY they/them, loner, 14 moons
    LH blue/black chimera with high white and amber-green heterochromia
    ex-member of a loner group
    speaks with a strange lilt; eyes are without highlights and are dull or even dead-looking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by harmoniamessage for discord or find me in the server

Good, you're not making a fuss. It would've been annoying if you were a whiner. However, Harmony proves to be worse than a not whiner. As such Beetleback himself whines, "Mannnn why'd you go and ignore my questions? That's mean Harmy. Don't ya know that hurts my feelings?" As if to play up how hurt Harmony's actions were, he brought a paw to his heart and squeezed the area with a pained expression. However, it was evident the tom was merely joking when not even a second later he perks up and chuffs. Maybe Orangestar should've entrusted Harmony to someone much more serious. Then again, it wasn't like someone was required to be serious to teach another. That's borin', a snooze fest! Make Skyclan enticing! He keeps these thoughts to himself as he tilts his head in confusion. "You mean what kinda work we do? Even though you're shadowing me, it's not like you're doing apprentice stuff. Not entirely anyway. You'll be a warrior after you prove yourself like me!" Unless you're actually a daylight warrior. I didn't actually ask or question it. I mean, you're gonna be one of us in the end anyway.

The blue tabby lays down and finally answers Harmony's inquiry, "The work I do is the work all warrior's do. It changes everyday depending on what I'm assigned, but warriors have to hunt and bring pack prey for the clan. We check our borders and mark them. We patrol around the territory to see if anything strange like a dog is near and warn others. We protect the clan too. And some warriors have apprentices next to 'em. I don't have one and you won't have one for awhile either, but when Orangestar thinks you're ready she's gonna assign you an apprentice to teach. You teach 'em about clan life, how to fight, how to hunt, how to scent prey, basically train your apprentice to become a warrior." For sure it's a mouthful and can sound overwhelming. In truth it is. Warriors are given a multitude of tasks and every day is a challenge to protect and serve Skyclan so that it'll prosper for generations. Should Harmony want to be in this clan, he must know the amount of work goes into it.

After a moment of silence for Harmony to digest what warriors, what he'll do in the future, Beetleback looks with interest towards the younger tom. "Right now, you're my work Harmy. I gotta prepare you for clan life, so that means cramming your noggin with clan knowledge and taking you with me on patrols. There's no better way to get used to clan life other than actually throwin' yourself in it. 'Sides you'll be with me most of the time, so it won't be too bad." Maybe it was already awful. Perhaps Harmony was dreading spending more time with Beetleback than necessary.

Maybe it would've made more sense to place them with someone who was more serious. Then again, if that had been the case, if no one else spoke to them first, the chance that they would've started a conversation is very, very low. They aren't necessarily opposed to speaking, but they're certainly not a conversationalist, and never have been. In their previous role, their job was moreso to listen. Always listen. To information, to instructions, to orders. That, at least, was something that they were good at, and because of that, they had arrived at the idea that they would do well in this sort of group. Following the leader should be a fairly simple task. Although they had been prepared to be a leader themself, they had never had true autonomy in their role. And they should find that now while they're away. Maybe they could, in time.

Beetleback's overexaggeration and animatedness doesn't get a reaction out of them, unfortunately. Their eyes are on him, and then they aren't, gaze slipping back to the stones as they listen to him speak, taking in all of the information that had just been relayed to them. Although it would take time to learn everything necessary to know to perform well under the rules of being in a clan, they did not expect that it would end up being more than they had bargained for. Part of them, though, wondered if they were suited for a life like this one, or if perhaps being alone would be better for them in the long run. Maybe they should've wandered on their own for longer. Maybe that would've given them more of what they needed than this.

By the time they zone back in, they'd been quiet for a little while. The chimera steps away from the rocks, long tail brushing the ground as they move, pausing to take in any nearby scents. They'd have to adjust to the SkyClan scent, that was for certain. "..I will do whatever it takes. I am a quick learner. The strange parts are being around so many unusual cats at once, and that there are customs that I am unaware of. Things that you have all known for a long time. I assume I will learn, but for now I don't understand.."

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