pafp ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME \ nest weaving

It had rained that morning, tears from StarClan itself, but Ferngill liked to think they were happy tears. He had awoken with whiskers abuzz, with memories of the night before eating away at him. Meeting Sablemist with a shiny grin, with overflowing adoration swimming in his verdant eye, his thrill for the day ahead- for the life ahead- was clear. They'd been forced to sleep apart, with no space for the both of them beside each other in the warrior's den, and the ginger tom had made it his primary mission to amend that. With a cheery flick of his tail, he had asked her to spend the morning weaving a new nest together, one that would fit them both.

The rain had passed, and damp scent clung to the air. He cared little for it though, and hardly even noticed it, basking in Sablemist's presence as he would gladly do for the rest of his life. Though... he was conscious that the passing of the clouds would mean more clanmates around. Would mean they'd have to start telling people. Of course, Ferngill wasn't embarrassed- no, he'd shout his love over the gorge given the opportunity- but there was some small twinge in his stomach when he thought of Iciclefang specifically. Would she... would she be happy for him, after all she'd lost?

For now, though, Ferngill was content to dwell on the happier things- the happiest thing, and his silken tail twined gently with his new mate's. He looked positively giddy with honeymoon-phase thrill. "Oh! Should we put flowers in it?" The idea shone in his eye with enthusiasm- she'd like that, right?

\ please wait for @Sablemist !!!
penned by pin
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She could hardly sleep a wink after the lovely event that transpired the night prior. Although blocked from sight, she often found herself tossing quick glances in the direction of Ferngill's nest with a smile coating her lips and that same grin lasted into early morning. When presented with the idea to weave a nest large enough for the two of them the domino furred molly exclaimed her full support. Now as she sat beside her mate, tail twined in his as her paws delicately pressed and folded the creases of their new nest. She was absolutely delighted and beyond smitten but there was still a small nervous bubble resting within the pit of her stomach. Others would wake soon and their questions and curiosity would surely follow. While she was unashamed by their union the thought of drawing attention to themselves had her curling her tail just a little tighter.

A gentle suggestion pulled her from her thoughts, causing her to drink in the charming smile she knew and loved. "That's a lovely idea. Are there any in particular you had in mind?" Sablemist voiced with tangible warmth and endearment. Perhaps a nice splash of orange poppy to compliment Ferngill's fur? "I was also thinking maybe we could put our stones beside each other right here." Lifting a midnight paw she nudged her blue hued rock a little closer towards the front of their partially built nest. Those stones were amongst one of the very first gifts they'd ever given one another and they deserved special placement in her opinion. "What do you think?" She asked after looking back up, curious to hear his input.

As the sound of paws drew closer her ears swiveled in their direction before her eyes met the one now standing before them. "Oh, good morning." Sablemist voiced. Although soft and sheepish there was little hiding the newfound adoration she had for the tom by her side.

≖≖ riverclan warrior / seventeen moons old / she/her ≖≖
Love. He'd never given it much thought. He loved his father, of course, and his siblings—but that was familial love, automatic and unconditional and unrequiring of strange courtships and confessions. He loved his family and they loved him, it was simple, it was easy, he didn't have to say it out loud.

Romantic love was a whole different......thing. He half - remembers his father and Cicadastar with their limbs all tangled up, or gentle nudges to one another, flowery words ( from Cicadastar, mostly ), but that's about it. Little glimpses of the burning, bleeding love his parents had once shared is all he has to hold onto. He can see the way Moonpaw's amber eyes follow his sister across camp, or the generally starry - eyed attitude some of their peers take towards her.

When he watches this, he tastes blood and goes on fishing trips that last until the sun sinks below the horizon, avoiding the pretty faces of his fishing partners.

Beauty is a precursor to love, a requirement ( if you asked Cicadapaw, anyways, though StarClan knows why you'd ask him ). He remembers chiseled features, the way every pair of eyes in a group would inevitably find their way to Cicadastar, so handsome you could hardly stand to look at him. He knows Smokestar's rugged looks and brutish personality, and he recognizes in a detached way—the cold and envious eyes with which he assesses everyone—that someone might find appeal there. Beepaw has at least a couple of admirers, he's certain, and Cricketpaw is his own ugly features made ethereal.

" Oh. Um. " He freezes in his tracks when Sablemist greets him, adoration drenching her tone and her tail twined with Ferngill's ginger one, both of their faces absolutely oozing lovesick sappiness. Confronted by their glowing happiness, he shuffles awkwardly backwards, trying to avoid looking at either of their faces or their half - made nest. " Good morning. Uh, congratulations. I guess. I—uh—" Cicadapaw swallows harshly, scrambling for a way to immediately leave.

" Uh, have you seen Iciclefang? " he manages, immediately cringing at the fumble. She's where she always is, trouthead, in the nursery.

" speech "


Hazecloud's declaration of love for Lichentail, on both occasions, had been quiet moments. Without another cat in sight, dressed in hushed whispers and passing glances. Of course the first round had been kept under tight wraps that they hardly interacted with one another within camp aside from formalities. But when they could get away from prying eyes, sitting together in the meadows they loved as loudly as the empty space would allow.

This time hadn't been very different, though they didn't quite hide it as much. Naturally Hazecloud and Lichentail had developed as private people into adulthood. Keeping none too close to their hearts after such a brutal heartbreak. And given that she had swung between Rookfang and her ,ate now within the span of a day... it wasn't necessary to follow with the dramas of her love life.

Eventually, though, it was Nettlepaw who had been bold enough to say something out loud. The blind tom, searching for Lichentail ended up padding straight into her instead. Lichentail's scent is all over you, he had said. And Dipperfrost, Dipperpaw at the time, was quick to snap the question on if they had become mates. An embarrassing display, and not quite the confession she expected, but she had been proud to say it either way.

It's because of that she can recognize the exchange between Ferngill and Sablemist for what it is. Weaving a bigger nest together, the suggestion of placing their stones beside the other. They had courted, and perhaps it was the duty of wrangling so many kits that made her miss that. Cicadapaw is a bit more dumbfounded as he fumbled into his words and she whisked her tail over her back as she glanced towards the nursery.

"I think she's napping while she has time. She might appreciate a fish, though." Giving the excuse for the boy to scurry away- he didn't look pleasant in the conversation whatsoever. To Ferngill and Sablemist, though, a smile easily finds its way to her maw.

"Iris will be in bloom soon, if you're looking for flowers. Those are my favorites, personally." Hazecloud felt a little twinge, missing the short time she and her mate had shared their own nest together.
*+:。.。 Romance for Asphodelpaw felt more like a chore than anything else. A check box to mark off because that's just something all cats inevitably do, right? Find a mate, have kits, and continue their clan's line. Asphodelpaw looks upon Fergill and Sablemist's joy with a twinge in his chest he couldn't quite name. Love didn't always mean a happy ending, he knew that. Smokestar, Iciclefang, and even his parents. Sometimes you found the right cat, had your kits, and then tragedy. Or you have the kits and skip the mating part, raising them with the help of your clan instead of a loyal secondhand. Perhaps he didn't need to follow that path then - just continue living with his focus solely on bettering himself until he earns his dream spot as a Riverclan lead warrior. Sounds easier. Sounds much more peaceful.

Shouldering away his thoughts - as strangely heavy, but not unpleasant as they feel - he pads up curiously to the gathered cats. Icy blue gaze lingers for a moment on Cicadapaw, before he mews, "erm, congrats" Was finding your 'second-half' worthy of congratulations? They did mark off a check box so, yeah, I suppose so. He fumbles for a moment on proper conversational etiquette and blurts out, "Uh - if you need help gathering flowers, I can keep a look-out while out on patrol" not realizing that perhaps the act of gathering nest decoration was meant to be an intimate-only scenario. But he did hope to be helpful- spread the joy and all that. He wasn't particularly friends with either of the cats, but he'd admired Ferngill since he was young. The older warrior's calm temperament was something to be envied, and even for a grouch like Asp he can't help but feel happy to see the young man beaming in the way he was. Sablemist was lucky to have him, and he wished the two a wonderful mateship.

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently

Squirrelspark gave a whisk of her plumed, squirrel-like tail as she padded over to the group of cats. Noticing that Asphodelpaw had become slightly uncomfortable, the warrior turned her gaze over to the younger tom and blinked at him warmly through green eyes. ''I can help, if you'd like,'' She set her tail tip comfortingly on Asphodelpaw's shoulder for a moment before pulling it away. ''Newleaf is here, and I've seen a few daffodils and sunflowers growing around the walls of the camp.''

Tipping her head to the side, Squirrelspark narrowed her eyes slightly as she scanned the edges of the clearing. She suddenly bounded away, later returning with a bundle of daffodils, sunflowers, and azaleas. She set them down at Ferngill and Sablemist's paws'. ''Here you go,'' She purred, padding away and returning to Asphodelpaw's side, giving Cicadapaw and Hazecloud each a nod of acknowledgement.

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( ) just because she doesn't gossip as much anymore doesn't mean the smoke feline hasn't had her eye on some cats. ferngill and sablemist have always been close, even as apprentices they had trained together and nested similarly, if her daughters are to be believed. now in their warriorhood, each adults in their own rights, willowroot has had a feeling something might happen soon. it appears today is the day.

as willowroot raises her head from her nest, verdant gaze blinking with fondness at the sight of the two young lovers, she recalls her own courting with poppysplash. it'd been a dance between distaste and attraction, two rivals who, in the end, couldn't hold back their feelings. it was early in riverclan's history, and they've been happy together ever since. wild to think two cats who had been but kits when willowroot had found poppysplash are now combining their own lives as grown warriors.

a soft purr rumbles from willowroot's throat as she pushes herself up, stretching her limbs as she blinks with fondness at the two. "congratulations," her voice is soft and sincere. "you two are lovely together."

  • // " speak "

  • 70579232_8S53CwfR3WpaY1R.png

    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smokey long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, with friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape. her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.


Love and mates was not something Moonpaw thought about yet. She didn't know of the way she subconsciously watched after Beepaw, seeking out the one she called "friend" every moment she wasn't training or looking after those injured or born into the clan. It wasn't as often as it used to be, but it wasn't never either. She'd not been looking for the monochrome apprentice now but instead had been doing rounds in the camp, keeping herself busy and making sure no one needed her help with anything, just now leaving the elder's den after peeking her head in silently to make sure there was nothing wrong in there only to duck out quickly to avoid waking them up so early.

When she spotten Ferngill and Sablemist the apprentice waved her tail in their direction in greeting, not noticing the way their tails intertwined, the way they sat close to each other, or the way they were weaving a larger nest together stones that they'd gifted to each other displayed out in front of them. It was when others began to speak, as Cicadapaw seemingly couldn't get away fast enough and Asphodelpaw shared congratulations with the two others did Moonpaw notice what could be happening and she offered the two her own smile. She watched as Squirrelspark bound away and quickly came back with her own bundle of flowers. "I saw some nice patches of camellia and iris in the territory if you two would want to pick your own together as well." Perfection and admiration, both pretty flowers as well. She knew that it would probably be more personal if they picked their own as well, but maybe the two didn't care about that, so long as they were together.

Eyes glance over to Hazecloud when she mentions that iris were her favorite and tucked that away in her mind with a small nod to herself only to look to Willowroot as she spoke and this time when Moonpaw nod it was noticeable, a nod in agreement. She hadn't given much thought as to who could potentially becomes mates with who as some others within the clan had done but seeing Fern and Sable together seemed like a perfect fit.

  • --
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    11 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Was love in the air? Was that the phrase she had heard some of the elders murmur to another in cheekish amusement towards the apprentices and warriors that grew closer together? Claypaw, much like Cicadapaw, couldn't imagine it. Couldn't imagine a mate's scent upon her flank, the start of a family. The only family she had ever 'known', and that was a reach, ended in blood. She couldn't stop seeing it. Ears twitched as commotion was aroused, two lovers pressed together.

Claypaw had watched from afar long enough to see others invading. Invading their time. Claypaw had a different to Cicadapaw, perhaps, in the strong way that she had lingered on the thought. She wanted someone to call her own, to defend and love and spoil- it was sickening, nearly, watching cats interrupt what was supposed to be a sweet and intimate moment.

Her throat all but closed as Asphodelpaw and Squirrelspark both suggested helping. Willowroot's statement is lost to her ears as she stared on, heart thudding in her ears. How best to handle this? There was no best way to handle it, but don't tell Claypaw that way. She stood, padding closer for a brief interaction. Stars, don't hold me here long, I might give Asphodel that fight I wanted to moons ago. She bit down on her thoughts and discarded then with a quick clear of her throat.

"Congratulations on your... on becoming mates. Your nest will come out well, as long as you are to select your own flowers." She spoke initially to the two lovebirds, her very pointed statement growing sharp as her eyes migrated towards the two offenders. "After all, it's meant to be theirs alone, not others. They should make it special with their own picks." Vision dropped to the flowers that the offending warrior had collected, before a short breath left her.

Eyes lifted moments later to meet with Moonpaw's- an amicable suggestion. One that told them where it was, gave them an option. Claypaw's head dipped, and with a flick of her tail, she turned, padding off.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: — out unless stopped! also, ic opinions ofc

  • a large, lh chocolate torbie towering, nine moons old, she/her. well-build and muscled. a drypaw. former river colony cat.

We could put our stones beside each other right here. If it was possible, Ferngill's face brightened even more- he looked at Sablemist then as if she had found the solution to every evil deed that had ever been committed, as if she was the sun itself after a long newleaf... to him, those were hardly exaggerations. "I think it's perfect," he purred, nudging his head against her shoulder affectionately.

As he'd predicted though, there wasn't much alone time left to be had- Cicadapaw had wandered over, his face immediately crumpling into an expression of... what Ferngill could only guess was stressed discomfort. Congratulations, he muttered and Ferngill returned a sincere smile, hoping to lessen what had made the apprentice so... off-put. Hazecloud to the rescue, though- he nodded to accentuate her claim. "Yeah, I'm sure she'd like to see you, too." Even if she didn't show it...

He caught Hazecloud's smile, and he offered her one of his own, giddy and dreamy, his tail tightening its hold around Sablemist's ever-so-slightly. Iris. Oh, they'd be perfect... that deep bluish-purple that always reminded him of Sablemist. "Oooh... thanks, Hazecloud!" he chirped, immediately taken with the idea.

Asphodelpaw and Squirrelspark's deeds didn't go unnoticed, but Ferngill politely shook his head. Of course, he was flattered they wanted to help them... but, like Claypaw and Moonpaw murmured, it'd probably be more meaningful to pick their own. Plus- though he wouldn't say it out loud- Sablemist had the best eye for blooms he'd ever witnessed. "Thanks, but- I think we'll be good without help. You should have those," he hummed.

He gave Moonpaw a thankful smile- camellia sounded great- and to Willowroot and Claypaw's soft utterings of congratulations, Ferngill felt his fur prickle with heat, and he dipped his head bashfully. "I'm the luckiest guy in the world," he murmured, sweet sincerety sugaring every word he spoke.
penned by pin
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♡​ why you so obsessed with me ♡​

bronzeshine & 26 moons & female & she/her & riverclan warrior

Bronzeshine had taken her time returning to camp with a large fish in her maw that morning. Upon placing it at the fresh-kill pile she heard some chatter around the warrior's den. The lanky warrior was no stranger to eavesdropping, and naturally, curled up her lip at the topic on paw. Great, now I get to be stuck with that tonight she thought with a lash of her tail.

Thinking back involuntarily at her rather tumultuous relationship she'd had as an elder apprentice and new warrior she cringed inwardly. Hopefully it at least goes better than that,

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —

  • sassy | flirty | proud | vain | irascible

    physically moderate && mentally moderate
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please tag account if attacking