A determined scowl rests on the tabby's face as she glares up the towering trunk. Seasons ago, when she was much younger, she managed to climb this thing all the way to the top. It's not like she'd planned it. In fact, it had been entirely on accident! A young Stormypaw at the time, she'd been too caught up in a race with another apprentice that she hadn't even realized she'd reached the top until she had no more tree to climb! That legacy follows her to this day, one she carries with pride and a story she'll always be happy to tell. But the only thing is...she hasn't repeated the feat since. It's not like she hasn't tried, either. It's just...hard. Her legs give out before she can ever reach the top again, the exhaustion beating her.

Today is the day she'll do it again, though. She knows it! She needs the distraction...with Fallowpaw in the medicine den, and all. What else is she supposed to fill her day with if she's not training that furball? Maybe when she's done with this, she can bring her a squirrel or something - something fresh.

This is for you, kid! She thinks before wiggling her haunches and leaping upwards, sinking ivory claws into thick bark.

// it can be assumed she's attempted to repeat this feat several times!! to no avail :(
  • Sad
Reactions: SATURNID
જ➶ Another heated day finds the tom slinking along the undergrowth, ears pulled forward as the blue point attempts to keep track of a vole he spotted close by the great sycamore tree. The sounds of its scurrying is loud and he finds himself honing in when he notices a different sound. One that makes him pause and with the vole out of his mind he raises his head up and tilts it slightly. It sounds like the scrabbling of claws, the tearing of wood and bark before it stops and then happens all over again. The warrior is confused that much for sure and he starts to make his way around the large tree. "Hello?" Large paws press against the ground as he rounds the trunk to see Stormywing take a sudden leap and cling to the trunk of the tree. "Um...Stormywing, what exactly are you trying to do?"

Of course just by looking it should he obvious. The other is attempting to climb the tree and with as many claw marks that are in the wood he can guess that she has been at this for a good while. "Maybe you should take a break and rest a bit. The tree isn't going anywhere. " Icy blues glance to the tree for a moment before looking back to his fellow warrior.
Every cat knows the story about Stormywing scaling the Great Sycamore during her apprenticeship, but Redflower has always maintained a healthy skepticism toward the tale. She's never seen anyone climb the massive tree, and, after all, Stormywing can hardly manage it now! She slips, claws dragging down the length of the bark, and mutters something under her breath.

Redflower smirks, then glances at Bluestride. "She's trying to do the impossible," the tortoiseshell remarks airily. "Everyone knows kittypets can barely climb a fence, much less a tree of this size." Her challenging words come out calmly enough, but the look in her eyes dares Stormywing to do anything about her words.

  • ooc:
  • Redkit . Redpaw . Redflower, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 14 moons old, ages realistically on the 15th.
    — mentored by NPC ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — thunderclan warrior. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh tortoiseshell with low white and pale yellow eyes. bright, spiteful, impressionable.

Stormywing tears into the bark, her heart racing with adrenaline as she pulls herself higher. The sound of her claws scraping against wood is a favorite of hers. It makes her feel free, unbound to the ground that some cats choose to stay on. Golden eyes narrow with determination and she prepares to continue when a voice breaks through her focus. She pauses, clinging to the rough tree and glancing down to see Bluestride. "Oh, hey!" She calls, her voice bright despite her exertion. Briefly, she scrambles quickly onto a branch and leans down to see her clanmate better. “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m getting to the top this time!” Her eyes shine as a confident smirk finds her face. Looking down at him, the tabby scoffs and tosses her head back. “A break?! Psh! I can't do that! I’ve got a reputation to uphold!” With renewed energy, she launches herself higher, her paws finding purchase on another sturdy branch.

Stormywing pauses again, though, when Redflower’s taunt reaches her. Ears twitching in annoyance, she turns a glare downward as anger ignites itself in her chest. "Oh, really?" she calls down, her voice grating. “Impossible? Ha! Look, kid, you probably were too young to remember, but I’ve scaled this thing before and I’ll do it again!” She’s getting heated, she knows it. She’s lost her focus and she finds herself growing unsteady on the branch. Her tail lashes wildly as she tries to regain her balance but to no avail, and she finds herself slipping off the branch and unable to catch herself. “Woah, woah!” The she-cat yowls, claws scrabbling at anything they can gain purchase on. It’s enough to slow her fall, but not much else. She lands at the base of the tree with an oof, rump in the air and dust covering her pelt.


✦˖°. — A soft tch from the dark furred warrior as he approaches with both of his ears perked and he manages to keep in laughter as he watches Stormywing plummet after declaring that she could complete the feat of scaling the Great Sycamore once more. "It seems you didn't succeed." He says rather plainly as his slender tail sweeps behind him as his molten gaze stares at her for a few heartbeats "Instead of wasting your time and causing such a ruckus, perhaps, you could help in bringing prey back. That will fill the bellies of the queens and kits over this." Saffronpounce motions to the tree and the ridiculous sight of Stormywing's rump in the air with dust covering her blue and white tabbied pelt. His eyes narrow for a heartbeat then turns to Redflower with a curt nod of his helm.

"You'd think after going on the journey that your skills would've improved." The lynx point begins coolly uncaring of the unkind words that have formed in his mind and slip out from his throat, "I suppose it doesn't apply to everyone... A shame really." Many of the cats that had embarked on the journey had returned and received a lot of recognition, they had become lead warriors or more but Stormywing... She had remained the same and Howlingstar had the right mind in not promoting the former kittypet. Saffronpounce still can recall when Stormywing had been wailing in the warriors den moons prior all over some silly rock if he can recall. "Perhaps, you'll do better in skipping stones... You still have that little rock don't you?" A small grin spreads across his maw though he decides not to linger as he chooses to go back to hunting, he had said what had been on his mind.

ooc - out </3


    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ CLIMBING
  • lVFCrdC.png
    a longhaired seal lynx sepia w/golden eyes and low white
    afab trans masc ; goes by he/they pronouns
    saffron's not a very friendly cat, has low tolerance, and no space for mistakes. he has a distaste for kittypets, both within his clan and outside of it, and he isn't shy to show it. all his opinions are IC only.
    27 moons old; ages the 21st of every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; currently interested butterflyskip
    currently mentoring briarpaw / relies on his swiftness, small size, and stealth to overcome an enemy
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
  • Angry