camp after dark — late night [ pafp ]

to be reborn , you have to die first .
A night back in the warrior’s den, unfamiliar, but a gradual comfort for the insomniac tom, giving up his duties as a caregiver, and now braving tasks of a warrior, surrounded by breathing bodies, a lonely figure sat hunched over, smoothing rumpled fur down with a rough lick.

He sighed tiredly, venturing outside into the less humid air, no longer surrounded by the living but the great yawn of the night, noting a familiar figure, Spiderlily huffed out a tired laugh, morbidly amused at yet another meeting, familiar, yet completely different. “It seems we had similar ideas.” He murmured, settling some lengths away from the fiery tom, pinkish hues settling on the great expanse of stars laid out before them.

His mind remained unsettled, churning like sour milk, breath coming in short, shuddered puffs in the chilly air, fur awkwardly licked yet the bush of fur remained rumpled—-another sleepless night, another nightmare that made him want to gouge his eyes out. Couldn’t death come quicker? A life of stars didn’t seem so bad when friends awaited your presence—death was easier to swallow than the cruel grasp of life, oh, how his thoughts would have gotten him a few raised eyebrows.

He snorted quietly to himself, amused, tiredness weighing heavily on a sleepless mind, pinkish hues sliding toward Wildheart with a peculiar expression against a sea of black-and-white. “Care to let out your woes?”

/ please wait for @WILDHEART
thought speech
The flash of teeth. The fear in the eyes of his clanmates. The pain of having a part of himself torn away.
Again and again it played out in his mind, disturbing his sleep and causing him to wander out into the night air to sit alone in order to decompress. Again he found himself longing to lose himself in the pelt of his former friend, but all he had was the lonely nothingness. There wasn't anyone else he could lean into for grounding and support, he didn't trust anyone else with his deepest feelings.

The voice that reached his ears had him jump slightly with surprise, though he didn't initially turn to look at Spiderlily. A low grunt of greeting escaped him as he rooted himself to the ground a little more with a wiggle of his rump. He refused to move away from his current brooding spot, though he knew that any form of silence was soon going to irritate him. When Spiderlily invited him to share his woes he couldn't help but chuckle in amusement. "Heh! Didn't I already say that I won't share unless you do the same?"

The tom was fully prepared to sit in silence again as part of a battle of wills, but the idea held a strange unpleasantness too. Lately he had begun to show a change in himself through taking the first steps to... well, reach out to his peers. It seemed to be a trait that was beginning to stick. "I keep finding myself back there again... with the dogs." He confessed as he slowly turned his head so he could look at the other at long last. There was tiredness in his amber gaze, a weariness that had been building over the course of far too many nights.