Part of him had expected that the moment Orangestar turned her back, ThunderClan would be binding leaf and honey across his eyes to protect their precious path to camp, but he's quite blessed in the end, to have the pleasure of watching her retreat into the wood. With stiff shoulders, he had turned to ThunderClan. With stiff shoulders— but eyes wide to the world— he had treaded toward their camp.

The trees were even more sickly here. When Leaf - fall came, Dawnglare never envied the mess at their borders, but as the leaves on their trees rotted, they only grew more and more appealing. If only he could hook one on the brink of death. It could serve a welcome reminder for how they could look all of the time, if they so pleased... But instead, they adorn themselves in this putrid green color, swaying delightedly along their branches as if they'd never fallen in the first place. No... Dawnglare could never live in a place like this. If he ever trodded too closesly to Gentlestorm or his peers, it was only out of disdain for what sat outside that circle.

The tunnel that seperated their camp from the outside world was nearly a crude replica of SkyClan's own, all gorse and brambles that scrapped unceremoniously against your pelt, if you were not used to the shape of it. He follows the best he can. He tries to imagine what a young Blaise had imagined. This is where he had wanted to be, wasn't it? Did he picture sprawling walls, prey piled high, nests lined with feathers? Oh! What wonders await him, an aspiring ThunderClanner, a starry eyed clan cat?

Grass and stumps, is all it is. The disappointment is perhaps, the same as it had been his first day in SkyClan. Pale paws rooted into new earth, he utters his first word with narrowed eyes. " Ugh. "

// OOC: AMERICA YA!!!!! THIS IS BACKWRITTEN i should say. before a certain lead warrior went to go steal from his house tf ???? with @HOWLINGSTAR @GENTLESTORM and @/nightbird
She is still not over the surprise she first felt at the generous offer. The cautious part of her wonders if somewhere there is a catch, but she shoves the thought away, wanting to continue trusting Orangestar and SkyClan the way she always has. As she leads the way back to camp, she casts glances over her shoulder at the odd medicine cat, noting the look of disdain and - dare she say - disgust that plagues his expression. Her ears flick and the corners of her mouth drift up in amusement before she arrives at the bramble tunnel. “Just through here.”

Upon entering their home, many eyes fall on the stranger in their midst, paws carrying clanmates closer to investigate. Dawnglare says nothing but a quick word of clear detestation, which earns a swift glance and a decision that she would introduce him if he will not do so for himself. Stifling a sigh, she takes a step forward and addresses the clan with a lifted chin. “ThunderClan, many of you should know of Dawnglare, medicine cat of SkyClan. He has been working with Gentlestorm to teach him after Berryheart joined StarClan.” It still doesn’t feel real to say, even all of these moons later. “He and Orangestar have offered something very generous - to speed up Gentlestorm’s training, Dawnglare will be staying here with us for just a little while. I expect everyone to treat him with the utmost respect during his stay. He is here to help us.” She knows some of her clanmates won’t be thrilled about this news, but Howlingstar must think of the big picture here. They need a medicine cat that is fully trained. ThunderClan can only stand to benefit from this.
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the bordering oak forest has seen better days. overrun with kits, lowered warrior numbers… so on. arguably, the worst issue is their healer’s training— the clan had been lucky that gentlestorm’s half-done training wasn’t causing problems yet. anyone that’s gotten injured is minimal at best (or, cynically speaking, already dead). it seemed as though nothing would be done about it, gentlestorm is a capable healer despite the hurdles. no one would’ve suspected a temporary visitor. especially not one of skyclan’s medicine cats.

if leafhusk had to describe how she felt about dawnglare, she’d be unsure for a few moments. a few moons ago, she saw him while on the quick herb patrol for the late berryheart. he handed over the catmint over with no fuss, a chivalrous action that didn’t need to be no-strings attached, so he was generous… a strange air to him as well, possibly.

the look of disgust isn’t lost on her, but she pretends to ignore it as she approaches with her curious clanmates. while howlingstar explains the situation, leafhusk glances around at her clanmates, wondering how everyone felt about it. she saw the benefit in this, personally, although can’t help but feel itchy at the idea of a skyclanner witnessing how they are day to day. they’ve had good luck with their pine neighbors, so this shouldn’t end with a knife in someone’s back.

"welcome to thunderclan, dawnglare, we appreciate your help during this time. i hope our oak trees aren’t that different than the ones next door," she greets with a respectable dip of her head.​
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So let's pretend we like each other

There was one thing being friendly with kitty-pets, and then there was another by letting them into their camp and allowing their putrid blood muck their camp. Of course, Yewflame disaste went further than that, he had a dislike for any outsiders where their blood did not run pure with Thunderclan's own. So upon the return of Howlingstar bringing in this... guest, she couldn't help but frown at this. Sure, Gentlestorm needed the training. They were overrun with kits and the worry that one could get sick or injured and them not having the right cure for it was a concern. Yet, the bigger concern was. Could they truly afford to allow a stranger and complete outsider into their home?

Skyclan was impure, allowing kitty-pets run rampant amongst their kind and now... one dare be allowed inside their camp? Sure, he can help their precious medicine cat all he wanted but that did not mean Yewflame liked the idea of his own presence. Blue and brown gaze flicked onto Dawnglare with a burning look of fire within them, a look of apparent disgust on his face while his plumed tail swished side to side with clear irritation. How could Howlingstar allow this? Had she grown soft?

Her gaze flicked onto Leafhusk, the newly named Lead-warrior and a forced breath of air came through the young warrior's nose. "Very generous that your...kind would share you with us, Dawnglare. Hope your visit here just flies on by" false kindness ran through their words as she tried to force a smile on her lips to hide their very apparent distaste.

IC OPINIONS, Yews a little hater sorry ))
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*+:。.。 "Yeah! So super-duper kind!" Wrathpaw would pipe up, innocently twisting Yewflame's words with a sincere smile. The boy, still new to the world outside the nursery, didn't quite understand why the big tom was here, but it was cool nonetheless to have a stranger in his home's midst! He didn't look particularly happy about it, though, with his prominent frown and upturned nose. Then again, everyone was so much taller than Wrathkit, they all kinda of looked like they were sniffing disdainfully from his angle!

    DMAB— He/Him
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovepaw, Joypaw, Gigglepaw
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #191961
    injuries: None currently

if she was being honest, Softpaw had always found medicine cats strange in an interesting sort of way. Gentlestorm was a presence that couldn't be ignored in ThunderClan, and he was the only medicine cat that Softpaw had ever known, with Berryheart having passed before she could remember. Gentlestorm emitted a kindness that Softpaw could only hope to one day replicate, but that same kindness wasn't there - or rather, it was different - on Dawnglare.

Holding her tongue, knowing that it was no place for an apprentice to speak out on Dawnglare's arrival despite Wrathpaw's outburst agreement with Yewflame, Softpaw simply dips her head low in respect to the SkyClan medicine cat. It would be strange, having another one around, though Softpaw knew that sooner or later Gentlestorm would take on an apprentice - and with Dawnglare's arrival to help in his training, perhaps it would be sooner that Gentlestorm would be looking for an apprentice. Softpaw couldn't deny the knot of interest in her stomach at the thought.

And yet, wouldn't SkyClan miss their medicine cat? She knew that aside from Dawnglare the kittypet-Clan had Fireflypaw, but wasn't he still an apprentice? Apparently he was trusted enough with his skill to leave in his care the Clan while Dawnglare was away training Gentlestorm. The thought of gentlestorm leaving ThunderClan to tend to another Clan's medicine cat was one that Softpaw wasn't fond of - she much preferred that the large tom stay where he was at home, there to help their Clanmates as he was needed.


He likes Gentlestorm the medicine cat was always so kind and fun so Tornadopaw wonders if this new stranger; this guest from Skyclan would be similar. Were all medicine cats similar? Well this one knew more according to Howlingstar and would be passing his knowledge down which was nice, he's sure the whole clan would get to know him in time. Tornadopaw as nosey as he was would certainly make sure he got a chance to talk to the pretty tom. He stares curiously from where he stands at the side of his fellow apprentices Wrathpaw and Softpaw. Dawnglare was the first cat of any of the other clans he'd ever seen, and he wonders if all Skyclanners had the same lusciousness to their pelts or were as large. He'd always figured Thunderclan would have the strongest, largest cats in the forest because obviously they would! They were the best, but Dawnglare is a medicine cat so that must mean that Skyclan's warriors must be even bigger.

He can't be certain till he goes to his first gathering and oh starclan can he not wait for that! Figuring he had the okay to greet him since his clanmates already began too he calls out, his meow is loud because Tornadopaw is one always loud and two he WANTS to be heard! " Nice to meet you Dawnglare, I'm Tornadopaw! If you need help finding leafs or picking ticks off your back I'm always happy to help!" it's always kind and generous to offer. With fur as long as his he figures that like some of the elders ticks would they'd find it very easy to hide in! Tornadopaw was great at rooting them out, it was one of the grosser apprentice duties but whatever gave him brownie points he was down for.

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"hi! im orangepaw! you're pretty! he's pretty!"

orangepaw hopped over, smiling widely at the medicine cat, teeth glimmering as his tail swayed back and forth.

"he's gonna help mister gentlestorm? cool! hi again mister dawnglare! i like you! and your name! my mom probably is gonna think you're suuuuper cool, you know!"

gently, he moved to bump his head against the other medicine cat, giggling as he fell back onto his rear end with a soft grunt.

"you're pretty big, too! my mom is big! well, bigger than me! and bigger than a mouse, hehe! okay! bye!"

he turned on his paws, and skipped off, doing his best not to fall as he did. he hopes that mister dawnglare would have fun here. he deserves that much, at least.

//in and out !


'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — The pale furred tom walks alongside Howlingstar and their esteemed guest, Dawnglare, only to flick his ear to the side noting the looks of disgust and discontentment that rose in the other medicine cat's face. Gentlestorm could respect that small aspect of the other that he's unafraid to express himself yet he isn't sure how the youth would take to that. The ugh uttered by the visiting Skyclanner is enough for the large tom to glance over in the direction of Howlingstar as she introduces their visitor to their gathering clanmates, he straightens his posture in the slightest. Several of their clanmates arrive to greet and welcome Dawnglare, the words uttered by Yewflame earns a frown from him and his eyebrows knot together as a stern expression crosses his face.

A silent warning before he turns his attention to the rest of those that have gathered, his smile returning when Tornadopaw offers to help finding leaves and picking ticks off of Dawnglare. It's enough for a warm chuckle to slip from his throat and his ears angle forward when Orangepaw hops over with the biggest grin on the red tabby tom's face. The newly made apprentice skips off and Gentlestorm turns his gaze over to the Skyclanner once more "I'll show you to my den before the kittens see you and start talking your ears off," He muses as he takes a few steps forward feeling good to be home once more and motions for the other to follow him as he takes him to the fern tunnel that leads to his den.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿✿❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 53DAF6v.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    55 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking

Commotion crackled nearby, though it was not run through with pain- for once, fate had smiled on ThunderClan kindly. Thundergleam knew in her heart, and had said so, that the tides were beginning to turn... that the silver light of the Stars was once again reaching for ThunderClan, and sparing them of pain. Howlingstar's accomodation was hardly surprising; it was a logical thing, to let the medicine cat stay. If all desired this outcome, then there should be no stewing on it!

Dawnglare, his name was... Thundergleam hers it woven in voices, and pale paws picked a path toward the blue-eyed tom, fascination and awe aflutter in rosy eyes. He was a medicine cat- closer to the Stars and the Truth than even herself. A bow of the head, awestruck, was offered to the regal tom of velvet. "It is a great honour to be in your presence," she purred, as reverent of a greeting as she could give. The sequinned fingers of StarClan were kind and knew no border, bound them together like spider silk, transcending gnashing teeth. It was a beautiful thing, offered by a kind soul, this sacred aid! "Your kindness knows no boundary."
penned by pin ☾
Ever so slowly, Dawnglare is begining to better understand Blazestar's like for this one in particular... He shudders to imagine the dismal welcoming party the likes of WindClan might put together for him— not that they would ever receive such an opportunity, but hypothetically, of course... He was sure to keel over from ShadowClan or RiverClan's stench the moment they opened their breaths, and any introduction would immediately be tarnished, thusly...

Yes, he supposes the next best thing was this, an establishment he was not too bothered by to preen over. The utmost respect... yes, if that's all his visit was, perhaps he would never want to leave! He was hardly afforded such a thing in SkyClan, after all... Of course, he wouldn't stay. Couldn't stay. And oh, alas, it would all wear off over time... but for now, he could appreciate this, and doing so draws out a sweet set of words that he was not ready to afford mere moments ago. Honey thickens his purr. " You're all very welcome. " His smile is close - lipped and crescent - eyed. A few comments are lost on him... too stupid to fathom, certainly. " Oh dear, the kindness is all my own. " A blue gaze slants toward one stranger in particular. Strange eyes... ah, their entire self was a mess, really. Pity... " I'm afraid I'm one of a kind, " he sniffs.

He'd by flattered by another offer that follows if he wasn't horribly offended by the implication that he would ever have ticks. " Aha. " His smile strains. The pinch of his eyes is too good to be true, now...

An apprentice appears from nowhere, complimenting him suddenly— this, he has no issue with, and thankfully, he hasn't the time to tell them he is not concerned with what their mom thinks of him. His smile is tired now. It creaks.... if it hasn't been already. For perhaps the first time, he is grateful for Gentlestorm's interjection. Oh, he is exhausted... It isn't easy, doing what he does. He hums in agreement, and his smile is dropped without flourish.

Pure stardust is caught in his eye before he can leave. He finds a gaze that's near - sickly in complexion, but teetering that line so gracefully thathis gaze cannot help but linger. What a thing then, for a stare to become reverence rather than disdain. Dawnglare tilts his head, curious. She knew more than the others, didn't she...? And what a mind about her! Or at least, a tongue. " It's very near a burden, I must say, " one last time, his lips quirks, but he could spare nothing more for these folk... Not without a rest first, anyways.

Teeth glint briefly in a yawn, and without ceremony, he is trailing after Gentlestorm at last.