Jun 7, 2022

tw: mentions of death, brief mention of rotting corpses, grief
Since his mother's death, Basilpaw had been different. He picked at his food, unable to find it within himself to scarf it down like he normally would. Seeing a mouse on the pile made bile rise in his throat, the mere sight of any reminder of what he had lost making him feel as if he would hurl. There had been no body to bury, no grave to visit. He thinks of his older siblings and his father who slept in the mass grave at four trees. Their bodies helping to turn the place into sacred, holy ground. He can't tell which fate he would prefer, rotting in the ground next to your loved ones or being carried off into the sky.

With a snarl, he hits the piece of prey in front of it, pushing it away from him. He feels disgusted by his own thoughts, unable to eat another bite. He wants to destroy something, to shred it. He wants to take like the world had taken from him. He wants to scream to the heavens and ask them when they were done taking from him, when they would give him something for once. But he knows that the sun would just burn his eyes if he tilted his head upwards and so the cries die in his throat, turning to sobs. He breaks out crying, tears falling on his discarded, picked-at piece of prey. "It's not fair" he murmurs to no one in particular.

// Please wait for @butterflypaw sorry this took me so long to make!
Butterflypaw had never been close with the splotched tom. Any time they interacted, she was always called the same rude name. Stinky. She didn't think she had any smell to her, Daisyflight taught her all about grooming! The name worked, though. She stays away from him most days, just because she knows he doesn't love her company. But today, he's hard to ignore. The younger apprentice sits hunched over a piece of fresh-kill, sobbing, and only a cruel cat could turn away from such a scene. So, hesitantly and with her head ducked low, the tiny she-cat approaches.

With her tail sweeping nervously at her heels, she stops at his side, blocking the burning sun from him and casting a small shadow on his slumped form on the ground. "It's okay to cry," She offers quietly, a frown on her face. She doesn't know what it's like to lose family. She lost her twolegs, sure, but they weren't really family. They were mostly scary. Her mother and littermates...she doesn't really remember them. Daisyflight is her mother now. Her kits are Butterflypaw's siblings. That's what she knows, and she's been lucky thus far to not see any loss. Her denmate has been far less lucky.

She shuffles her paws, yellow gaze finding the ground before murmuring, " can talk about it, if you want." She half-expects him to drive her off with rude words again, ears already pinning to her skull in preparation.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Oh, what a horrid day that had been. Blazestar had not known about hawks, birds that could pick a cat up in their fearsome talons and carry them into the sky. He'd heard stories from some of the other forest-born cats, but to see a broken, sobbing Basilpaw mourning a mother whose body could not be retrieved had been hard for all of SkyClan. Gardenia had lost so much. Her children, her mate. She'd lost herself in all of that grief, but just when she'd started to come around for Basilpaw again, he'd lost her forever.

The leader watches with grief shining in blue eyes as the apprentice begins to pulse with sobs, shoving his fresh-kill away from him. He's immediately reminded of his kits, though Basilpaw is quite a bit older than them, and his heart aches for the young tomcat. He begins to approach but pauses when he sees Butterflypaw do so.

His apprentice had never seen eye to eye with Basilpaw. He'd always found her to be strange, had never pretended to understand her meekness or her kittypet origins. But he watches the tortoiseshell try to comfort him, and he decides to keep his mouth shut for now and watch. He's proud of her for putting her differences aside and treating Basilpaw as she should -- like a Clanmate.

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