again & again & again // roaringpaw

Dec 21, 2023

Kittypet this, kittypet that. It's all anyone ever talks about these days. While Badgerstripe is pleased that the talk of wolves is long behind them, she can't say she's not concerned about the way things are going. Especially not that her friends are deeply wrapped up in it - Sleekserpent and Palefire. As for her? Well.. she didn't really care. ThunderClan's warriors were formidable and useless, and she could look past origins as long as they kept to their duties, just like everyone else. Typically, she wouldn't jump to the defense of one nor would she berate them.

But there is one boy who has garnered her attention specifically in the past couple of weeks. Little Roaringpaw, the kittypet Badgerstripe had the displeasure of running into herself, and saving from an adder. Besides the mistake that landed him in the medicine cat's den for quite some time (not that she can really speak on mistakes, being the bearer of death herself), he was making quite a name for himself - bubbly and stronghearted, and eager to learn and become one of them. About as well as any ThunderClan-born apprentice could do. But there was a notable shift in him lately, no doubt due to the whispers and rumors. Wasting herbs and lazy. Badgerstripe felt herself responsible for ensuring the boy's well-being; after all, she had saved him and vouched for him to stay..

"How is your recovery?" the warrior mews dully once she finds the apprentice, sheltering amongst the shade all on his lonesome. Roaringpaw looks like a pitiful shell of once he once was. She sees herself in him - perhaps she can use that. Settling down near him and drawing a brief swipe of her tongue over her chest, Badgerstripe leans in close with a look of concern, the first semblance of empathy the molly's shown in many moons. "I know what it's like, you know. To be the talk of the Clan. To feel disgraced."

A small pause, to let the tom register what she is saying, then Badgerstripe continues. "You should know it's not your fault. This Clan is not made for cats like us. They know we're not perfect - it makes them feel better about themselves." A smile, cynical and sarcastic, grows on the molly's face for but a moment before that same hardset frown finds its way back. "Trust me. When the next big thing comes around, they will forget all about this whole 'kittypet' thing."

Well.. the advice would've made her feel better after the wolves invaded camp, she thinks. Surely it'd work on Roaringpaw too, right?

  • speech is #c9b177
  • BADGERSTRIPE warrior of thunderclan
    she/her ━ afab ━ 16 moons
    a blue tortoiseshell with a black dorsal stripe and a white ear.
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
His very blood was tainted, poisoned, toxic. That was what Skyclaw and his posse believed wholeheartedly, despite the brown-and-black tom having kittypet heritage himself. Where he came from shouldn't matter, and yet it does — Roaringpaw is not wild-born, and he will never be; so beneath those who were. Yet - and yet - the apprentice had barely been older than a kit when he ventured into the woods. He had been raised here, wholly and purely devoted to the Clan that had accepted him despite it all. But several voices were especially loud lately, echoing in his head when they weren't spewing venom from their tongues, snake-like.

It was difficult to remain hopeful and bubbly under these circumstances. Lonesome and lost, only a figure in ThunderClan's camp who kept to himself most of the time. Such a stark difference from how he'd been warranted worried glances and hushed whispers from some clanmates those who didn't care about origins but if Roaringpaw was one thing it was stubborn. He would not leave, would not prove them right unless he was six feet under, buried as a real Thunderclanner would.

The approach of Badgerstripe is surprising, but not unwanted. She had been the first wild cat he'd ever seen, saving him from an adder the evening he arrived in ThunderClan territory. He owed his life to her, and admittedly they didn't particularly talk much. The she-cat was very... standoff-ish, he'd noticed, and their personalities didn't really mesh well. This chit-chat might do some well, however, and maybe they'd have more in common than he'd initially believed.

"I'm doin' okay now." The flame-point murmurs with a curt nod, amber-brown eyes staring at Badgerstripe's green hued ones, his gaze rather dull and lacking the usual spark. He lets her talk, mention the wolf attack from many moons ago, before he'd arrived. He'd heard of it, knows it's why newly-made warriors must sit vigil in silence now. "Mistakes happen, they don't define who you are." He comments, a reassurement maybe. "I am defined by being a former kittypet."

OOC: -
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE