private Ah it's a wonderful cat's life ☏ Ignition


New member
Mar 22, 2024
*+:。.。 Here, the walls that closed her in felt the most safe. She felt the most free here, trapped behind a pane of not-ice. Nothing could be better than being a two-leg's pet. After all, it was out there, in the scorching heat where the sun refused to relent, the birds screamed their loudest, and the shadows skittered with all sorts of awful nightmares that danger awaited. Wasn't that right, Ignition?

Glitch blinks, startled out of her bird-watching when she spots something fiery red among her twoleg's carefully manicured bushes. She stares for a long moment, before tearing her gaze away to glance around the quiet, immaculate room she now more than ever hoped never to leave. Mamma and Radio had gone to Skyclan and, at her request, Glitch was left behind. So that meant no one was around to help. Formerly relaxed muscles now bunch together, leaving her a coiled ball on her windowsill as she turns her eyes back to the burning flame in the garden. Trouble she thinks nervously, unable to tear her gaze away.

But then she noticed the way it lay there. So limp, with its ribs jutting as its breath came out in rough spurts. It...he was hurting, wasn't he? Glitch felt her insides churn as she watched - in the comfort of her safe home, with a full belly and unmarked fur. Ah nuts. She's hopping off the sill before she can talk herself out of it, and before long is pushing her head through the cat flap, exposing her to the awful elements of a sunny evening. She eyes the splash of red among the greenery, hoping that it'll just get up and run before she has to approach. But despite how slow she takes each step, it remains. And that just seals the deal that he must not be okay.

" you alright?" she asks anyway, stiff with a bristling tail as she peers cautiously around the bush to get a look at Ignition. She'd never seen this cat before. He didn't look like a kitty-pet nor a Skyclanner.
But he did look like he needed help.

    DFAB— She/Her
    3 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Daughter to Statichaze, sister to Radiokit
    Skyclan — Kit

    Physically worm | mentally tadpole
    Attack in bold #3a3a3a
    injuries: None currently
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✮ ⋆ ˙ Ignition is no stranger to hunger and loneliness. He is used to empty bowls and locked doors - but he is not used to scrounging.

Before, at least, all his problems could be solved through waiting. But now he is alone, and it seems that will not change. He is forced to find his own food, scraps from stinking dumpsters a far cry from the lavish feasts he was given in youth. It's rather humiliating, if he is honest. But more than that it is exhausting, and to make matters worse not something he is particularly skilled at. His stomach wails in agony, his limbs aching and tired. The sun beats down upon his back, and it is all he can do to find a secluded place to collapse.

He is not alone though. A small voice cuts through the daze of exhaustion, and Ignition offers little in return. "Mn," is the first response that Ignition manages, barely more than an acknowledgement of life. Someone is talking to him, and it would be polite to respond. "I, ah..." his parched throat works for a moment. Blearily, his single good eye peers open, pupil merely a pinprick in the blinding light.

It's a child that he sees, small and plump in what is clearly the grace of twoleg keepers. He resists the urge to curl his lip in resentment through exhaustion moreso than restraint. Instead his mouth merely twitches in an act that might be more kindly dismissed as the beginnings of a smile. "I've seen better days," comes the tom's hoarse voice as he makes no move to get up from his supine position.

He flicks his eye over the form of the kit, assessing. "You look quite comfortable yourself," he adds after a moment. There's something almost wry to it; she does, in the sense that she is clearly well-cared for. Yet there is a nervousness to her, as though a half-dead stray is the most terrifying thing she's ever seen. It's almost flattering, to think that he could inspire such awe even at his lowest.

  • 79604339_gomTw2tfmqzfYkT.png

  • IGNITION he / him, twolegplace rogue, thirteen moons.
    a curly-eared tabby of swirling black and deep red-brown bearing a burgundy collar.
    left eye is blind and permanently dilated.
    charming and manipulative, willing to do anything to get ahead.
    npc xx npc, former kittypet.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.