today, freckleflame leads her first patrol. it sounds more impressive than it is, she thinks — trekking out into the gnarled undergrowth just as she had countless times before, the rattling shake of leafbare - ridden flora biting at her fur. sure, her chest is puffed a little more than necessary as she strolls out of camp, throwing looks back towards whoever was willing to catch her gleaming eye while she strutted through the gorse tunnel, but she doesn’t expect it to take long, or.. for anything, really, other than the glimmer of glory she receives while leading her elders ( and dad! ) out into the bleeding night. thick ginger tail loops high over her back, ears perked and eyes squinted against the dying light of dusk above. a brief stint along the thunderpath is uneventful as she had imagined, limbs aching only from the walk as she calls for a return to camp.

responsibility comes and freckleflame takes it on with seering pride, but a peculiar lack of birdsong slows her pawsteps the closer they veer to snakerocks from shadowclan’s border, great stones jutting just over the blue - purple horizon when suddenly, a copper tinge wafts her nose. heady and visceral, a thick smell of blood layers the land and the tortoiseshell is familiar enough with it to halt just before the path opened up to snakerocks.

” stop. stop, stop. wait — “ ineloquent but effective, the molly shifts her pawsteps to block the path behind her, lifting her tail to keep her patrolmates from stumbling into the open. from just past the bare trees and rot - damp ferns, there is a cracking sound — high and whipping, for only a moment before a soft thump of something hitting the ground breaks the otherwise silent winter air. today is freckleflame’s first time leading a patrol, and maybe she shakes as she peers past the curtain of snow and bramble to see why their path wasn’t clear. why the forest was uncharacteristically silent aside from the occasional snort or low, rumbling growl — why it smelt like blood and wet dog. her body shudders on its own accord, muscle memory from an apprenticeship under drooling maws.

through the leaves, she could see it had the shape of a hound ; heavily muscled with thick, rounded fur a shade of lightly ticked grey. in its mouth we’re the remains of what looked to be a rabbit, large enough to have fed them for what freckleflame’s empty stomach could swear’d be a moon but minuscule in comparison to this creature’s massive jaws. the prey animal was crumpled and flattened, little more than a smattering of viscera and bone shards with the occasional patch of brown fur peeled away by long, yellow teeth. small, owlishly round eyes glint in the rising moonlight, a freakish bile yellow dotted flat black in the middle. ribbons of red drool loop wetly from black gums, catching with an alabaster gleam from the crescent moon above.

she knows what this is — but only from stories. from names, legacies.

her breath is quick in her chest, but she does her best to hide it ; her heart pounding loud in her ears when she turns, seaglass eyes drifting around to her surroundings, her patrolmates and the smatterings of pathways leading further into the dark of the forest. she lets her patrolmates look, take their fill, but breathes not a word. what was there to say? i hope we don’t get eaten? her whirling mind falters at that particular thought, but after a moment, she flicks her ear beckoningly, ” cmon, slow and quiet.. we’re going around. “ a harsh whisper as she backs a step as a gust of wind rolls through — with a drop of her heart into her belly, she realizes the leaves around them are tugging upward, ” we’re upwind. keep low in th’ grass, this plant muck should blend us in.. “ the would be covered in rotting fern and snow mud, but it was better than.. whatever fate that rabbit had met.

  • i. there is a lone grey wolf hanging out at snakerocks! thankfully it’s occupied with a small meal, but that won’t be enough to keep it distracted for long and the patrol needs to pass to get to camp. do not engage without intending severe harm or death for a character! they have no chance of driving out or causing any sort of harm to the wolf itself.


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    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! each and every part of her is broad ; wide in everything from her face to shoulders to her feathered tail, something reminiscent of her father’s kittypet heritage in the square of her chin and hulk of her figure. she appears illusionarily fluff - ridden at first, thickly pelted in shades of fire and soot, long & tangled, knotted with undergrowth — seeming soft and pudgy, and she is.. that figure curving into hard, hidden bulk along heavyset flanks and well - muscled limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers.
    prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.


Ever since having his tail pulled by a deer the golden hued tom was admittedly rather wary of his surroundings. Shiningsun padded out of the camp with his apprentice in tow as he followed Freckleflame's lead. As they progressed with their duty he only seemed to continue with his wary glances towards the surrounding forest. Though the deer were to be the least of his concerns on this occasion. The smell hits him first, then came Freckleflame's call for them to stop.

With a sweep of his tail he urged Gingerpaw to lower himself down whilst he assessed the gravity of the situation they had found themselves in. Though more than anything he was simply glad that Gingerpaw wasn't Wildheart, otherwise they would have found themselves deep in trouble given how loud the calico warrior often was.

It was a swift decision in his opinion, one that would call for them to stay silent and to avoid conflict with the savage looking beast. Much like Freckleflame he only knew of wolves from tales told to him by elders when he was growing up. A creature like a hound, but so much more dangerous and wild. Just the sight and smell alone it was enough to make his fur bristle. Now more than anything he wished that he didn't have such a brightly coloured pelt. One ill-timed glance could easily single him out, so needless to say but he kept himself lowered to the ground.

"Why is it here?" Shiningsun whispered the question under his breath, though he wasn't expecting a reply from any of his patrol mates. Regardless, having a wolf in ThunderClan's territory was something that they would have to report to Howlingstar. Being mindful to avoid stepping on twigs or anything that would cause unnecessary noise he aimed to rub himself against the musty smelling plant matter before preparing to follow after the patrol lead whilst using his tail to beckon Gingerpaw to follow close behind.

//Apprentice tag @GINGERPAW


He wasn't exactly paying attention, more focused on how delighted he was to be in a patrol with one of his kits. Freckleflame being asked to lead one was a moment of pride for him that he'd never say outloud for fear of embarrassing her - he wasn't that kind of father thankfully; that was Rabbitnose. His joy was quiet, subdued, he longed to see the day one of his own kits took up the mantle he had turned down for fear of missing out on seeing them grow. The three eldest were already doing so well as warriors, each with their own apprentice and friendships that further entangled his little family deeper into ThunderClan. The old fears and feelings of not fitting in had long since left his heart, it was only hope now going forward.
Sunfreckle padded along behind the two, content letting the younger warriors take the reigns. He was, unfortunately, without an apprentice once again as his was injured in the most foolhardy stunt he had ever heard of along with several others including his own kit - something that still ruffled his fur at the mere thought of it. Freckleflame's hastily uttered and frantic voice demanding they stop made his eyes widen.

What is that? His mind asks at the same time Shiningsun vocalizes, why is it here?

Sunfreckle had seen dogs before, they were terrifying in their own way. He remembers the sight of Emberstar's body after several had torn her apart almost, the way she had died several times over between canine jaws left him forever wary of the terrible creatures. This was well before his daughter and Shiningsun's time - neither had even been born then. This was hardly a dog though, he had heard about wolves of course - Wolfwind was named after Howlingstar's former mate who bore the name so the animal itself was familiar but he had never seen one this close. They were often just distant figures, tracks on the ground, a mournful sound echoing through the night. Right now, the wolf was suddenly very real and he lowered his head hackles raised in response to Freckleflame's words. It would be wise to get as far away as possible without making sudden movements, he'd never been the best at stealth but StarClan suddenly deemed him worthy of the blessing of soft paws and light steps despite his weight falling onto only three limbs.
"Things to ponder later...let's get out of here first."


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    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Large red tabby tom w/green eyes and no left foreleg.