camp ain't no sunshine — mistaken identity


rather die on my feet than live on my knees
Jun 5, 2024
for all that wild charisma and wanderlust , you sure are vengeful
He hummed, givin’ his wooly fur a good long lick, nibblin’ at pesky matts that his owners missed ( one thing he enjoyed about bein’ an upwalker pet and that was havin’ a helpin’ hand dealin’ with the pesky buggers ). Otherwise, Outlaw enjoyed livin’ outdoors, far away from the city life that crept with misfortune and stuck of betrayal as far as the eye could see. Nasty business there. He sure ain’t gonna miss it, but he would miss the little ones scamperin’ after him, beggin’ him to play while their parents did who knows what.

He was more of a parent than their blood, but he supposed blood is thicker than water and bonds sure as heck matter a great deal more than shared blood.

At approachin’ pawsteps, Outlaw figured it was some passerby, till a voice called out and it ain’t the one he expected, but his brother. It was only a matter of time till someone mistook him for Duskpool — rugged and identical in appearance sans the scars. “Woah there darlin’ I ain’t who yer lookin’ for.” He waved a paw, scarred lips peeled in an amused grin.

“Yer lookin’ for that fella over there.” He tipped his imaginary hat toward an approaching figure, grin takin’ on a teasin’ trill. “Say, Duskpool, think I should wear a bell?” At the deadpan glare he received, Outlaw cackled, barely duckin’ to avoid the lazy swipe of his brother’s paw. “I kid. I kid! Ain’t all that practical, I know.” He mused, wooly plumage flickerin’ as brothers sat side-by-side — one grinnin’ charismatically while the other stared ahead deadpan.
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Hawkpaw clamps his mouth shut as Outlaw corrects him, horrified by the mistake, ears twitching backwards with the mortification of it all. Oh, StarClan ... could the camp just open up and swallow him whole? Maybe another tree could fall, right now (Actually, scratch that, he recoils from the mental image, what a horrible thing to think). The two toms can't help looking so similar, but Hawkpaw could certainly help getting them mixed up!

"Sorry, Outp- Outlaw! You two look so much alike from this side." And, to make things worse, he'd almost called the daylight warrior by an apprentice's name! Oh, he wants to wail like a kit over it all, the tension bubbling up in his throat and stamped stubbornly back down reminding him so much of Budkit's wailing a couple of sunrises ago. Why can she do it and it be fine, but when he does it it's immature and Hawkpaw, you need to be more resilient? It's all just too much for the torbie, who presses his teeth together against the desire to start yowling for no reason.

Abandoning the quest of fetching Duskpool despite the fact that the stoic warrior sits directly next to his littermate, Hawkpaw decides to make a run for it before he starts crying; or worse, makes another mistake and embarrasses Outlaw further. Too far wrapped up in teenaged panic, he does not realise that the daylight warrior is genuinely amused by the situation. "I'm, uh- I'm going to go now!"

// out unless stopped<3
The display is enough entertainment to pull the piebald off grooming down the fur along his leg. The apprentice mistakes the brothers and seems flustered by the mild blunder, resorting to fleeing the area.

" scaring off the apprentices are we? " he pads over to the pair of siblings. Settling down onto his ribs.

" If I had a twin, I’d pity them " Thistleback chuckles, but in truth an age old ache in his gut made him envious to shared blood. If not for his children, he’d never know his kin, but blood mattered little to the aged orphan. You choose your family, plain and simple.

" If one of you was in another clan, you could swap sides and live in two clans- hmm " he ponders aloud, " well- if it wasn’t for the mismatched scars. " he shrugs off his hypotheticals.

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    forty-eight mns. EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Father of Coyotecrest, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring none formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
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for all that wild charisma and wanderlust , you sure are vengeful
A boisterous laugh escaped a parted maw, leaning against Duskpool, narrowly avoidin’ a harsh jab to the ribs, tuttin’ loudly. “Hey now! Sensitive area, don't ya think?” He rumbled breezily, wooly plumage flickerin’ half-heartedly. It was rare to have these small moments, still learnin’ each other’s movements and expressions after moons apart. It was nice gettin’ to tease the grump, tongue pokin’ out against the webbin’ of his cheek, flashin’ a toothy grin. “Hey! No need to be apologizin’ when it’s all good fun kid.” He called after the fleein’ apprentice, honey-warmed words poolin’ across a sandpaper tongue.

Shakin’ his helm, Outlaw’s attention flickered, crinkled hues mirthful. “Reckon I’m that scary?” He teased, humorous, wooly plumage sweepin’ against the ground. “Didn't mean to scare the poor soul, but when ya look near identical to this old fool, ya can’t blame ‘em for gettin’ embarrassed.” He flashed Duskpool a chilly grin, molten hues crinklin’. “Maybe I should start wearin’ those bandanas my upwalkers like shovin’ me in, eh?” He mused, expression thoughtful, helm tilted a tad toward his brother.

Barely stoppin’ himself from bumpin’ Thistleback good-naturedly. “Shucks now. Afraid Duskpool here looks too much like a chew toy, but reckon I’ll start lookin’ similar here these next few moons.” He joked, lips still pulled in a friendly grin, demeanor unchangin’ despite the cumbersome task of gettin’ Duskpool to think selfishly. The muddle-fuddger is a stubborn fool.
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