ALIEN BLUES — ankle biting


♡ 02.29.24 ♡
Mar 28, 2023

ACORNKIT — the cow jumped over the moon .
The sun felt nice, very nice in fact. Acornkit doesn’t think she had ever felt something so nice as she lays outside the nursery, her fawn fur absorbing the suns radiating beams as she lounges.
How long had she been here now? Longer than she originally thought, perhaps. Truthfully, the girl never thought she’d make it this far when she escaped her metallic dungeon, never thought she’d hug her brother or pester him with her scratched-voice lullaby’s again.
Yet, here she is, almost a whole season old, with a tawny-hued ear perked and swiveling about as she let bugged-eyes rest for just a while.
Her relaxation is cut short when a shadow falls over her. She jumps back to a fully conscious state, raising her head to the two young apprentices that looked down on her.
They asked her questions, but their voice wasn’t soft, it was sharp, sickening.
One craned their head down just a whisker length from her face, eyes scrutinizing as she felt her heart begin to crash against the walls of her chest.
”Does she even know how to talk? One inquired, a sneer quirking their top lip upwards. The other rolled their eyes but held a laugh on their tongue.
"Go away." Acornkits voice is hardly above a trembled whisper.
”Don’t be rude, we’re older than you. The one who had teased her remarks.
In reality, the duo in front of her is hardly a threat, their approach just too brash, their demand to know more about her too pressing.
A paw nudges at her shoulder as the one closest to her face demands once more for her to return to earth.
Alarm signals go wild in the child’s head, and she reacts.
She ducks her head, jaw agape, and sinks a mouthful of miniature thorns into the one who had touched her, biting down hard into their ankle in a terrifying display of a cornered animal.
A yowl of surprise erupts from the other as they wildly try to shake her off.
Relaxing was a brief occurrence for Wrenflutter these past few moons truthfully. From her litter of four, to now caring for a litter of two, almost so soon after, it was a lot of work. Work she enjoyed really, though having some bouts of peace and quiet were always welcomed. She had been dozing in the nursery, Acornkit within view and Oakkit off playing-- and hopefully not biting any more warriors. She had been content to doze before nearby voices caught her ears. Her eyes opened slowly, but by the time fully comprehended the words, came the panicked yowling from the apprentices. Now awake, the queen quickly rose to her paws and stepped outside the nursery. "Acornkit!" She called and carefully went to pry the kit from the apprentice's ankles by her scruff. Once successful, she sets the small child at her side, gently wrapped in her tail, while the sepia queen swiped a tongue over her ears. "It's alright, little one, it's okay." She consoled with a soft coo before turning narrowed eyes to the apprentices. "What did you think you were doing? Even if you are older, if somecat tells you to leave them alone, leave them alone. Don't think I won't get your mentors." She growled lowly. She then specifically turned to the apprentice who had met Acornkit's needle-like teeth. "As for you, I'd tell you mentor, but I think being bitten by a kit is lesson enough to not bother a kit just because their smaller and quiet." She sniffed. The lack of manners these two had!
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If dodging training was a holy act, Duckpaw would have been a saint in the eyes of Starclan. This time was special, however, as he felt a personal duty to not let precious sunbeams go to waste. After all, if he didn't laze in them, who would? The boy flopped onto his back, wiggling into the camp dirt to ensure he got as comfortable (and as dirty) as possible. And what better place to do than right in front of the nursery?

The sounds of a fight barely roused Duckpaw, perhaps due to all the literal dirt caking his face and ears. But no amount of grime could make him ignore his mother's stern voice. Clambering to his feet, curious whiskers twitched as he processed the scene. Dulled amber eyes came across a most bizarre sight, a scrawny kit, likely not much younger than Duckpaw, had its fangs embedded into a cat's leg. Wrenflutter had already jumped into action, but Duckpaw felt he ought to pitch in as well. "Yeah, and you guys are bad!" he added onto the end of Wrenflutter's scolding, his lack of context not stopping him from defending his mother. Trotting over to Wrenflutter, he sat beside her and the now restrained Acornkit. "Next time don't bother, don't waste such epic fight moves on a couple of mouse-brains," Duckpaw yawned, his short tail swaying as much as it could against the dirt floor.

"bested by a kitten, that alone should keep you as apprentices 'til your muzzle's are grey," her tone was icy as the warrior addressed the bullies, tail flicking slowly behind her. nightbird had little tolerance for those who chose someone to pick on with practically no defense. the two should be ashamed of their dishonorable actions, there was no room for that behavior inside of this camp.

the kid seemed shaken but fine, wrenflutter attempting to coddle her. another apprentice joined in the berating, one of the queen's recent brood. nightbird turned her cold gaze back to the duo. the queen had told them off already, but they would not escape this without punishment. sure their mentors could give one, but could they be trusted if they hadn't already dealt with this shameful behavior? "hope you two enjoy pullin' ticks, cause that's what you'll be doing in your free time 'til acornkit is kind enough to forgive you," her narrowed gaze was unmoving as she addressed them. she was prepared to usher them to their new prison, before she was struck with another idea. she fixed them with a glare that said to stay put before turning to address the umber queen. "wrenflutter, anything you need, a new nest, freshly killed mouse, even the tail feathers of an owl, i'm sure these two would be beyond happy to fetch it for you," a sharp and expectant look paired with a sly grin was sent back to the apprentices. they would come to understand, even if they were stuck in that log until they died.
[ ☾✩ ]

Searching for her wayward apprentice is always an exciting, though tedious task. Her nephew is better at evading responsibilities than she ever was at his age, and Eaglestump had his paws full trying to get her to do anything! She smiles to herself as she patiently works through all of Duckpaw's usual hiding places. As she rounds the turn toward the nursery she hears a bit of commotion which isn't entirely unusual. There are lots of young cats scampering around. What she isn't anticipating is the sound of her sister harshly scolding a couple of apprentices. Curious, she trots over to see what's going on. Immediately, she notices her grimy little nephew, as well as one of the newest additions to her family, Acornkit, cowering behind Wrenflutter. Though she missed the initial conflict, she moves to stand by her family, casting Duckpaw a pointed look before taking her place at her sister's side.​
Chamomilepaw finds that his brief time of rest from his daily tasks is interrupted by a chorus of voices - interestingly from each stage of life - and curiosity draws him to the nursery to see what all the commotion is. He did not witness the bite itself, but hearing the tail end of Nightbird's words and seeing the shaken Acornkit tucked away beside Wrenflutter, plus the wet fur of the apprentice's ankle, Cham could piece together what had happened. It was a shame that an apprentice would pick on such a young kit. Cham could never imagine himself goading a kitten until they lashed out and bit him. Then again he fawn ticked tom couldn't imagine himself goading anyone until they lashed out at him.

"Is she okay? Can I do anything to help?" Cham asks, his pale sage eyes fixed first on Wrenflutter, then on Acornkit. He wasn't looking to join the apprentices in their punishment though, and he hopes his gentle questioning reflects so. It would just seem rather rude to intrude on the scene and not do something helpful.
Showing up a little too late to be able to get a good wallop on the bullies without her mother seeing, Chickadeepaw settles herself next to her brother, eyes trained on the two apprentices. Her whiskers twitched and her mind whirled. Nightbird was there, already promising her mother and Acornkit some sort of retribution, but that.... hm, no, that wasn't enough.

Chickadeepaw tore her gaze away from the apprentices long enough to bump her head against her mother's shoulder with a very innocent purr. "You got 'em good, Acornkit, but I - uh - I think I hear Singing Frog calling for me, bye!" She scuttled off without another word, but the gears in her head were still turning. Picking on a kit was good fun until it bit you in the paw.... now it was time for some real pay-back!

// in and out ! got menacing to do >:3

ACORNKIT — the cow jumped over the moon .
Their cries are hot against her throbbing ears, too hot to hear her adoptive mothers arrival until the Queen tries to pry her away.
Unknowing and fear driven, Acornkit clamps down harder for only a moment before the sweet scent of familiarity soothes her senses, and she lets go.
Not before leaving two tiny puncture marks on the other apprentice, however. Blood stains her two frontal fangs and she presses into Wrenflutter with a whimper, struggling to calm hiccuped breathing.
Still, she summons the courage to peek over the queens fluff which now concealed her in maternal protection.
Wrenflutter is scolding them while the apprentice she had bitten nurses their injury with tears pricking at their eyes, the other protests in squabbles of defense.
She hates them, Acornkit decides, she hates herself for causing such a scene- but she hates them more.
Duckpaw joins them, and Acornkit can only look at him with wide, unsure eyes.
In moments they are surrounded, yet no harsh words are turned on to her, instead they all seem to be chastising the apprentices that had prodded at her.
She still clings to Wrenflutters foreleg as Chamoillepaw offers a kind gesture.
Kind. Everyone was kind, and for a moment or two, the apprentices just in front of her are able to melt away, just as the burning in her chest does.
Finally, however, they are sent off- gathered by their equally as angry mentors, the chastising those two receiving echoing as the four would stalk off.
Acornkit steadies herself, though her being still shakes, she rubs a forepaw against a tear-washed eye, parting her maw to try to say something, anything.
"Thank…thank you." She finally speaks, her small voice struggling to try and be louder.
She still sits, tucked at her mothers side as pathetic as ever, but despite it all, she feels bigger… safer, even with how many cats currently tower over her.