camp ALKALIC ACID RUSH | cool rock


Apr 28, 2024

Algaekit wandered about the length of the camp, the farthest that she had ever gotten from the nursery, as though the marvel of a new world mused along her every breath and pawstep. Robinheart still rested in the medicine cat's den, and the tiny pessimist in him wanted to say that it would be forever now until his mother would return to him. Adjustment proved hard, to say the least, though a kitten's mindset was plastic. Youth moved on quickly with little trouble, for they had less stake in the world and less sentiment to burden the body. The kit glanced backwards now, noting how the nursery seemed a sky away from her now - how far had she traveled? Sprigs of fear wracked her bird-bone frame now, like a wind rattling and singing through ivories and reds alike. I should go back... Willowroot and my siblings miss me... The blue tortoiseshell had just about to turn on her heels and run back to the nursery when something pressed harsh against soft pawpad, and he mewled in surprise at the novelty of pain, mouth agape as though a great injustice had gazed upon him. Every sensation was quite new to him, some more grievous than others. But where had whatever had inconvenienced her gone? Unblinking stare trailed along the ground, seersucker-soft features straining to catch the culprit, though the ground beheld no sublime nor strange thing for her to pin the blame on. Kittish huff escaped her satin-coated maw.

That was, until she saw a strangely geometrical (though she hadn't the word for such a concept) stone right besides him. It was not round, like one's eyes or the walls of the nursery or the moon's glow. Edges lined this stone, like the river had carved it with attentive hands, and spat out its creation for him to find. It must have been destiny, for him to come across such a wonder! He crouched down with excitement buzzing through his little posture, rump wagging as he assumed his best hunter's stance. Pawing gently at it, daffodil eyes spotted the striated patterns of the crafted rock, like tiger's or tabby's pride worn upon an inanimate object. Woah... Toothy smile emerged heartily upon the little one's face, as he continued to play with it, watching as the paled thing hardly rolled on its own - even with his interference. He surmised that it would not be good with a game such as moss-ball... maybe he could throw it at someone? Well, that would hurt, he mused.

  • She found a little piece of gneiss rock :3
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  • —— ALGAEKIT / He/She / 2 Moons
    —— Kitten of Riverclan / Sibling to Redkit and Rivuletkit / Mentored by N/A
    —— A wiry, wild-furred blue tortoiseshell with high white and freckle-like spotting. Brilliant yellow eyes, like twin molten suns.
    —— Chaotic, obsessive and strange, Algaekit is a weirdly refreshing character to encounter amongst the sea of her dutiful kin. Beset by nature and her patterns, he is quick to connect the dots even when no such connection truly exists. Somewhat easy to befriend, provided that one can handle his bluntness and honesty at times.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

Redkit had been taking a nap when he woke and found Algaekit missing, causing nervousness to fill in his chest. He search high and low, turning over every rock and leaf that could possibly hide the small form of his sibling. A nature toned gaze flicks as he steps out the nursery, allowing his frame be carried by heavy paws. ”Alg-aee?” He calls out as his curled ears perked high on his ear, eyes wide as a full moon as he searched for the blue and white tortie. His mother was still being held captive in the medicine den by Moonbeam, and now his baby sibling had disappeared. Was there someone stealing his family?

Big paws stomp forward until the distant figure of Algaekit comes in sight and he quickly makes his way over, ignoring all and everything until he was by his side. ”Alga-ae.” Redkit would gruffly remark with furrowed brows, noting a small object being rolled by him. His head tilts in observation as his tail flicks before giving Algaekit a loving headbutt to the flank. ”No sa-fe out he-re.” The red and white tom-kit remarks, his words slow as he tries to properly pronounce them. He wanted Algaekit back to the safety of the nursery with their grandmother, Willowroot and Rivuletkit.
Horizonkit doesn't quite know what to do with himself, now that there existed kittens younger than him that weren't voiceless blobs at the crook of a queen's belly. Squealing, squirming worms were easily pushed out of the way of his mind, and never would he have to confront the reality of being an apprentice if he wasn't faced with his diminishing youth. Robinheart's kittens seemed well enough without Robinheart nearby, just as Riverkit and Pebblekit had been okay without Shellkit, but sometimes Horizonkit wishes Moonbeam would be more tolerant of their existence in her den so they would stop existing in his.

One of them, a little yolk-eyed and dapple-furred one, seems to be investigating something. At once, Horizonkit is mildly struck with something a little like guilt. He's done this before: this, the whole thing with his rump in the air and whiskers fluttering upon this thing on the ground. He does it all the time. He'd be remiss to dislike such a similar creature for existing in all the ways that he does, but still the younger kittens seem more like creatures than clanmates to him.

It's what emboldens him to pad over, halting gently near a little red-splashed tomkit, easily assumed to be the investigator's brother. "What's that?" he quietly ventures, mossy eyes finally alighting on the subject of all her commotion. "It looks... cool." He prefers swirls to stripes, the animate to the stone, but he admits it's a worthy issue of scrutiny still.

riverclan kit | "speech." | tags
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 The presence of Robinheart’s kits not only in the nursery, but toddling around camp, makes Crabkit feel a bit awkward. They’re little. Hardly even cats yet, and much less RiverClanners. Crabkit doesn’t remember ever being that small! But now, watching Algaekit wander his way so far from the nursery, the boy can’t help but feel like he should be… looking out for the younger kit. What if Algaekit wanders too far and gets lost? Or what if she gets snatched by a dog? Crabkit couldn’t do very much to help if that happened, but at least he could try. Mossy eyes track the blue tortoiseshell kit, watching as she seems to step on something before crouching to inspect it. Redkit and Horizonkit both seem interested as well, so Crabkit trots over to see what they’re looking at, too.

It’s… a rock! A funny-looking rock, at that. Crabkit tips his head quizzically when Redkit warns his littermate that it isn’t safe outside of the nursery. "Noo, it’s totally safe," he protests, his white-webbed tail flickering behind him. "Me and Horizonkit wouldn’t let you get hurt!" He tries to puff out his chest, and ignores the flush of shame that settles over his face as he remembers the way Cicadaflight had to save him from the calmly-flowing river. Horizonkit comments on the rock once more, and the ivory-striped kit takes a little step forward to get a closer look at it. It’s… weird, but it’s still cool like Horizonkit says. It’s not smooth like most of the river stones that wash up on shore—it’s sharp looking, and Crabkit doesn’t touch it in fear of getting cut by it. "Where did it come from?" He asks, his ginger-and-white ears swiveling backward in concern.

  • ooc:
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    CRABKIT ❯❯ he/him, kit of riverclan
    𓆟 ginger and cream tabby with rippling white spotting and mossy green eyes. highly emotional and difficult to keep focused on one subject.
    𓆟 son of iciclefang ; brother to cragkit & pinekit
    𓆟 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓆟 penned by foxlore

( ) she watches the little ones from her place beside the nursery, sharp green eyes fixed on their small shapes as they rustle about and sniff gingerly at the camp stream. algaekit seems to have found something in the shallows, tiny dappled paws darting out to push what is revealed to be a layered stone onto shore. a baby-toothed grin floods the kitten's face, and her temporary guardian smiles as well, feathery tail tucked around the little one's siblings as they slumber and lull about. algaekit is alright on her own for the moment, well within the elder feline's sight, but it seems her brother has more worry. redkit jerks up from a nap and gazes wildly around, little paws heaving his body to their feet and setting him off to find his sister.

the former lead lets him go, dutiful gaze following him as she tightens her tail around the remaining @rivuletkit, knowing truthfully that her tiny charges are not in any current danger. the stream's currant is soft and low today, and camp walls have been reinforced. no dog sightings have occurred within the past half moon. their former attacker is not going to be coming back any time soon. a tall silver tabby makes his way towards his fellow nursery dwellers, followed swiftly by a slightly younger red tomkit. the two of them surround the littler kittens, a barricade of older boys who have pledged to at least look after their younger denmates. they seem to all be observing the same little rock that algaekit has found, nudging it and addressing the little torti, who still gazes at it with round dandelion eyes.

standing gently so as to not disrupt rivuletkit's lounging position, willowroot lets their legs tremble as they stretch, tail arcing high in the air. "do you want to go see what your siblings found, little lettie?" she asks her grand-niece, setting off when, hopefully, the gray and white girl agrees. upon approaching, willowroot will purr a greeting to the gaggle of kits, pausing to swipe a lick across redkit's head where a rogue bit of fur sticks up. "hello my minnows," she'll greet, lowering herself to eye level with the smaller cats. "what've you found there, algaekit?"

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    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smoky long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, cut through with dark ghost stripes. friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape, and her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.
While Robinheart remained in Moonbeams den for recovery, it was well to see that not all of her kittens were struggling to cope without her presence. Algaekit in particular had caught her eye as she toddled along the sands, of course with Willowroot not far behind. While she couldn't immedaitely see her, Hazecloud is sure Apricotbloom is a short distance away as well, watching over her grandchildren.

She wondered if that would ever become of her one day. Would any of her kittens have their own? It seemed silly to ask them now, but she didn't stop herself from imagining them with their own miniature selves surrounding their ankles.

Algaekit made a sound that drew both her and Willowroot forward, while Redkit seemed less than enthused to see his littermate out of his sight. "There's nothing to worry over this time." The queen gently reassured him, peering behind Horizonkit to see what had caught their attention. One of the many stones washed up from the rivers tide, it looked.

"Oh wow, very beautiful! I'm sure Robinheart would love to see that when she comes back to the nursery." Kittens and their collections, these other queens must thank all the stars in the sky none of theirs had picked up an obsession with snails like her own.


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    —⊰⋅ Queen of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.


Familiar trill of a voice hung upon the cusps of keen ears, Algaekit's name upon the wind of Redkit's breath, until his brother had found him quite far from his self-imposed guard-post. All that evasive work and skillful maneuvering had not worked! A mewl of protest eruped from her maw as Redkit headbutted her. She was certainly able to wander off on her own now! She didn't need her rust-dappled brother following her around everywhere... Though the gladness of being with him had overpowered any sort of kittish pettiness, as it dwindled down as a dying star being laid to rest. At least Horizonkit seemed more enthused to see what she had actually held, and Algaekit purred at a new friend to make, the sound like the churr of a speckled songbird upon a high perch. "Mmm. Rock." Algaekit mewed, as her shadow draped upon the land's creation, as though it too needed solace from the summertide sun. Down-laden paw shuffled the angular gneiss to be beheld in the sunlight, striated patterns never mired by the sunlight, perhaps borne of the gracious season itself. Was it truly that remarkable?

Crabkit asked where the stone had come from, and Algaekit owlishly tilted a fleecen head to the side, as if there was simply no point in asking where it had originated from - just like there was no use in asking the marl of every scar and scrape that it held. Now that she thought of it, where did rocks even come from? Algaekit had always assumed they had bene meticulously placed there, perhaps by the star-woven hands of Silverpelt, and that each had some implicit purpose. "Mm, I dunno... Ground." It was the best answer that could be mustered from childish perspective. Beam of sunshot smile curled through a kit-fluff face as she heard the comfort of Willowroot's voice, with Rivuletkit trailing just behind her, a warrior and her little specter of eyes agaze. "Look!" He chirped to his sister, standing proudly over if as if he had made the rock himself, carefully selected it out of the various selections of other rocks that reposed along the riverbank. Hazecloud's gentle voice reminding her of her mother had given Algaekit all the more reason for her grin to trail even more upwards, almost appearing as though a gawp had come awhirl upon kittish emotions, excitement a flurry that wracked through a bird-bone body. "I want to give momma." It must truly have been destiny that guided her here, honeyed leash leading her to fortune and fame. She must surely follow it elsewhere, if it would always be so courteous to her whims.

  • OOC:
  • q4Dcjhi.jpeg
  • —— ALGAEKIT / He/She / 2 Moons
    —— Kitten of Riverclan / Sibling to Redkit and Rivuletkit / Mentored by N/A
    —— A wiry, wild-furred blue tortoiseshell with high white andfreckle-like spotting. Brilliant yellow eyes, like twin molten suns.
    —— Chaotic, obsessive and strange, Algaekit is a weirdly refreshing character to encounter amongst the sea of her dutiful kin. Beset by nature and her patterns, he is quick to connect the dots even when no such connection truly exists. Somewhat easy to befriend, provided that one can handle his bluntness and honesty at times.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.