camp all bite no bark — teeth

A lilac shape stand just outside the new nursery, considering the nest placed in front of her. If Bobbie's honest, it probably needed some freshening up anyways, but that process had been accelerated by the presence of some recently discovered, choicely placed and rather spiky sticks entangled into the moss; she has no idea of the source, but to be honest it could be any of the mischievous little things running about camp. The queen sighs and sits down, lowering her head to discreetly lock her teeth in one of the sticks. This one pulls out easily; Bobbie continues yanking out the bits of wood with as minimal damage to the nest as she can manage. It's a mostly successful venture and she's honestly thinking this little "prank" wasn't much of a disturbance at all when she tries to pull out the last and spikiest of the sticks.

It's stuck fastly into the nest. Bobbie gives it a series of light tugs, but it's not budging, likely won't unless she's willing to fully open her jaws and use some real force. The queen gives a cursory glance about to see if anyone's watching; it doesn't look like anyone is and so she gives a last sigh. The queen's delicate-looking jaws open wide to reveal a solid mouthful of long and rather wicked-looking teeth, a strange sight against her otherwise demure appearance. In fact, her teeth look as though they'd belong better on a vicious killer of a cat rather than the dainty ex-kittypet who possesses them. Usually Bobbie makes an effort to keep them hidden since kithood; she's mastered smiling, chatting, even laughing without revealing the full length of the ungainly things. She starts tugging at the stubborn stick again; should anyone look over, they'll spot the full mouthful of daggers as she struggles with it.

Mallowlark too was a spirit uncharacteristically bound to the set of teeth that lined his grinning jaws. His constant overbearing friendliness, an exaggeration of every act of kindness he had witnessed as a child, was made unintentionally horrifying by his moon wide, largely lightless and unmoving eyes, the clockwork manner in which he moved, and the too-large fangs that lined the aching crescent of his smile. So, here- a kindred spirit!

Mallowlark was first impressed by the sight, and then- and then, figured he could be something of an aid. Bearing a similar set, perhaps he could match her strength!

It had been an odd talent of his to walk erratically and yet perfectly-balanced, his head tilted impossibly sideways as he tottered over to the queen. "Need some help?" he asked, voice as bright as a new dawn as he loomed over the queen like a ravenous phantom. Remembering the importance of eye-contact, he stared- and, remembering the benefit of wonderful first impressions, his smile stretched wider and wider, eyes unmoving as he did so. Kindred spirits, yes... she'd notice from his smile!
I've been trying not to
Like most observant children, Plaguekit has a knack for witnessing and hearing things at the worst time. To almost every warrior and apprentice's dismay they are left in a panic of trying to divert his attention elsewhere to cover up whatever he was not meant to see or know. Though it hardly ever worked. Now? He managed to look over his shoulder just in time to spot Bobbie's impressive set of daggers. A soft coo of astonishment falls from the tom's lips, long, gangly limbs gathering underneath himself as he quickly meanders over to where she and Mallowlark stood. Dichromatic eyes stretch a tad bit wider as he continues to draw closer. Sitting back on his haunches Plaguekit stretches forth a paw to lift Bobbie's lip higher to expose the full length of the fang. "Wow!" He shouted, clearly delighted. His exclamation illustrated by the curling of his forked tail. "Mallowlark mira aqui! Bobbie has the best chompers in the whole clan!" Pulling his paw away he sits down properly. "No wonder Blazestar made you watch me." Plaguekit beams flashing a prickly set of fangs his denmate often complained so about.
Go off the deep end

Bobbie's still fighting with the stupid, stupid stick, her attention entirely focused on the stubborn thing—oh, stars, she would hunt down that mischievous pair after this and give them a stern talking-to (usually not too stern at all, with her). It's a voice that snaps her focus from the irritating bit of wood, glancing up only for sage green eyes to round in alarm, rapidly feeling and pushing down the instinct to jump. That ..... strange ..... (creepy, is what she really thinks) warrior, the one paired to their equally odd medicine cat, looms over her; his silver-coin eyes are wide like a corpse's, his own formidable set of canines pulled impossibly far. So far that, for a moment, Bobbie seriously wonders if he's simply going to rip all the way around and split his head in two with the garish grin.

Stars, she thought her heart had stopped here and now for a moment, but Bobbie realizes it'd be rude to show that, of course, and manners are important to her. Even with such ... peculiar cats, after all. Still half-lowered to the ground, she moves back with her thick lilac mane swaying to give him access to the stubborn thing, mewing shakily if politely, "You're welcome to g-give it a try, thank you ... someone fancied themself a p-p-prankster, I suppose. It's ... Mallowlark, right?" An odd cat, certainly, but any offer of help is appreciated, even if her ears are a touch warmed by being seen with her ungainly fangs out. She supposes such a cat, though, is unlikely to judge her for such things. Or at least she hopes.

The queen's awaiting the strange tom's response when a familiarly patchy form bounces over, suggesting he was not the prankster, as she'd been anticipating. From her experiences, Plaguekit and whoever he roped into his schemes preferred to hide nearby and witness their victim's reaction; oh well, she thinks, the culprit may remain forever unknown. As she's thinking on this, a small paw is suddenly waving rudely in her face, uncomfortably pulling up her lip and exposing the vicious length of the teeth. Bobbie winces as he shouts loudly—stars, the last thing she needs is a reputation of having snake teeth, and the kit's paw recedes before she can push it away. The lilac cat sighs, rubbing her muzzle and glancing at Plaguekit, mewing lowly, "Ah, no need to sh-shout that for the world to hear, Plaguekit ..."
mottledove | 16 months | female | she/her | physically extremely easy | mentally very hard | attack in bold #74a2a5
Living with skyclan has been a major adjustment for the molly - and one she's still experiencing, still working on. Teal eyes watch bobbie as she works, wondering if she should try and help - honestly, round as she is at this point, every pawstep takes more effort than its worth, and while she feels a bit guilty she cant find it within herself to move from her spot. Mallowlark steps in to offer instead, easing her worry, but then plaguekit draws attention to something she hadn't noticed before. "That seems.... useful to have, she says slowly, words quiet and gentle. It seems like a sore spot to the other queen but really mottledove can only feel envy. she has no such secret weapon - her soft kittypetness is truly all there is, her teeth and claws all but useless. Were she not protected here within the camps walls... well, who knows what would have happened to her upon her escape.

Blazestar has never seen Bobbie expose her fangs to the root before—and he would not have now, had Plaguekit not peeled her lips away from her teeth and shouted for the world to look. The flame point gives Mallowlark a cool look, then decides to pretend he isn’t there so he can address Bobbie and Mottledove instead. “Useful to have, indeed,” he says, unaware that Bobbie is blushing madly beneath her rippling lilac pelt. “Once you start your warrior training, you’ll be able to show any WindClanner what’s in store for them if they dare cross into our territory again!” His teasing voice is meant in good faith.


The white tom was oblivious to her embarrassment, mostly because he could not fathom wanting to cover up a full-sized grin, even if it was lined with fangs as jagged as gorge-rocks. She asked for confirmation on his name, and he gave a cheery "Yup!" in response. As Plaguekit cheered wildly, encouraging Mallowlark to look- a deed well and truly done! A giggle, barely-muffled, chittered from between Mallowlark's fangs at the kitten's antics. He nodded enthusiastically at the kid's sentiment; anything wanting to hurt those kittens- WindClanners, Blazestar said, and Mallowlark laughed again- would be scared off from the sight, let alone the blood-drawing pressure of them!

He could imagine it in idyllic detail, a battle like that... surely, surely won by SkyClan. WindClan were already dying from their crimes, even if they didn't know it! That moor-madness poisoning them... it'd weaken them, no doubt.

The domino tom got to work dutifully, as if Bobbie were his leader instructing him to get a stick from her nest. It really was a stubborn one, tangled in with all the material- it was a thunderclap-snap of fangs as he fastened his jaws around the thing, tugging as if it was embedded in his heart. As conversation buzzed around him he tugged, tugged- until with a soft rip it finally came free, loose ribbons of moss tangled around the sharp end like innards. "D'ere!" he exclaimed through the blockage of the stick, beaming brighter than starlight with pride. "'Ffffink it's- hah, gone through my tongue," he said, the sentiment making him shudder with the beginnings of a giggling fit. It was certainly poking him.