ALL FOR THE LOVE OF YOU ʚ⚘ɞ return with kit

It's unfortunate how little time he got with his mate now that she was in the nursery. Of course he could visit and drop in to give her some prey or see the kits, but it wasn't the same as getting to share a nest or spend the day in idle comfort. He had his duties and she was a mother now, it took up a great deal of the day simply getting by and when he had his moments of freedom as sparse as they were he was immediately becoming a menace in the nursery. Howlfire had not yet said anything, but he wondered if Blazestar's daughter was annoyed by his visitation as any queen would be. The kits were growing out their coats well enough, learning to wiggle around a little more each day and he enjoyed staring at them in their attempts to scoot closer to Butterflytuft's belly for warmth, their little shrill cries of defiance when they had the audacity to move them anywhere that wasn't comfortable and supplying food which they often did in order to clean the nesting on occasion. Dandelionwish thinks he could spend all day just watching them roll around blindly, squeak and cry out, but he knows his mate was getting restless and now that they were not quite so new to the world and the overwhelming surge of protectiveness had faded he managed to convince her to step out with him for a short walk. Stretching her legs would probably be beneficial anyways and they had queens to watch the two whom he trusted wholeheartedly.
Leafbare was getting closer and he worries briefly that the cold might nip and tear at the nursery as it is, the old tree that once towered above now part of the den itself; the very grave of Butterflytuft's brother. He hopes Snowpath's spirit is watchful there especially, in the place where he died where new life grew. StarClan would keep that nursery safe in the coming moons. Of this he felt certain.
"The wind's getting colder isn't it?" He leans gently into her spotted side as they amble along, sporting his yellow bandanna today now that he had found where he left it. He was sure an apprentice had hidden it from him as a joke given it was stuffed in a tree hollow. "It's awfully shrill with its howling about...."

  • @butterflytuft & @Daisykit

  • 57913544_fd4KPYbSvxBDtGJ.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Cream/Chocolate Chimera w/mismatched green and orange eyes.

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It felt so wrong to leave Fluffykit and Weedkit while she slipped out of camp for a walk with her mate. She knows they’re safe with Howlfire, but a mother can’t help but to worry! What if they get hungry? Howlfire will nurse them. What if they need a bath? Howlfire will groom them. Her logical mind chastises her with each concern, but still the queen worries. Even with the concern that clouds her mind, she can’t ignore how nice it feels to get out in the forest with Dandelionwish again. She feels him press close and immediately emits a gentle purr as she pushes her side back into his, dipping her head into the crook of his neck. “Leaf-bare will be here before we know it,” She comments softly, a twinge of worry in her voice. How foolish of them to have kits so near the cold season…She worries for their health and hopes their bellies will remain full.

Her ears prick then, hearing the shrill call deeper in the forest. “Dandelionwish…I don’t think that’s the wind.” She perks up and listens harder, her pace quickening slightly. Her neck cranes to see around tree trunks until she catches sight of a tiny, almost unrecognizable lump of dark gray fur. “It’s a kit!” She gasps, immediately rushing forward. The tortoiseshell scampers to a stop just over her, yellow eyes wide as she noses the small bundle about. “Where is her mother?” She asks her mate, too bewildered to notice the quickly fading scent.
In the week that Daisykit had been born she had known three things: darkness, wavering warmth, and the scent of milk. Quiet mewls had come from the tiny kit as she had been moved around, content to be so close to the warmth and milk-scent that she had fallen asleep only to soon be woken up by the tell-tale pang of hunger, the sign in her mind that said it was now her job to find that milk-scent once more and if she got help in doing so then so be it.

Frustrated and hungered mewls came from her as she tried to find it but instead found that although the darkness remained the same the warmth was gone and the milk-scent with it, replaced by this odd smell that later in life she would find out was leaves and trees, and so she had loudly wailed out searching for the source of food that she had known all her life, and then there was something at her side an odd scent of something similar to what she had known before bringing with it warmth and so as she was touched she cried out once more - she was hungry and growing cold and had no words to express those feelings.

* . ° • ★ | • ° ∵ DAISYKIT ∵ ° • | ☆ • ° . *
A kit. Butterflytuft has already scampered from his side and he follows with protective urgency and the dawning realization that she was right. That was not wind at all.
"You've good ears or a natural instinct for motherin'." He smiles warmly, regarding his mate who had picked up on the sound far quicker than even he did though now that he could see the lil stormcloud-colored kit on the ground it was clear the source of that mewling. His mismatched eyes scan the area as she checks the kitten, no sign of anyone else for as far as he could see and for all appearances this was just an abandoned newborn. It seemed to be a common trend for loners and the like to leave their unwanted kin at the borders of clans who would be cruel to refuse. Most of them, he knew, would not hesitate to take in a lost kit - except perhaps WindClan who would turn their nose up at anyone and let cats die within reach of the help they needed.
A cold breeze ruffles his pelt and he shudders, "Right, sorry our walk got cut short but, look'n like this is more important. Can ye grab'em?"
When Butterflytuft does so, gently picking the kit up longways within her maw as though they were a mouse about to be snacked upon he turns to give the area on last look before leaning into her side to help guide them back to camp. The idea was to make sure they were looked at by the medicine cats and okay but...a tug pulls at his heart. Well, they conviently had several queens who could watch over this lost child and his mate had an awfully warm look to her when she spotted it. Dandelionwish's whiskers quiver with amusement, already thinking of names...


  • 57913544_fd4KPYbSvxBDtGJ.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Cream/Chocolate Chimera w/mismatched green and orange eyes.

Nothing but a soft huff escapes her as he apologizes for their walk being cut short. It matters not to her. All that matters is getting this scrap back to camp and looked at by Dawnglare and Fireflypaw. She nods to him and grasps the she-kit's scruff, appalled by how similar in weight and feel she is to her own kits. She couldn't be more than a quarter-moon old, in that case! Her small paws make quick work of trotting after Dandelionwish until they reach camp, ears folded back with worry.

As soon as they're inside, she instinctively wants to take the kit right to the nursery and groom her until her fur fluffed up. She wants to lay her at her belly and let her nurse until her belly is full and warm, and after that she could curl up with Fluffykit and Weedkit and sleep and dream happy dreams of warmth and comfort. She could be safe here. She could be loved here. But first...

"Where is Blazestar?" She whispers to her mate after setting the newborn on the grass, brows knitted together with worry.

// looking for @BLAZESTAR
Right here,” comes a deep, worried meow. The little scrap between Butterflytuft’s paws has made her presence known, her voice shrill and loud as she cries for warmth and milk. His brows knit together as he approaches Dandelionwish and his mate, his eyes bruise-colored with worry. “And where did you find this little one?

He lowers himself into a crouch to sniff at the kit. There’s the faint tang of her mother’s scent on her tiny body, but it’s faded by the elements, and, more concerningly, by time. “She won’t last long without milk,” he murmurs. He gazes up at his former apprentice. “You’ve got two tiny kits just her age. Are you willing to nurse her, too, Butterflytuft?” He can see the soft way she and Dandelionwish gaze at the kit—he believes they must be thinking the same thing.

, ”
Moonfang's ears pricked up at the sound of a mewling kitten, and the hushed voices of Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish out from the distance. The bluish gray tom had been out of camp, so if he were in camp he wouldn't have been as surprised to hear a kitten's mews. But out in the territory? That's something no one wants to hear.

He arrives shortly after Blazestar, ears flattening to his cranium as he looks down at the young kit. StarClan, they can't be more than a week old, Moonfang thinks in horror, Who would just abandon them like that? "She is lucky that you two happened to be nearby," The young warrior meows, as he briefly smells the kit- her mother's scent is fading, and the elements are overtaking it. So, the mother must not be coming back anytime soon to retrieve her kit. He grimaces at the thought— how heartless did a cat have to be to do such a thing?

  • 73373704_GvVtFDtFrH4zYDv.png

  • Moonfang

    experience: trained
    backstory: mistaken identity
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: bluish-gray
    fur length: short
    parents: persephone and hades (kittypet npcs)
    12 moons

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Blazestar was too kind and good of a cat to turn away a lost newborn, speaking to him was just to let him know what happened and nothing more so when he asks if they plan to keep her he does not even need to look at Butterflytuft to know she's already nodding. A smile pulls at his maw, whiskers quivering in warmth and he offers Moonfang a nod when he arrives as well, but he is lost in thought for a moment - mulling over many things and none of which was whether they would keep this kitten. That was most assuredly a yes, but what he was pondering over was once again a name. His mate had named both their other two, he'd had no complaints about either one and was fond of what she'd chosen but he felt a desire to contribute in his own way to their growing family. He could provide for her, but the kits were her charges and the only thing he could offer outside his love, company and delivering of food was a name suggestion.
It actually did not take as long as he suspected to come up with something, his heart pounded in his chest to rise to his throat as he considered it. The perfect name, it meant a lot to both of them and also to Blazestar as well in a way; it was a name that SkyClan would be proud to have join its ranks once more, in honor of two different cats who had brought two very different kits into the world that somehow, through trial and tribulation - ended up together.
Dandelionwish speaks it in an almost whisper, voice assured, "Daisykit..." Answering the question the golden leader asked without actually answering it at all.


  • 57913544_fd4KPYbSvxBDtGJ.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Cream/Chocolate Chimera w/mismatched green and orange eyes.

Their leader approaches quickly, to Butterflytuft's relief. She looks up at her former mentor with tented brows and concerned eyes as he asks where she came from. "She was just...left in the territory. No queen in sight, Blazestar," She answers him, voice pitching higher as her worry shows. Moonfang comments she is lucky they were nearby and she smiles a bit in agreement. She doesn't like to think of what might have happened to her if they didn't happen to be out on a walk in the pine forest.

Her attention shifts back to Blazestar as he murmurs something. Milk. Yes, she needs milk! Her frown deepens, already itching to get back to the nursery with her. And the question comes. A similar question he asked Daisyflight so many moons ago, a much younger Butterflytuft cowering behind his hulking frame. And she doesn't even hesitate to say, "Of course! Of course I'll nurse her." She peers down at the scrap of her, eyes filling with adoration as she realizes...this kit, too, will be hers. Theirs.


The queen blinks up at her mate in surprise, ears folding back. The name they had heavily considered and hadn't ended up going with. different, to her. Daisyflight had taken her in, raised her with her own kittens. Now, she has the chance to do the same. "It's perfect," She whispers, stifling a wobbly lip but allowing tears to gather in her eyes. Smiling, she presses momentarily against Dandelionwish before looking back at Blazestar, at Moonfang, before she leans down to quickly scoop the kit back up in her jaws. With that, she makes quick work of getting back to the nursery to introduce Daisykit to her new siblings.
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