pafp all for the love of you ⚘ a reminder

It was warming to see the black and white she-cat adjust. She wasn't fully comfortable yet, he could tell, but his talk with Blazestar had unburdened him of a lot of uncertainty. SkyClan was not the life he'd intended when he and his family joined WindClan, nor the one he thought of when he picked the monochrome kit off the side of the thunderpath; but it was theirs now. They had a long way to go as far as integration went; so many SkyClanners were still uncertain, wary, and that was fine. There was no judgement or frustration on his part, even to Dawnglare and his equally loud apprentice, even to the ones who felt they should've died at the border. He was, frankly, too tired to give it much thought. Dandelionwish would do as he always did, try to look to the bright side. It was easier here, at least, to do so. Both mismatched gold and green eyes wandered, spotted the cluster of tiny blooms near a tree and he rose up stiffly to wander over and examine them.
Daisies. Simple, delicate little flowers. Their name meant far more than anything he could ever fully express and he glanced back to the apprentice rolling about in her play.

"Daisypaw, come'ere." A tail flicked, gestured for the girl to come over and once she did he stretched out a paw to tug her in a bit closer to peer down. "Lookit'em, ye ain't never seen these 'fore but they're what yer name came from. Sorta. Daisies!" Clumped together, white and pristine; they looked like several tiny flowers hunched together from the cold but the chill in the air was not as intense as it once was. Newleaf was coming ever closer, flowers were blooming once again. He wished he could see the moors in their full beauty once more but those days were behind them now. "Me ma was named Daisy too." He wondered what kind of clan name his mother would have had if she had lived long enough to join with them. Hare had become Harefur and it suited him. Dandelionwish sighed to himself quietly, wondering if he was well, if Shrewtuft and Thymeroot were as well. Be safe. It would be a while before he could even ask or see them since he would not be attending gatherings; he understood and he wouldn't argue, but it did hurt a little not knowing and he wasn't going to risk any of his new clanmates by requesting they ask around in his steed. It could draw unwanted attention. The chocolate limbed tom smiled quietly, that was just how it was.

-- @daisypaw !
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There was little else for the molly to do in the days past. She was a kit in their eyes, confined to camp and a 'paw by name alone. Spending time with Dandelionwish as he got better made it easier, but sometimes she had no choice but to be left to her own devices. The boredom was a monster of its own.

Diasypaw was playing, reminded of when she was small, but it didn't feel as fun as it used to be as she tossed the ball in the air once more. It was different, in a way she couldn't quite place. A call from the sepia tom distracted her from her catch, the clump of moss hitting the side of her face and earning a squeak. It reached the ground as she clambered to her paws and shook herself out.

Game quickly abandoned, she gave the moss little more than a glance before her curiosity drew her closer, a brown paw tugging her into his side while he gestured down at the earth. Little white dots, some bigger than others, while some splayed wide with a yellow center. The shape reminded her of some of the pressed flowers he had in his den back in WindClan. Daisies, he soon confirmed.

Daisypaw lowered herself to her belly, a distinct look of awe in her round eyes. Flowers grew in Newleaf. Was it really here? The air would grow as warm as the comfort of a nearby Clanmate, and the grass would burst into a green brighter than she had ever seen before. Flowers would bloom everywhere of all shapes and colors. It was something she had only dreamed of her whole life. Was it here at last?

In her staring, the bicolor she-cat nearly missed the next comment that Dandelionwish made, finally tearing her gaze away to look up at him. "Yer ma? Was she nice?" came her curious question. "Did'ja name me after her too?"

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