pafp all fun and games // hiding

maggotpaw | 04 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally hard | attack in bold mediumpurple
Maggotpaw is not entirely sure how she's gotten herself into this sort of situation. Truely, there must be something seriously wrong with him - she can come to no other conclusion.

She's not sure why the tom is so insistent on being nice to her - attempting to become... friends, or something, she supposes. She's well aware she is not the nicest of children - in fact, she goes out of her way to make certain of that fact. Cats are terrible, horrible, annoying, smelly creatures no better than the worms crawling in the dirt under her paws. No exceptions! ... well, maybe Magpiepaw, but the boy is strange enough she's half convinced he's not actually a cat.

And yet somehow... she finds herself in this situation. Unlike snailcurl and her foster siblings... this one is much harder to shake. She suposes the saying that blood is thicker than water must hold some truth to it after all given this, but she certainly would rather not having anything to do with the father that abandoned her. Including his annoying offspring who's seemingly always full of inane questions.

Teal gaze is wary and jaded - for once, the girl is not sitting proudly upon a make-shift throne but instead cowering away behind a stray bramble - hiding. From who you ask? Her half-brother of course.