private all fun and games till somebody falls in- // magpie


maggotpaw & 09 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan apprentice

It has grown harder to find time to spend with her... friend, since he had become starclans chosen. Their paws tred different paths now - but still, magpiepaw is her first - and only - friend. The only one deserving of such a title. She ill not let him slip away so easily, not now, not ever. And so she puts in the time, the effort - finds herself walking with him, a silent guard as they search for all manner of plants that she could really care less about. Subjects herself to his 'treatments' in the name of furthering their knowledge. But really... she just doesn't want to be alone, not anymore.

And then had come a surprise - blue-furred figure upon the border, a whole pack of the vile moorland foxes behind her, casting scathing remarks his way. All because he'd asked after her. And that unsettles her most of all, she realizes - she hadn't known, had been just as lost an confused as the rest. And so today, she finally asks - voices what she could not before. "That apprentice - the windclanner, cottonpaw - who was she?" 'who is she to you' she wants to ask, but it is not her place.

This friendship of theirs is that of two orphans together in their strangeness, of a queen and her jester - or so maggotpaw would like to claim, but really it is the acknowledgement of the things she has not yet told him that has her biting her tongue and biding her time. Mind drifts before she can help it - 'Sunflowerpaw', such a fitting name for a ray of gold amongst the rest of the drab moorlands. She thinks her taste in... acquaintances is surely better than his. But - it's too late to say that now. Tch.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: @Magpiepaw
    tw/cw: —
  • — a massive tabby she-cat with striking turquoise eyes, there has always been something not-right about her. cold and apathetic, and more than a bit unhinged, the monster that is maggotpaw is a volitile presence within shadowclan. she seems strangely taken by magpiepaw, putting herself in role of both tormentor and protector.

    — physically medium && mentally hard
    — non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    — please attack using [b][color=mediumpurple]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


"She is my friend. We talked at a gathering once. I do not think her father likes me." Or rather, didn't like ShadowClan as a whole which was foolish to him to compare him to his own clanmates when even they regarded him impatiently and without kindness at times. That he had to be set upon a pile with them was more insult than any words the blue she-cat had spewed out in mimicry to appease her sire. He had taken none of it to heart, not a single word, because if there was one thing Magpiepaw saw through it was a cat acting the part for spectacle and not being themselves. So many in ShadowClan did such a thing, parading about with heads high as though above it all, acting like fools for the merriment of getting to pretend they were harmless when truly beneath layers of fur he saw shimmering scales; serpents writhing in piles before them. If there was one thing he had that no one else did here, it was genuine sincerity; though Maggotpaw was also unapologetically herself as well, a few were capable of it.
A rare flicker of amusement crosses his maw, whiskers quivering, eyes sparking mischief, "Are you threatened?"

maggotpaw & 10 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan apprentice

The way he phrases their interactions is not far off from her own - and it soothes the irritation that'd been growing in her chest. The next question though, makes her pause - "I- maybe," she says dully, really taking the time to think. She's always liked to consider herself honest when it comes to her emotions - she knows herself better than anyone after all. Why would she lie to herself, when there are plenty of others doing so every day? Magpiepaw is her friend - her first, and really her only. The thought of him being taken away irks her, and so - yes, she thinks, perhaps she is. "I didn't like not knowing something," she says, tail tip twitching as she settles on brutal honesty - this isn't really something she needs to hide. She's said much worse. "I met a cat too - I've met them at the gatherings a few time, though I wouldn't say we're... friends. Sunflowerpaw. They're... alright, for a windclanner," she admits, blue gaze watching violet with rapt attention, testing and probing. Will he find fault in her acquaintanceship, or run tattling to his mentor? She hopes not - she'd had no qualms fighting them in battle, and she doubts that will change in the future. Their entanglement is not her weak point, only a passing curiosity.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • — a massive tabby she-cat with striking turquoise eyes, there has always been something not-right about her. cold and apathetic, and more than a bit unhinged, the monster that is maggotpaw is a volitile presence within shadowclan. she seems strangely taken by magpiepaw, putting herself in role of both tormentor and protector.

    — physically medium && mentally hard
    — non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    — please attack using [b][color=mediumpurple]action here[/color][/b] and tag account