ALL HANDS ON DECK | chervilkit

In ShadowClan, there was not really such a thing as 'being stuck in camp' for a Lead Warrior, unless they were tasked the guard the entrance. Ferndance was free of duty and chore that day, crimson and murky flecks still adorning her paws from an earlier hunting excursion. The ache of a long day had passed, but, staring off into the gloom of the mire, she found herself lacking any interest to venture out. Staying still, however, was also as full as anything. Stuck in limbo, Ferndance had taken to pacing around in search of something to do or someone to annoy, only passively aware that she had passed the same kitten three times by now. She liked the young, but she didn't know if she wanted to socialise with them at the moment - who knew if she carried a deadly illness, or vice-versa? She'd rather not die to something so silly, she'd rather not have them die to something so silly: another stalemate until a cure had been found for the cough that had been going around.

A clanmate, flicking their decorated tail up and down, shades of lapis blues piercing through their striped tail like icicles. They were distracted, talking with one another and meandering towards the camp's entrance, likely seeking to catch up with a patrol. Forest-green eyes latched onto the vulnerability without hesitation. Entering a hunter's crouch, the ticked tabby edged forwards ever so slowly, pupils expanded as if staring at a juicy morsel. Further staring revealed the flash of colours on their tail to be feathers, displayed so chaotically that the Lead Warrior felt as if she were missing out if she didn't get one for her own nest. She waited until he was halfway out the camp exit before silently hopping after him and plucking at it with precise teeth. Succes! The decoration floated to the floor and, with the other Warrior none the wiser, Ferndance picked her prize up. She turned her angled head, clutching the bluejay's feather at the quill and gawking towards the ground. Eyes widen and soften in a quick motion. It appeared that standing there yet again was a little kitten, the fourth time she'd seen her in a short space of time, a witness to an otherwise perfect stealth mission. "I'm sorry," she cooed, not to dissimilarly to a dove she'd heard on the other side of the border. "I don't share my findings."