pafp ALL I EVER DO IS REMEMBER ✿ journey stories


bobbie isn't quite sure how to view blazestar's children and grandchildren, in light of recent events. they are obviously not hers and she has no intention of trying to behave like a mother or a grandmother towards them, but she feels....what? an obligation, an interest? all she has is this gossamer thread, forged in moonlight and fire, tying her to skyclan's leader and his extensive lineage. regardless, she had intended to say hello to howlfire and her new kits one way or another; what better method than a story?

she has a wealth of them, now, after the journey: the river, the caves, the cliff and the forest and the dogs. the eagles and the mountains, snow-capped peaks and a great lake drowning the faraway sun. she thinks, achingly, of a quiet night in the medicine den, whispered stories of lionclan and tigerclan. shaking her head to dispel the memory, setting it aside for another time, she makes her way across camp towards where one of the fluffy kits play. leaning down towards blazingkit, she greets, "hello, little one. i'm bobbie."

"do you want to hear a story?" she adds with a smile, thinking of alpine landscapes and endless caves, of the untold stories she has at the ready now. "it's about the journey," bobbie mews, trying to infuse her tone with suspense; no doubt the kits are curious about her and the other strangers smelling of ice and lungwort.


  • please wait for @BLAZINGKIT !!
  • 6TR0CBJ.png
    bobbie ; lead warrior of skyclan
    x. she/her ; 42 moons ; tags
    x. small, scarred lilac tabby and white she-cat with green eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    x. mother to lupinepaw, crowpaw, and drowsypaw.

THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER The energetic kitten had been roughhousing with his sisters and a few other kittens, he was giving chase to Pebblekit pretending to be a big and scary fox with a ten foot long tail, massive rows of teeth, and claws double the size of his body. His larger body colliding with hers that sent both of them tumbling and she batted him away with a squeal, Blazingkit prepared to chase after her and cause absolute havoc until the voice of someone else catches his attention and the words she spoke immediately interested him. "Do you want to hear a story?" His pupils growing massive at the mention of the journey and the fur on his little body fluffing up from the suspense Bobbie put in her voice, he glances over to his sisters briefly already forgetting that he was playing fox and he was supposed to gobble up the other kittens like foxes do.

He nods eagerly up at her already sitting down and offering all his undivided attention "Mhm! Yes please! I'd love to hear about the journey!" He recalls when the first two cats had returned, he tilts his head to the side asking with curiosity "Did you really fight a bunch of bears, badgers, and twolegs and torn them to shreds like Lionclan would? Wolfie said the birds told her so!" The tabby kitten curls his tail around his front legs awaiting eagerly for Bobbie to answer him and adds with a nod of his head "And the birds are never wrong!" He squeaks out in a matter-of-fact voice and offers a big toothy grin to the newly made lead warrior.

  • blazingkit_cheeb.png
    ✧ 2 moons old
    ✧ skyclan kitten
    ✧ son of coyotehowl and howlfire
    ✧ brother to wolfkit and hawkkit
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ chibi art by meghan

thistlepaw & 04 moons & trans. fem nonbinary & they/she & skyclan kit

"Bears? Badgers?" thistlepaw is finally done with chores for the day, and can't help but overhear blazingkit's shouts, eyes going wide in curiosity. Short limbs carry the rather chubby feline over as swiftly as they can, and the child doesn't even wait before plopping herself down alongside the others. "Did you really? That sounds way cool - I took hazelbeam down all by myself once though, so maybe not as cool as that" they, of course, leave out the fact the daylight warrior had only been pretending to be defeated - it was still a great and powerful moment in thistlepaws mind.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a pinkish grey kitten with splashes of white across their frame. their fur is just as curly as their mothers, and they have a deer-like nub for a tail. they wear a purple colored collar and a thistle flower.

    physically easy && mentally easy
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#fff]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


An ear twitches toward the scene as the huge tom looks up from his sloppy attempts to devour a squirrel. The 'cone of shame' on his broad head made it rather difficult to maneuver! Still, the Daylight Warrior grins cheerily, seemingly unbothered by the cumbersome accessory. He listens with pricked ears to the conversation nearby, and finds himself intensely interested in learning about the events of the journey.

"I've killed a bear before." Tigerscar boasts, lying smoothly, but he doesn't miss a beat as he continues, "It tore my eye right out of my skull!" He leans lower toward the group, pointing a claw toward his empty eye-socket and mangled facial features. That's right, look at me! I'm a hero! And besides, even if I've never seen a bear, I'm sure I could totally kill one! Arrogance seeps into his mind as he smirks. "But it'll never hurt any cat, ever again. 'Cause I killed it." The Daylight Warrior reaffirms with a puff of his chest and a flick of his tail.

"Ah, but, I want to hear about the journey too."
Tigerscar tries to steer the topic back toward the journey. After all, he didn't want anyone questioning his bold claims!
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .

“Faced a few badgers.” He grunted, turning to glance at Tigerscar with a perplexed expression, morphing into sudden indifference, shaking his helm in amusement. Right. He greeted the new lead warrior with a dip of his helm, wooly tail flickering to settle amongst the curious, stiffer than a log, but he was present.

Duskpool had the unfortunate encounter, although he was smart enough to veer away from the bear’s hulking frame when he was a rogue. He doubted the scarred warrior would have lived, but storytellin’ was all for its dramatics. He wasn’t nearly as good, but he liked to listen, bringing some light to his dreary childhood.

“Foxes, too.” His gaze narrowed. He didn’t bother mentioning the pack of dogs, the sole reason for splittin’ the group up. He’d been one of the many SkyClanners to stay behind because of his injury.
thought speech

his curiosity is piqued with the kitten's barrage of questions, hearing of the possibly exaggerated stories, he entirely believes them. he's unaware of the degree of truthfulness to anything - so it all comes to fact, as far as he knew, clan cats may have taken down some of the biggest animals ever. he settles near blazingkit, wrapping his fluffy tail around his paws.

dolly offers thistlepaw a chuckle. when the cone enters his point of vision he recognizes it with a familiar amusement, his dazed smile however, drops at what tigerscar has to say, enraptured by the undoubtedly untrue claim. "wow."

badges and foxes? the very idea is perplexing to the sheltered ragdoll, so far removed from what used to e everyday life: "that's crazy. how did you do it?" he asks in his usual slow way of speaking, head leaning to the side.

❪ TAGS ❫ Adventure.

Ears flicked towards Bobbie and the others as they began to exchange words. The large silver tabby padded over, his tail swishing slowly on the ground behind him. He greeted the group with a silent dip of the head before regarding the group. Most of the cats he hadn't interacted with in a while, but he still knew their faces. Most hadn't changed much since the journey and for others, his gaze landed on Duskpool, Star Clan hadn't been too kind to. Still, he did find a part of him that was relieved they were home. Bobbie especially, as Blazestar had looked a bit lonely.

At Dolly's questioning, Cloverjaw shifted, his gaze flicking to Tigerscar's trying to detect any lie. Badgers and foxes... that seemed doable. Certainly, Duskpool and the other warriors were chosen for such a trek into the wild. A cat doesn't get made lead warrior for nothing. But a bear? Two legs more than likely ran from those things. Tigerscar was big, but not that big. It didn't look like Duskpool believed the tom either, but that was neither here nor there. Clover had joined for stories and possibly gossip, not to start a fight.

He remained silent, watching the group with a friendly smile on his maw as he settled next to Dolly.

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