all i know so far || lessons for kits


Still three long moons left till she's a warrior, but she's been an apprentice now for almost six — making her firmly one of the older ones. And though much of that time was spent away from the training grounds, Ashpaw's definitely picked up some moves. Enough to fight off a fox, anyway... Ashpaw bites back a smile. She's gonna be proud of that for a long time, she thinks.

"Okay!" she chirps to the little group she's gathered, a bunch of eager kittens all ready to learn. "A bunch of you guys will be apprentices soon! And so... Smokethroat's asked me to teach you guys some cool apprentice stuff." She grins, giving them a second to react — they're so funny. Was she that funny when she was a kitten?

"Today we're gonna learn some battle moves! And I know the best one to start with." A beginner move, unique to the water, one they'll probably find comes in handy during newleaf. She's glad they'll be apprenticed during newleaf. Everybody says it's a good thing, and that the leaves and flowers and prey come back out... she hopes they're right.

"RiverClan is special because we're good at swimming. When the river thaws we'll swim and fish and all kinds of stuff, and we'll have way more prey than any of the other clans. And if we have to battle them, we can use the river to our advantage, too."

She drops into a crouch, wiggling her rear, hoping to keep the kits' attention. "We can do all kinds of things with the water. Like swim so fast they can't keep up, or splash them in the face so they can't see!"

Or hold them underwater, cackles a familiar voice in the back of her head. Ashpaw shoves the thought away — she isn't going to think about Spiderfall. Not here, not right now; he can't poison this. She turns back to the kittens — her siblings and their friends, a whole bunch of tiny little creatures who've never, ever been hurt like that. And Ashpaw won't ever let them be.

"Now, I've chosen a spot with a bunch of puddles. So that you can do ... this!"

She slams her paws down into one nearby, sending a spray of water forward.

"If you do that right in someone's face, you can catch them off guard! Give it a try."

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • takes place before the february apprentice ceremonies! any kits who'd have still been kits before the meeting are welcome <3

    tagging those who requested, but feel free to post before:
  • - 8 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclepaw
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - "speech"
  • Love
Reactions: Hazewish


Chirping Bird watched with amusement as Ashpaw gathered the kits to teach them how to splash puddles. The elder remembered the days she and her littermates splashed around. Uncaring of who got wet. She wondered if the kits would like this form of play. Thinking it would benefit them if they didn’t mind getting wet. Since most Riverclanners swam in the river.

“Oh look at me! An unexpecting cat walking by.” the elder pretended, slowly walking by a puddle for one of the kits to try and splash her. Doing her best to keep her amused look to herself.
( ) Ah, acclimating the children to water with a bit of puddle-hopping. It's a lovely idea, the molly thinks, a good way to ease them into the coming change. Sweetbriar herself never had such a chance; it was ritual in her family, once the kits grew old enough, that they would face judgement by the river which flowed life-giving and divine. If they swam, they lived, if they didn't, they were mourned. A cruel practice, perhaps. Sweetbriar must admit that she far prefers the Clan-training.

It puts a smile on her face, to watch the apprentice and her small posse of kits. The young teaching the young, what a wondrous thing. Learning that feels like play. She can't help but join in. Sweetbriar slips over to Chirping Bird's side, easy-going smile upon her maw. "Chirping Bird, dear friend, I simply must join you on your path. So blessedly dry, t'would be a shame if some water were to muddy it," she matches the elder's glacially slow pace, restraining herself from looking to the kits.