all i need is just a pen - PATROL ASSIGNMENTS

Patrols. It had been something Emberstar had been been meaning to take care of for a while now. With the whole mess with Sootstar, all the changes that the gathering had brought, and the day to day minutia that came with managing a clan, it had gone unaddressed time and time again. Left to whoever happened to be available at the time. Now though, she was finally going to schedule them herself. Each night, she would announce the patrol for the next morning, quick and easy just like that.

It was so simple.

Scrambling atop highrock, she called out over the clan. "Thunderclan! Just a moment, wanted to announce the patrol for tomorrow morning." She announced with a grin. "Leafshade, Little Wolf, Kindleheart, Flame, and Flycatcher will make up the patrol!" Those were all competent cats, they should be able to handle near anything. "That's all." She stated, hoping back down.

Just as she had though, so simple.

//@Leafshade @LITTLE WOLF @KINDLEHEART @Flamewhisker @Flycatcher
///Y'all can make the thread, feel free to make it as disorganized as you want!
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Patrols we’re not a new concept to Little Wolf, the other clans had been doing them all the time, right? That’s why Blazestar had shown up here the other day, anyways. What was new to her, however, was thunder clan doing a patrol. She blinks in surprise as her name is called, tilting her head up to give Emberstar a glance and then a nod of acknowledgment. Usually, they just did whatever, whenever. But she supposed that system was a little archaic. Nobody ever knew what had to get done or who had to do it.

There is one thing she wonders though, and that was where they were going, who would lead the patrol, but she does not say this out loud. She doesn’t want to question her leader. Perhaps Emberstar would tell them in the morning, before they left.

Yes, she decides with a yawn, that would be a problem for the morning time.

The idea of having formal patrols was not one that Flycatcher opposed. It would certainly be a big help to have a little more direction in where they went sometimes. They couldn't keep relying on their rather disorganised way of doing it, especially with the clans implementing borders.

When Emberstar climbs up onto the highrock and calls out to the clan, announcing the patrol for tomorrow, Flycatcher listens in. He does not expect to be picked but will gladly go. He waits for a moment, half expecting more information on the patrol, such as where to go and who would lead it but receives no answer. In fact, it seems that Emberstar had no more to tell them on the matter. A puzzled expression takes hold and he looks around at his clanmates, in particular, the ones who were also named on the patrol with him.

He hopes at least Emberstar might tell them more in the morning but for now time will tell.

It's quick, the announcement.

It's so quick that Kindleheart almost misses his name among the rest of them. A patrol, Emberstar announces. A patrol for the next morning.

The brown tabby is fine with that - it'll be nice to stretch his legs, after all. He waits to hear for just where it is exactly, that they're meant to be going, but, it's something that the ThunderClan leader fails to mention.

The meeting is over almost immediately after it begins, and Kindleheart can't help but to look at the rest of the patrol's members in confusion. Perhaps he missed what she'd said? About where they were going? Maybe that's what was going on?

He isn't quite sure, but it sort of looks like some of the other members are just as confused as he is.

That doesn't seem like a good sign. One can only hope Emberstar tells them the details in the morning.
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Her ears would prick in surprise as she was announced to join the morning patrol. She swallowed nervously as she glanced at the wound perched upon her shoulder. The territory was huge, and she didn't know the half of it. Would she be able to keep up? Surely Emberstar wouldn't assign her to join the patrol if she didn't think she was capable. The fiery tabby would nod, then head to the warriors den to rest.

As Emberstar called for the next day's patrol assignments, Leafshade would stalk over, his expression one of his usual annoyed indifference. However, his expression would change to one of surprise as his name was called to join a patrol.

A scowl would then morph onto his jaw as they were given no instruction of where to go or who was meant to lead this little outing, and as he looked around to find the rest of his patrol, he would snort to see that they were either just as confused as he, or seemingly worried.

With a roll of his shoulders, he decided that was a problem that could wait until the morning and the lanky tom turned to hed back to his nest.

* * * * *​

Another day another morning patrol to assign! Last time had been so quick and easy, Emberstar figured she could just do the same thing today. Being able to finally get patrols sorted out in the midst of her busy schedule had felt so nice. She figured it might be a good idea to make this a routine, that would make everything much more organized! It made her proud to think about it.

"Thunderclan! TIme to assign morning patrols again!" she announced as she leapt atop highrock once more. "Finchcatcher, Meadowflame, Little Wolf, and Leafshade will make up this patrol." She told them quickly, shooting them all a smile. That all sounded fine, didn't it? It was one less than last time, she realized, but four should still work.

As she had last time she leapt down swiftly, making for her den. She meant to get up at the crack of dawn tomorrow, so she needed to fall into her nest to sleep already. There was far too much for her to do to be wasting time staying up too late.

//@Leafshade @LITTLE WOLF @FINCHCATCHER @meadowflame
///you can make the thread anytime in the next week, no rush! just wanted to go ahead and put this up now since it's been a week since the last one was announced. once again feel free to make it as disorganized as you want!
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