private all my ghosts are with me | family outing + daddy issues

The morning’s mist clung to each twoleg nest like a pelt, blurring their edges with cotton. Each rigid pathway fell away into white along the horizon, a sight Daisyflight might have found novelty in if it wasn’t an obstacle to her plan. Exasperation pulled her ears flat, their tattered tips splayed wide. She looked over her slate shoulder to her family and summoned an apologetic smile.

“I knew it was damp today but I hadn’t expected this. I had hoped to point out the spire I used to live beside but we’ll be lucky if we can see anything!" Pausing atop the stone wall they walked along, the molly tried to salvage her intent. She had brought her children along for a little excursion into the fringes of the twolegplace, careful to choose a route that kept them well out of the thoroughfare. In the lowland they had briefly travelled through the extent of the mist had been hidden from them. Now they had arrived at a high point it was clear there would be no landmark learning today.

"Ha, well at least there’ll be no running into, ah- any undesirables" A tremor caught Daisyflight’s tone as she became suddenly aware of the topic she had put her paw in. As if shaking her leg free from a trap, she cleared her throat unsubtly and looked to the skyline.

It did bring her a little unease, in truth, to stray so close to her old haunts. The prospect of bumping into Raven Ramble with her- their- kits in tow frayed her nerves to splinters. Not a murmur of him had been told to them and she intended to keep it that way. His charm would be too tempting, just as effective in raising hopes as it was in dashing them.

"Oh! That red building is just visible- it holds the scent of milk and twoleg sweets" A chalk-gloved paw indicated a form in the smog, crimson peaking from behind another concrete slab. "If you were to get lost in the twolegplace, that nest is a good marker to return to the territory. An ever-muddy track runs behind it towards the forest." She tried to describe it in the most detail as she could, dredging up moon-old memories. For Violetpaw, visible landmarks held very little use, and so Daisyflight made sure to include mention of other pointers. After Blaze’s star-told trip, she wanted to ensure they had some understanding of the layout of these parts.

/ @Snowpaw @GREENPAW @FIGPAW @VIOLETPAW @butterflypaw
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"Yeah...damp." Snowpaw flicked his paw as he stepped on a particularly wet spot on the ground, not quite a puddle but enough to make him grimace.
He only agreed to come because he was sick of being stuck in camp, the consequences of his actions were irritating but he had bit back his complaints well for the most part and wasn't going to make an ordeal of it. Part of him knew if he told his mother and Blazestar he and Coyotepaw worked it out that they'd be released from their punishment sooner, but another part of him didn't want to expose the fact he was soft and had made amends because frankly it was no one elses business than his own and the other apprentice. So Snowpaw had decided to just grit his teeth and get through it all without any attempts to appeal, because if he was anything it was stubborn.

"Undesirables? Like what? Rogues? Bet there's a bunch of ugly losers here. I could take them." He'd not met a rogue that he couldn't defeat in combat because he'd not yet met a rogue. His golden gaze lazily moved past Daisyflight to the sweet-scented building she indicated and he mentally tucked that information away for later. The dappled tom made a point to remain walking alongside Violetpaw specifically, his tail arched over her back just close enough to indicate his continuous present but not quite touching; if his loud mouth had to stop running for any reason he wanted his sister to know he was around.

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Luckily Figpaw had managed to keep dry, save for the droplets of water that fell from the branches of pines and her paws that had to endure rain puddles. Even if she had to get a bit damp today she was overjoyed to be able to head out with her family today and see her mother's roots. The place she grew up in and the place she dwelled until SkyClan became her home.

Paw pads used to the softness of earth and grass are uncomfortable against the cool stone they walked across, yet Figpaw ignores it and squints against the fog. It was difficult to see too much of anything, but it didn't deter her. They'd just have to get closer for sightseeing! "Ma, can't we just get closer? I wanna see the spire!!"

She pleads with kitten eyes and an innocent grin, though her brother breaks it and causes her lips to form a look of disbelief. "Yeah right... Anyone mom is scared of would for sure be able to kick your rear!" If ma was afraid or weary of the "undesirables" who roamed here there was no way Snowpaw could take them... Yet Figpaw was fairly confident they wouldn't have to worry about them, but then again, she wasn't the best at being cautious.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 6 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ IDK HER SEXUALITY I LIED . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
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"Perhaps you could! While you're all doing very well in your training, the rogues that make their nests in those areas are particularly fierce." An exasperated, amused smile coloured Daisyflight's snout as she responded to Snowpaw. Her son might be confident but even the most experienced of Skyclan might find themselves on their back paws at the face of the less... forthright combat used by the rogues. A far less filtered laugh cracked from her chest at Figpaw's mention of her kicking rears. "Quite right!"

And then as soon as it was constructed, the ease was whittled away. The shapes in the mists taunted, reminded. "Ma, can't we just get closer?" No, they couldn't. A mess, that's what it'd cause. However... they were getting older. Dragging them back by the scruff was getting harder by the moon. Oh she couldn't decide anymore, was it safer to tell or to not? The calico's whiskers pinched conspiratorially, their sleek edges dusted with moisture.

Meeting the wide gaze of her daughter, a sigh spilt roughly into the thick chill. "Closer is not, ah, something I want for our family." Ears askew, the words that came next flooded her pelt with unease. "Your… father is in there." Was father the correct term? He held no claim over them, not like she did- The thought of his slinking ink frame coiling around her little family made her sick with anger.

"He’s no parent… I couldn’t be myself. He’d never be a part of the clan- he doesn’t- tsk. A torrent ran numb along her tongue, marring her words with knots and stumbles. Daisyflight was fearful of what they might think. In truth, he hadn’t had a chance, but she knew it’d only spell disaster. Raven Ramble whipped those around him into a frayed fury with his own self-interest.

/sorry this is a lil rough!
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Figpaw grows confused, was it because mom thought them to be too young? Why surely they were plenty old now and soon enough they'd be seven whole moons! Figpaw was counting down the days in her head, watching for the moon to restart its phases. The eager red tabby doesn't know when to stop and almost parts her lips to plead, but then Daisyflight reveals more.

Your father is in there.
"Oh." A stunned and thoughtless word. Father. Dad. The title was near foreign to her, she knew other cats had dads, but she hadn't. Figpaw never really questioned it- not too much, she grew curious here and there but tended to forget about it the next time she stumbled across mom. Yet despite never asking there was a hole in her heart she didn't even know was missing, the absence of a parent did that to cats sometimes.

Well... why? Figpaw doesn't understand, what was so bad about him that made her mother's whole disposition change? Why hadn't he come to SkyClan to be a parent to Figpaw and her siblings? Why would he never be a part of the clan? Deep confusion and confliction roots itself inside of her, she finds herself biting at her lip. "Does he know about us?" Is the only question Figpaw's swarming brain could muster to ask at the moment.
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Mud-soaked paws follow behind his siblings, a trek to new sights before him. Though his siblings and his mother seem to share a disdain for the mistiness the day brings, Greenpaw revels in it, in the few puddles he manages to find, the soil that covers his paws.

Even without it, Greenpaw would still be enjoying the day out, the new lands his mother brings them to.

"What even is a spire?" the apprentice asks, hopping into another shallow puddle along their path. Perhaps the only downfall of the misty day - the lack of visibility. He'd be able to know what it was, where it was, if it weren't for the mist. "Can't we just go to it?"

The spire is quickly forgotten, replaced with a new landmark in his mind. A twoleg nest, redder than his own fur, one that his mother claims smells sweet, but holds a muddy path nearby. Mud. A whole path of it.

"Do you think Churrodream takes that path?" he asks, bright eyes looking back to his mother, "Can we take that path home?" However, his attention on the mud-filled path is quickly switched back to the spire, a pause in his step as he listens to Daisyflight's words.

Their father. Their father lives in the spire.

They have... They have a father? Greenpaw blinks. Well, he assumed they had one, but didn't believe they actually had one. A father, like how Fireflypaw and his siblings have Blazestar. But, why were they only just learning about him? He doesn't live with the clans. Would never be, according to Daisyflight. That... That doesn't seem right. Doesn't seem fair to Greenpaw and his siblings that they don't have their own Blazestar, in the way his friends do.

"Maybe if he meets us, he'll want to come live with us!" he suggests. "Or... Or maybe we could visit him, like Blazestar's kids do?" He just wants to meet the guy, wants to know if he looks anything like him. Wants to know any of them do.
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