private all my sins // dipperpaw

Skypaw has ignored the existence of the other Clans as if each and every one of them brandishes a new plague against him. The ShadowClanners that visit them, as if they're nothing but prisoners of war, are often the ones that garner the most (if any) reaction out of the mottled tom. WindClanners aren't worth the new mud beneath his paws, SkyClanners often are mixed with his siblings, and he does his best to care little about them. And RiverClan... has her.

It's easy to ignore his blasphemous feelings when there's a river dividing them, however knowing that she is only fox lengths away now... it makes it harder. It's just because she's pretty, he knows. Unattainable, even. Yet their situation makes conversing with her not only easier, but on some level normal. It's not as if they've snuck around to speak to one another, but now they can do so casually. Not that they have - as again, he's avoiding most others as best he can. At least... until tonight.

The pine trees allow for speckles of stars, much unlike the billowing oaks he's used to. He stares upwards, wondering if his lost sister looks down at him. Maybe more of his family, like his grandfather, finds him with confidence and fondness. He wishes he had someone to share this moment with, at least to chatter about the stars and StarClan as a whole - and it seems that StarClan itself decides to provide him his one wish, as not too far away is her. He can't tell if his stomach flutters with butterflies or churns with disgust.

"Hey," he greets her, tail flicking to subtly beckon her closer. For the others around, he bids her with, "Dipperpaw, right?" though he fully knows her name, and hopes she understands the game. "I saw you on the way here," I was looking for you, "You were... limping. Are you alright?" He decides on a lie, though the following is true and genuine. He decides then that the feeling in his gut is disgust, but the rapid beating in his chest is worth it.​

For Dipperpaw, it is not a matter of hatred that makes her stay away from the other clans. No, she does not care enough to hate. It is more of a disinterest. Curiousity did tug her brain in a multitude of directions but in order to have that curiosity sated she would have to strike up a conversation with a stranger and that is not something she particularly wanted to do right now. No, right now she is content to affix mismatched eyes on the stars above them. They twinkle back at her and she wonders, did they ever try to converse with normal cats, like her? Or were there words only meant for the ears of the greats? One day she hopes she can have conversations with those distant spirits but for now she is content to just watch and imagine.

Her musings are interrupted by a familiar voice and she turns. Of course he is here, his clan was here so why she had not expected him to be as well? Her gaze drifts from skyward back to earth, to his face. Sunshine on a cloudy day. She smiles, even though she wills herself to not. He seemed to always have that effect on her, it was strange. "Hey" she says back like its the most casual thing in the world, like her heart is not threatening to falter with how hard it is beating right now. When he first asks her name, feigning ignorance she feels offended, but then she sees the playful glint in his eyes and she understands "Yeah, like the bird" she says, with an amused twitch of her whiskers. "Mmmm was I now?" she does not remember if she had or not but she does suppose it makes sense, claw marks gouge her skin and they were sore "I'm alright" she decides, because with him here how can she not be?

Stars, did she really have to share a camp with him?

"How about you? Your clan also got run out of their home... Is this your first time being away from your territory?" it was certainly hers, and though she aches for the river she actually finds herself foolishly thankful.