camp all my troubles on a burning pile ] prompt


the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out
Feb 28, 2024
While Leechkit has never had the pleasure of feeling it for itself, it had heard a couple times over the last few days murmurs from warriors, watching the rocks at the edge of camp as the snow had started melting away. A sort of anticipation, waiting for the snow to disappear completely and leave room for them to relax on the rocks once they had time to soak up the heat of the sun. A couple times since then, it's seen warriors taking the time to lay on them and relax, taking advantage of a comfortable spot before others can get to it. For once, though, no other cats are around, and the warm rocks are completely available. It gives a look around, as if checking to make sure no one is watching, then hurries over, ignoring the ache in its hips as it makes its way over. It's a bit worse than normal today, but that's why it had been hoping to get a rock to itself for a while. The kitten crawls up onto one of them rocks, feeling the warmth emanating from it, and flops onto it unceremoniously, legs splayed out behind it as it drops its head down onto the heat of the stone as well. It's stretched comfortably out, eyes drooping as it basks.

prompt: the air is still cold and the stones at the edge of camp are free of snow at last, with only a little room on the rocks for cats to lay. will you share a spot to sunbath or fight to keep it to yourself?
The day had been long, hard, and cold worst of all. Usually, her thick pelt was an excellent insulator but after sweating through rounds of training it had managed to slip through. Chilling the paw' to her bones and leaving her a grumpy lump of fur as she trudged through camps entrance. Unceremoniously she dodged her incoming peers and trudged to the rock pile. Bi-colored eyes landing on the tiny scrap occupying them. A part of he had hoped they would be clear of any others but it wasn't in her nature to go against the grain. Sighing softly, she scooted in behind the resting kit, and gently meowed. "Hey, mind if I join you?" Her voice comes blunt but kind. Thornpaw had no reason to tiff with a kitten and hearing them throw a hissy fit was the last thing on her mind. She could be accommodating that way they could both enjoy the sun's rays.
YOUR MOOD IS LIKE A CIRCUS — she'd been watching those rocks all day. well, mostly all day, except for those few times that she closed her sleepy green eyes to nap, catching up on "beauty sleep" as their mom called it. she wasn't entirely sure how sleep could affect how you looked, but she just trusted that her mom was right. back to the rocks, she had cracked open an eye to look over at the rock — assuming that it would be empty still, she nearly shut her eye again.. and then leechkit was there, and her eyes flew open in a small frenzy. groggily shaking her nap out of her fur, she bounded over to her brother, their noses only a centimeter away as she came skidding to a halt. "noooo! you got it fiwst!" she groaned, tossing her head back and lifting her front paws up onto the rock, pouting a little.

she knew better than to push her brother off, and she knew better than to ask it to move. she placed her head on her paws, staring up at it for a moment. "what if we cwiss cwossed?" she suggested, and tried to cross her paws as if to demonstrate. she really didn't have that much mobility yet, at least not being as short as she was.

  • wye3c6qnlg4.png
    chocolate tortie / fawn chimera with low white, green eyes
    3 moons old; ages the 24th every month
    orient. unknown ; currently not looking
    daughter of eggskip and blazeclaw
    kit of shadowclan
    easy to befriend ; trust gained very easily
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
I MET A GIRL WHO SANG THE BLUES — Eggskip was almost painfully aware of the fact that her kits had not yet been able to experience the genuine warmth of a season that wasn't leafbare. Many, many different clanmates had told her about what a horrible idea it was to have kits at the beginning of the season, but she had been too determined. Or too selfish, as some had put it. She didn't really see what the big deal was, considering she had been perfectly fine and well-fed within the walls of the nursery.

In her mind, the worst part had just been the lack of abundant warmth for her little ones, leading to her having them tucked up against her fluffy side the majority of the time. Now that they were growing older though, they weren't so fond of just staying wherever she carried them to.

Case in point, when she stretched lazily out from her nest for the day, she realized with a start that she didn't have three tiny bodies hidden away at her belly. A soft huff left the queen's muzzle as she got up to her paws, slinking out of the nursery with her gaze sharp and scanning around for her children. It was a relief when she spotted at least two of them, accompanied by one of Smogmaw's children. Eggskip didn't hesitate in making her way over to the trio, flopping inelegantly on the opposite side of Leechkit so that she could yank both it and Slugkit into her chest. "You both need to learn to share, like Thornpaw here is suggesting. There's plenty of room if you just curl up like the little tiny specks you are." Never mind the fact that all of her children were rapidly getting bigger, their apprentice names only a few moons away.

She didn't like thinking about that, focusing on the sun and the rocks was a much better idea.

  • 75154588_JBKyEvm58EdJt3x.png
    longhaired black tabby and fawn chimera with amber eyes
    18 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    mother of slugkit, leechkit, and mantiskit
    currently a queen; rarely leaves camp
    shadowclan born; loyal but not hostile to other clans
    very easy to befriend; little animosity in her at all
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
🦗 "Sharing is for tadpoles!" Mantiskit piped up quickly, darting past her mother and Thornpaw to claim the vacant spot left by her doted-on sibling. Her fluffy tail fwipped from side to side in anticipation of a challenge - or better still, a scuffle! - for her new territory. "None of 'da leaders made 'der clans by sharing! They took the forest! They took the forest all up, just like I take this rock all up. I'm Rockstar now!"

She glowered at her siblings, doing her best to seem intimidating and leaderly like she had heard leaders were supposed to be. She didn't find Chilledstar particularly scary, just... quiet? Maybe that was scary to some cats? Was it supposed to be scary? Was scary even the right word?

"If you want my rock, you're gonna have to kill me dead all 'da times because StarClan said I'm 'na live for so many times." And that was that! speech is in #A3B288

The swampscape awakens under a gentle sun's caress. Even as Leaf-bare stubbornly held on, what remained was undermined for the moment by atmospheric nurture. An early taste of Newleaf is what it is, a false start heralding the full arrival in short order, but one welcomed either way.

Age gnaws at Smogmaw's bones, tiring him down to the marrow and sapping his energy more than ever before. The scant warmth, though, takes away a little bit of the brittleness, and for that does he revel in it. Paws trek gingerly along the murky ground with a steady huff from wettened nostrils, winding his way about with nary a doubt in mind regarding his path. The stones hugging camp's periphery.

Drawing near them, it dawns on him that he is in no way a pioneer behind this notion. All of Eggskip's brood and one from his own have staked their claim to the basking stones, while the queen herself finds means to hook her youth deep into her belly. Silent thanks is proferred to her efforts, for she has opened up the smallest scrap of space among them. Now it is up to him to assert ownership and find the perfect nook, feeling an awful lot like Smokestar in how badly he wanted this rock.

"Pardon me," he mews unceremoniously, as his claws scuttle up to the smooth surface. Tepid to the touch and warm all along, it feels perfect and boasts adequate traction as he gets into position on it, absolutely nudging some of those nearby when he flops onto his side.

Ohhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. That's good on the back, that is.

Languidly, the deputy's neck cranes upwards, for his eyes to befall the mismatched ones belonging to his daughter. A smirk ghosts across his maw. "Hi," he mouthes toward Thornkit, the simple greeting accompanied by a wink.

Rockstar can claim these lands when he's dead and buried beside his mate.