private All of my dreams, ragged and torn [Rampaw]

Honestly, it was quite the sight to behold: a pair of crotchety ravens having a literal pecking contest over a scrap of crowfood in a dip on the moor. Badgermoon had been out trying to find something to bring back for his Clanmates to eat - any prey, anything at all - when he'd heard the harsh croaks and the angry flap of wings, and known he needed to investigate. Now that he was on the scene, it was not nearly as threatening nor as alarming as it sounded: the birds were clearly in fine health and had no interest in the WindClanners, and he wondered if one of them had dropped part of their lunch and dove down to fetch it. He wondered idly from where he was sitting if he could catch one of them - maybe even both of them? - but, eyeing their sharp beaks and claws, decided it was probably an unwise move. Besides, they seemed about to take off at any moment - and he was interested in seeing who ended up with the rotted scrap of meat. It won't be me, thanks very much. I'm not that hungry yet.

the apprentice does not notice the still figure of badgermoon, his attention solely on the ink-covered birds. he's low to the ground, an obvious attempt to grab at one. he's hungry, his clan is hungry, and raven doesn't seem too bad. with a mad dash, the younger tom darts to the bickering birds, hoping they are too distracted to see him, or pay him any mind at that matter. a loud crowing fills the air, feathers rustling as powerful wings start to take wind. he's so close, his form following them even as they lift into the air, claws scraping and desperate to take hold. but he's not that agile, not meant for high leaps. and he falls unceremoniously to the ground, the snow quick to cover his face as the apprentice lets out a low whine. he's glad no one was around to see that.

except when his face rises from the ground, badger is clearly there. watching. the chimera's muzzle wrinkles, upset with the lack of help. "ya just stood there? c'mon..." his face falls back into the cooling snow, taking the heat away from his cheeks. he thinks he might just stay there.

until the ravens start coming back down, laughing at his attempt. their cruel cawing echoing through the moors.