pafp All of my tiny might ✶ Bird watching


Make me a bird of prey
Feb 11, 2024

Edenberry’s wailing from the bad prey sits heavy on Owlheart’s mind, she knew that she personally wasn’t the culprit of bringing in a poor thrush but she couldn’t recall when they had been so upset before. That’s probably why she offered to join them when they left camp that day, presumably to hunt. The red tabby kept turning her head to look around them as they travelled, the sound of birdsong overhead and the patter of paws around them was enough to comfortably fill in the silence from her.

The usual sound of birdsong became shrill and the chirping became a squawk, at first she presumed that a clan mate had found an opportunity and seized new prey. That thought was dashed when a second chorus of squawking, there was no way that there could be a second bird caught in such quick succession right? Her head jerked up in response at the strange phenomena occurring, there was no clan-mate in the trees though.

On a branch of a stray pine tree in the corner of Owlheart’s peripheral vision was a crow, seemingly having found prey of its own. Surrounding the midnight bird on either side was two brown finches, blending into the tree branch. The two smaller birds were trying to rip the prey from the beak of the crow, as the tabby watched in curiosity a fight had broken out between the three birds. It seemed pretty unfair, in the sense that this was unevenly matched. The smaller birds didn’t seem to be making much of a difference against the crow and yet they were trying their hardest to rip the worm from it.

“Edenberry, have you ever seen birds fight before?” She called out to the daylight warrior, her meow had a wistful tone. She’d seen birds fight before, it came with the territory of being such an avid bird watcher. However, she hadn’t bore witness to a visual as funny as this. While she knew she should be hunting she found herself sitting down, tail curling around her as she watched the scene above her. “Oh, maybe birds have their own clans? Could this be a bird clan dispute?” Owlheart found herself musing out loud with a quiet laugh, not wanting to be too loud in case she disturbed the scene.

// ooc. please wait for @edenberry ?!
Owlheart is good company... at least, good company for someone that doesn't seem super comfortable doing much talking. That doesn't bother them much though- they can talk enough for the both of them and have plenty of practice doing so. With luck, the chatty feline is a great ambassador for friendship and encouragement, more than content to do all the gabbing if it means their friend is more comfortable. That and... Owlheart wasn't nosy, at least not in the same gossip-y way as her sister. Edenberry loved that about Cherryblossom most times... but not so much when they had their own business to hide.

"Thanks for coming with me... I've just been absolutely famished lately! It doesn't feel like we're getting smaller portions but I'm definitely not getting any of that tasty fishy-smelling slop I got through leaf-bare," they complain, twitching their tail in a display of restrained horror. They pass further long in relative quiet, something they don't often partake in but feels oddly comforting right about now... Greenery-reflective eyes stare up at the canopy, searching for a good spot to climb up and go about their self-imposed task of hunting...

A ruckus of bird song and shrieking is enough to drag their attention away from the mouth-watering idea of a squirrel in their jaws, prompted by Owlheart's soft whisper as she too stares in wonderment as feathers flying from two combatants. "Can't say I have," they answer, pinching their brows as a wave of sorrow threatens to sweep them off their feet. How sad... that they are fighting in a season of plenty... Why fight at all? There's so much to go around...

Had it been their fault, in part, for encouraging the waste of berries as a mechanism for painting? Had these birds needed that food so desperately? The musing of a sun-shine colored molly nearby rings between their ears as a passing thought... Clans. Would they call them something different? Their eyes sting, thinking of all the pointless border squabbles that seem reflected in the clashing of beak and talon. Did the stars stare at them with this much pity too? Were they even watching?

A small hmph of fitful quivering is their only indication if distress, turning to look away before they can behold the end to the violence. "It's just sad... They shouldn't be fighting... they don't even eat meat, right?" It'd be a waste, especially if there were no cats around to scoop up the casualty and make use of it as sustenance. Blinking away the burning behind their eyes, the pinstripe lets out a deep sigh to calm their nerves. "If birds have clans, do you think squirrels do too?" This is a much more entertaining train of thought to follow...

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 13 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back / filling out where previously skinny
    -- color #728c69​
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
“Everyone fights.” Came his mumbled reply, staring at the altercation with dull ocean hues. He doubted the two warriors heard him, but it wasn’t if Littlemoon had intended on them hearing his warbled reply. Wasn’t that how it’s always been? To gain and lose something. Death was inevitable for any species.

It’s only natural to assume.

The freckled tom hadn’t intended to stay for long, alone in search of viable prey, or moss … whichever came first. He doubted he’d have the energy nor the strength to chase anything anymore, but that wasn’t anyone’s fault but his.

Mangled ears flickered, pools of blue narrowing trying to imagine a clan of squirrels and … squirrel things. It wasn’t any different than what clan cats do. It was an odd thought. A mirthful chuckle escaped his maw, shaking his helm. Maybe. Not one to voice his thoughts, Littlemoon merely dipped his helm to the two warriors and carried on with a languid flick of his tail in goodbye.
thought speech


Johnnyflame couldn’t help but ponder Owlhearts query, watching the squabbling birds with a thoughtful expression. ”I suppose it’d make sense that they did.”

While he’d never seen anything that might resemble a clan in the way that cats have them, he’d definitely seen enough groups of birds -flocks, the twolegs called them- to know that at least some of them had the capacity of socializing.

”I mean, we don’t speak bird so it’s hard to know just how complex their lives are, but I’ve seen enough of them in twolegplace to know they like hanging out together according to type.”

He could easily recall the annoying screaming of the starling hoarde in the tree outside his neighbors house, or the dozens of pigeons lining the telephone wires, and the small mob of sparrows that visited the feeder across the street in the mornings. While the different types could certainly be found inhabiting the same areas together, there was also a very clear divide between them- he’d never seen a pigeon cuddle a sparrow.

”And I suppose it’s sad, but even the birds have livelihoods to look out for; territories to protect, young to feed. A bird that big probably eats twice as much as those smaller ones. I can see why they’d be upset about having to share, especially if the bigger guys picked the area clean already.” While the cats didn’t eat ech other or the prey that ran in the different territories, they all still found plenty to squabble over.

eggbounce & 15 moons & male & he/him & skyclan warrior

" i wish they didn't have to fight, " eggbounce pipes up, voice strangely solemn for once. But in that moment, truthfully, he doesn't just mean the birds. Clans are plagued by enough death without snapping at eachothers throats over prey and territory - he can't understand why they can't all just get along. but he supposes that's the downside to life - there's evil as much as good, isn't there? Or... something like that anyways. Head shakes, and he tries to distract himself by nudging owlheart instead - faint smile twitching on his lips. " Imagine what squirrel-clan must be like though - all loud and chittery, running around all day squabbling over seeds, " he chirps cheerily, blue eyes peering at his sister.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

( I ' M G O N N A B E T HE O N E Y O U U N W R A P )