private ALL RIGHT NOW — stormkit


Mar 3, 2024
Once again, Hollykit and Candorkit are off on another one of their "adventures", playing a game of battle and valiantly defending their honors are brave warriors. Lionkit simply was not in the mood to entertain their grand games at the moment; they played the same thing with their littermates so often that they felt burnt out. They wanted to train as an apprentice already and learn the true ways of warriorhood, not live in a fantasy. Six moons could not come soon enough to the kit.

It seemed that other kits were feeling the same way — and why wouldn't they? Lionkit spots a familiar blue tabby near the wall of the den, looking focused as she lowers her body to the ground. Should they try saying something? Hollykit had told them that they weren't "lionlike" before, that they weren't brave and fearless like one. A real LionClan warrior did not fear other cats, right?

The longhaired point's tail twitched nervously for a moment as he debated, though he eventually got to his paws and carefully made his way over. "Hi," They knew her name, of course — Stormkit. Lionkit naturally knew the names of every nursery resident. However, being a rather shy soul, Lionkit doesn't always muster the courage to initially address other cats by name. The other kits were nice enough—most of them, anyway—but Lionkit still tended to open up more around his kin.

The chocolate torbie point cocks their head slightly, studying Stormkit's attempted form for a moment before questioning, "Is that your huntin' crouch?" It must be, right? She looked like she was ready to pounce and catch a mouse... though there were no mice around ( besides dead ones, of course ).

  • 78922242_RoBq9inRj8ibOv1.png
  • 79110682_4AHaCt43N8s9eS5.png
    he/they; kit of skyclan
    longhaired chocolate torbie point with blue eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​
  • Love
Reactions: stormpaw

( ) stormkit spends much of her time alone, usually by choice. it isn't that she doesn't care for her siblings, or that she is purposefully left out. contrarily, she finds herself quite content to cheer on the sidelines. it's simply that her mind wanders too much for her to participate in any fast paced game. plus, she likes the adventures she can get up to when no one's looking or judging. it's with this mindset that the girl finds herself shuffling beside the wall of the nursery, small limbs poised to pounce. dual hued eyes fix on a point ahead of her, imagination running wild as she pictures first a mouse, then a vole, then a rabbit, prey growing in size each time she blinks. tiny claws slide out as she lowers her body, preparing... before she is interrupted.

she knows lionkit- of course she does, he's blazestar's son after all. stormkit never knew blazestar, of course, but she knows the stories of the first king of skyclan. everyone does. stormkit knows lionkit for other reasons too. she often sees him doing similar things to her while the other kits are off galavanting. the tortie point's interruption is welcomed with a soft purr of greeting. "hi lionkit!" she responds back, still in crouched form. "yeah, i'm trying to get better for when i become an apprentice," she explains.

straightening up, the swirled stone hued kit tips her head, offering a small smile. "do you know how to do a hunter's crouch? i'm worried i'm not doing it right." lionkit is a moon older than her, so he's probably smarter, she decides.

  • // sooo sorry for the late reply aaa! i can see these two becoming good friends :D "#758ba4"

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    blue tabby with low white and blue/green heterochromia a long-furred blue feline with darker blue curling stripes that splash across her chest, flanks and tail. white floods the fur around her neck, the tip of her tail, her stomach, and paws. dual hued eyes of sky and forest make her pretty in an innocent way, and her body is small and lithe, although her fluffy fur makes her look larger.

  • Love
Reactions: LIONPAW
Lionkit feels oddly delighted when Stormkit receives their greeting with a purr, as if she was happy to talk with him. A twinge in his chest; he is young and does not yet know how to place this feeling, but it's a good one. A lot of the other kits preferred playing with their littermates because they knew how to play better, or so he assumed. It hurt the boy's feelings a little, admittedly; he simply wasn't as energetic as Hollykit and Candorkit were. At least he could find a friend in Stormkit.

The torbie point studies the tabby's form, not immediately spotting anything wrong with it. Then again, he doesn't really know right from wrong. He can only assume based on intuition and what he's noted so far from the quick tips that the warriors gave the kits.

When Stormkit asked if Lionkit knew how to do a hunting crouch, he didn't quite know how to answer at first. "Ummm.... I think?" They lacked the confidence of their kin. If Candorkit were here, he'd probably loudly proclaim that he had the hunting crouch mastered. Him, on the other paw, well...

There isn't anything wrong with trying. Lionkit lowered his body down to the ground, fluffy tail swishing behind him. He fixed onto a lone pebble lying in the middle of the den, a target for him to seek. "Then..." Lionkit suddenly pounces into the air, but not before banging his head against the roof. "Oof." The kit grunted, clumsily landing back onto the ground. Frowning, pinning his ears back in embarrassment, Lionkit mumbled, "The- The den's too small." Or maybe he was just too big for it now. "The apprentice's den is bigger, I think." He's never really visited it and has only seen it from the outside, but it seemed really cool there.

It was strange; as excited as he was to be an apprentice and train, he didn't want to leave Bobbie behind. Lionkit would miss sleeping next to her at night. He and his siblings would all have their own nests, too. "Are you... excited to leave the nursery?" Lionkit asks Stormkit, though he is careful not outright to seem as if he's hesitant himself. He wouldn't want her to think that he's a coward, or not lion-like as Hollykit would put it.

  • i'm sluggish with private threads so it's honestly no worries 😭 same here tho!!
  • 79110682_4AHaCt43N8s9eS5.png
    he/they; kit of skyclan
    longhaired chocolate torbie point with blue eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​