camp ALL-SEEING EYES - intro


Sep 12, 2023
It was unlucky to have her kittenhood coincide with such a horrible illness, but there was nothing she could do about it. Perhaps that was one of the reasons she found herself caring less about normal kitten things like running around and playing. Instead, she chose to sit at the nursery's entrance, eyes and ears taking in all the sights and sounds she could, just observing the world around her.

She heard interesting things while doing it, such as 'Stoneripple is thinking about asking Silvernight to be his mate', or 'Brackenpaw is really, really bad at fishing, and I bet he'll fail his assessment'. Most of these rumors came from the apprentices or younger warriors, returning from training or a patrol, all too excited to keep their chatter quiet as they pass.

Sometimes, if there wasn't any gossiping cats to listen in on, she would choose a chat and observe them, amber eyes following them, just watching to see what they would do, and figure out why. If they went to get a piece of prey, it was because they were hungry and the most vulnerable were already fed. If they went to chat with another cat, it was because they were lonely, or just enjoyed the other's company. She always tried to be discreet about it, but sometimes her 'victim' was observant as well.

This time, it was no different. "Hmm..." Tidekit murmured to herself, scanning the camp before her eyes locked onto someone, curious to see what they would do.

// feel free to be the cat she's chosen to stare at, or just notice her staring at someone!



Of Willowroot's offspring the only ones with any true merit or good chances to be made proper warriors were Hazepaw and Mosspaw and that was due to being apprenticed to proper mentors who were both strict and acted appropriately. If he had to recommend any of them to be promoted earlier those two were good options, while not as up to par as his own apprentice had been he saw great promise in them. The newest litter was still much too young to get an idea of skill or capabilities but he found himself observing them all the same; it was good to keep an eye out for anything interesting so he could help recommend them appropriate mentors who would hone them to their sharpest edge. The dark tom found himself in an accidental staring contest with one of them when he glanced over and met her tiny kitten blue and darkening gaze; Tidekit this one was named. His orange eye narrowed slightly, seeing if she would turn away first but the kit continued to regard him with wide unblinking eyes until he was forced to actually put effort into maintaining eye contact. After a moment, and wondering why he had bothered doing so, Smokethroat blinked and rose to stand and pad over to lower his head more at her level.
"Suppose you won the staring contest then, Tidekit. What kind of prize would you like?"

Observant she was in a way; watching clan members come and go, making sure her clan members weren't falling apart in her eyes. But never would she keep up with gossip or nose her way into her clanmates' businesses. Interacting with her, her eye contact became piercing and near unmoving if she found this particular character to be interesting. However, she didn't find it as interesting as young Tidekit did. She didn't have the unceasing questions new souls possessed, life was boring in a way now after she learned about it. It was routine. Chores. There were questions, but of those that couldn't be answered in the majority.

Petalnose had been returning from a patrol, eyes scanning the camp steadily as she moved until she spotted Smokethroat and Tidekit staring at each other. It wasn't something she had found as normal behavior, wondering if Tidekit had angered Smokethroat. She almost expected Smokethroat to pounce upon the youngster until he had approached her- voice more gentle than that she had personally experienced. Mix matched eyes blinked as she processed, snorting softly in amusement. "With those stares I could believe you could set the clan on fire." She joked in flatten tone, creasing her brows in confusion. "Secret language now I suppose."

"I don't need a prize. I was simply observing to see what you would do. Every cat has their own routine, and sometimes they come back with interesting stories I can overhear." the silver blue tabby stated matter-of-factly. She wondered if most kits did this as a game, but to her, it wasn't like that.

A glimmer of self doubt appeared in her mind, and her lips curled into a frown. "Is it weird? Is it weird that I don't like to play, that I want to watch and see and think rather than run around and have fun like most of my denmates?" In Tidekit's eyes, this was fun. To others, it might seem boring. But... what the other kits did with their time was boring to her.

Smokethroat and Petalnose were the deputy and a leader warrior respectively. She valued their opinions. Glancing between the two, she waited for an answer, wondering if she should force herself to act more like the other kits if they disapproved.


₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Beekit is next to approach, she recalls the first time she had done some people watching and had followed Ravensong into his den wondering why he had broke off from the rest of the warriors. Her nose scrunching up at the memory of being called funny smelling even if she had said that first about his herbs, she had been resting by the willow den when she notices her papa immediately perking up and thinking he would approach her but he seems distracted by something or rather someone. Her head tilting to the side to see if she could see who it was and nearly trips on her side from how much she had been leaning, she shakes herself off deciding to approach. Mismatched paws carrying her forward and can't help but overhear Tidekit asking if it was weird that she preferred to watch others play over actually playing herself, it reminds her of Cicadakit.

She speaks up with a shake of her head and offers a toothy smile "It's not weird. My brother sometimes doesn't want to play and that's completely fine. At the end of the day, it's your choice and do whatever you might think is fun." Or that's what she believes anyways knowing that she sometimes did want to play with her littermates but would never outright force them to do so. It's either they do what they want or play and maybe she'll suggest a game of mossball, a game that she believes she's phenomenal at playing.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 3 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of smokethroat & cicadastar
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ❥ penned by bosstaurus