ALL SMILES || hunting

Oct 16, 2023

Crack! He doesn't pause. Doesn't stop. The chattering is louder now. The branches creak beneath his weight. The creature is persistent despite the danger. The wind buffets his striped frame, but still he leaps with confidence through brittle, golden leaves. The squirrel darts for it's burrow, hidden among the splintered remains of a sturdy oak's trunk. Harder, he pushes, breath torn away by the chilled breeze, talons coiling into cracking wood. It was now or never. The warrior leaps, from one tree to the next, shadow soaring over a debris littered forest floor. THUD! Claws strike flesh, tear at it mercilessly. The squirrel is half-way through the entrance to it's home, but Tigerscar has landed harshly against the branch, and though his back limbs hang into the void below, he is too stubborn to let go of his hold. Together, predator and prey slide backwards, and the rodent's nails scrape desperately for purchase. It lacks the strength to pull away.

They plummet.

He twists, squirrel grasped tightly within his front claws.


The tom lands paws first, crushing the prey beneath him as he does. It lays in the leaf litter, little more than a warm corpse. Thankfully, Tigerscar's fall from the tree had not resulted in any wounds to himself. It wasn't much, but the squirrel would fill a few bellies, and with Blazestar now supporting two clans, the food was sorely needed. Back to camp, then, the Warrior hums to himself, shaking vibrant leaves from his earthen-hued fur as he lets out a thoughtful purr, I will be the hero of the morning, a cheery idea to be sure. First, though, he pauses to let the rest of the hunting patrol catch up, silently hoping none of them had actually managed to snag any prey for themselves. After all, Tigerscar had no interest in sharing the spot-light, even if that meant not every cat got to eat that day.

Hunting was one of the things that she enjoyed most when she was out with the wild cats. Rarely did she ever take any actual prey for herself but she did still like the thrill of the chase, the way it felt when she walked into camp with prey clutched in her jaws, the feeling of satisfaction when she dropped the body on the fresh-kill pile and knew that because of her there would be one less hungry mouth. It is the least she can do for them. If there were a way to let others share her kibble like she had once done for a hungry marmalade she-cat she would do it without even thinking twice about it. It was sad to her that so many cats went with only knowing what a full belly felt like in the rarest of good times.

She had tried her best at hunting today, but she is still a novice at it and life proves to have other plans. She heads back to the patrol empty pawed. When she spots Tigerscar, and more importantly what he had, she lights up. "Oh wow great catch!" she says and she means it. Some elder or queen or kit was going to enjoy that thing immensely she is certain of it!

just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
He hadn’t caught anything either, but it seemed Fantastream was in the same boat, offering a smile to the other when he caught sight of Tigerscar’s catch. His gaze brightened, offering a good-natured chirp to congratulate the larger male. “At least one of us was lucky!” He grinned, ignoring the bubble of shame that befell the cheery tom. He bit back a sigh, optics crinkling.

Lux will just have to try a little harder the next time he can tag along on a hunting patrol. He hadn’t been tasking much of a rest between things, busy with helping with anything he could get his paws on that wasn’t too much of a risk.
thought speech

One eye shifts to Fantastream, flickering with internal fire as she draws near, not a single hint of prey within her jaws. Satisfaction burns within the huge tom's chest, and he swipes a barbed tongue across his jaws, feathery tail swishing through the chilly leaf-fall air behind him. He doesn't respond yet, though, because keen ears pick up on more paw-steps, followed by the scent of a fellow SkyClanner. The Daylight Warrior lets his glowing vision sweep across Lux next. Fruitless hunting for them as well, it seemed. His gaze flickers with pride as the collared behemoth curls his maw into a bold smile.

"Not to worry, lass. You can try again later." His soothing words rumble toward Fantastream first, before a broad muzzle shifts toward Lux, "I am sure your next hunt will be bountiful as well." Words of encouragement, though they are empty. Tigerscar doesn't necessarily care what they catch, so long as he's not the one starving. He supposes that as a Daylight Warrior, he doesn't have to worry about that nearly as much, so the situation of hunting was less about food, and more about pride. He wanted to be the hero of SkyClan. Nobody else deserved the honor. "Shall we make our way back to camp? I'm sure the kits are hungry." Tigerscar states smoothly, words akin to honey, though most would not realize it was littered with maggots and flies.