ALL STAR // training


Do Me The Honour
Dec 20, 2023
"I'm so glad that you could all make it here today for a spot of training. As you know Mirepurr has tasked me with refreshing you all with the very basics, but also with stealth tactics." Willowburn began as he addressed the group with a broad grin. It was already decided in his mind that they would start off with something more lighthearted and fun in order to get the blood pumping before they delved into anything more extreme. "Every great ShadowClanner should understand how important it is to use the environment to your advantage. It is also vital for us to use light paws wherever possible. So, we're going to start off with something a little more fun to help us warm up. Stonepaw, Swallowpaw, and Gigglepaw, I want you to hide nearby, anywhere around the Burnt Sycamore, and soon after I want you to hunt either Swansong, Forestshade, Lividsmoke, or myself. Use the shadows and the environment to creep up on any one of us. Now off you go!"

// @STONEPAW @Swallowpaw. @Gigglepaw

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Forestshade sits with her tail neatly wrapped around her paws, her blind green eyes staring forward as she listens to Willowburn's instructions. At the mention of using the environment to their advantage, she nods. She uses it all the time - the brush of bark on her whiskers, the breeze on her ear fur...senses honed from moons of learning to navigate the world without sight.

As the apprentices scatter, she turns her head slightly towards the other warrior, a smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth. "You sure you want them to hunt us, Willowburn?" She quips, her tone laced with amusement. "I hope you're prepared to eat your own words if they get the jump on you. I know Gigglepaw will," She adds with a playful challenge in her voice. Her whiskers twitch in anticipation as her ears angle outwards, already attuned to her surroundings and ready to teach these apprentices how skilled a blind ShadowClanner can be...

Gigglepaw had been, of course, excited to trot after Willowburn and Forestshade as they led her and a pawful of others into the territory for some mandatory training. She would have done it anyway, even if she'd been given a choice - learning how to be a real ShadowClanner, that was what was important to Gigglepaw now that she was an apprentice. She listened attentively to Willowburn's instructions, and looked to Forestshade when she made a comment.

"I bet I can do real good!" Gigglepaw spoke up, wanting to prove herself in the eyes of both her mentor and the other warriors. So, she was supposed to hide and try and stalk her mentor from the shadows... easy enough, wasn't it? Intending to make good on her word, Gigglepaw trotted off towards the Burnt Sycamore, rounding the tree and then settling into the shadows of its roots as she'd been told.
  • !
  • 80344329_6S8RlcnnRCmX1ej.png
  • GIGGLEPAW apprentice of shadowclan, seven moons
    blinks incessantly & uncontrollably.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.


Stonepaw nodded firmly at Willowburn's instructions. He glanced at his own mentor, Frogwatcher, with just a tad bit of bitter distain. He didn't believe in structured training, he'd said to Stonepaw. Well, to that he'd scoffed out loud, earning himself a swift cuff on the ear. Hypocritical, if you asked the apprentice. Gigglepaw's bright tone and unwavering confidence gave him a pang in his chest. Of what, he wasn't sure, but it was enough to make him uncomfortable. "Well, I bet I'll do better!" he snorted, leaving pointedly in the opposite direction. He had to be the best.