camp all stars could be brighter - pre gathering decorating

Aug 14, 2023

A shaky breath exhaled from the lilac femme, cerulean gaze drifting across the gathering cats. Forms and shapes outlined by the full moons glow moved and mingled. Soft spoken chatters, conversations and simple good byes.

They weaved an assortment of items into each other's fur, and the girl couldn't help but give a soft smile towards the others. It seemed serene, relaxing, despite everything else going on- though it still clouded the back of her mind. Was this a good idea? To leave the camp when rogues lurked the shadows?

She had not exactly wanted to go, her stomach flipped and churned with anxiety. But her gaze drifted to her apprentice, and she would hate for her to miss it. Wavepaw may have fun, after all- and she wouldn't take that from the girl. No, this was an exciting thing for the apprentices.

So a part of her was kind of glad to go, trying to keep the thoughts of self blame away. She aimed for a peaceful night, despite the rain that seemed to be pouring over them- metaphorically. But it always rained before there was a rainbow... hopefully the rainbow would come soon.

"What.. d-do... uh... you g-guys expect to happen t-tonight?" She asked with a shaky breath, pawing at a small pile of scales she had been trying to help weave into another's fur, frowning a bit as one fell to the ground. Working with shaky paws was not exactly easy, but she was definitely getting better.

/// Anyone is welcome to join, this is just before they leave to the gathering! Hopefully i did alright aaaaa!

I'm sorry if I'm missing tags also!!


She was glad not to be attending this particular gathering. Tensions were still rather high between the clans, though they were falling with news of Sootstar's death. Feathergaze just knew she would prefer the peace and quiet of camp this evening. But... What if the rogues come when we are so few? A wisp of fog drifted from her maw. The silver molly shook her head, even laughing softly under her breath. Of course they won't. Why would they? There's no reason to come tonight of all nights. No, there was no reason to worry.

"Well, I suppose WindClan will have quite a lot to say," she meowed, blinking slowly as she watched Lilacbird work. She knew the symptoms of fried nerves well. Wracking her brains for more soothing conversation she tilted her head. "But I bet, I bet it will be kinda nice. We aren't the only ones who've been tormented recently. Maybe it'll be like, like a big venting session for recent frustrations. Standoffish, but comforting." That was Feathergaze's dream for a gathering, anyhow.​
THE HERMIT ——— As much as he enjoyed the unity that gatherings with the clans brought underneath the wide watchful eye of the full moon, the lack of mention of his name brought a tidal wave of relief. He would be able to guard the camp then, securing their home to make sure the wounded rested soundly and the others would be given the chance to settle their shaken nerves. Rookfang's placid lack of expression since the attack on Lichentail's patrol had been ripped and torn away by the rogues, now a look of attentive ferocity. His long claws were sinking into the snow-mixed dirt beneath his large paws as he stalked near the slowly forming group of cats heading out to the gathering and those who would remain.

His jaws were clamped down on the motionless figure of a limp trout, the pulsing adrenaline from before had allowed his focus to become needle-sharp, rewarding him as he thanked Starclan. His heavy tired eyelids were peeled away as the chocolate sable chimera stared up to the curtain of ink and slots of ivory. He sent a silent prayer that his clanmates would arrive safely to the gathering, his static rugged pelt slightly rising from his skin at the worried thought. It didn't feel right that they were tucked away in their camp, the anxiety gnawing at nearly every one. However, he knew when Smokestar would return, their frustrated leader would be preparing to avenge those wounded.

As he dropped the prey to the pile, the sulking silhouette that was lined with the moon's silver ribbons settled into the clearing as he settled down to a stiff sitting position, gaze jumping and wandering to each clanmate. Where was Snakeblink? His nose slightly crinkled at the inquiry that gnawed at his head as he decided to focus on the question that floated off of Lilacbird and was responded to by Feathergaze. He gave a creaky nod, as if mechanical as he mumbled "Sootstar's wretched face won't be there, thank the stars. But Windclan has a lot to answer for, they let too much slip by underneath such a wicked leader.'s going to be interesting what the other clans say about everything." He knew loyalties were wrapped and tied deeply in each clan but if Smokestar ever began to stumble down the wrong path, the warrior would be quick to detach from such embedded dedication. Was it the rogue blood that spoke that? Perhaps. But Rookfang would be damned if he allowed such terrors to impact so many.​
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Snakeblink skitters into camp, back from a last minute hunting patrol — he knows he is meant to take Lichentail’s place at the Gathering tonight and should stand at the ready, but Turtlepaw has a lot of energy to burn and he a lot of nerves to distract, both things which hunting can take care of. He lets his patrol disperse with and goes to deposit a thin vole onto the pile, feeling less settled than usual by the well-worn ritual of duty. There are dangers lurking in every shadow; he doesn’t want to leave camp tonight.

But unlike Lichentail, he can still walk to Fourtrees. So, he must.

He missed Lilacbird’s words original words, but their meaning isn’t hard to parse from Feathergaze and Rookfang’s responses. Nervous paws carry him forward, hesitating before he settles — not sitting, but close enough to be deliberate friendliness — near the dark tom, throwing him a quick grimace that passes off as a smile on his face. Despite Snakeblink’s best efforts, he doesn’t look much more rested than before. He does however look less tormented, though that has been replaced with a kind of low-burning ferocity that promises hell to pay to any rogue unfortunate enough to cross his path. It’s weirdly comforting; besides the obvious advantage of a warrior of his ilk standing at the ready, keeping an eye on camp in their absence, it’s nice to see some fire in the listless tom’s eyes.

”Is it foolish to hope for a peaceful Gathering?” he asks tiredly. ”No world-shaking information, no dangers… I am rather done with any kind of newsworthy events.” They have enough of their own to reckon with.

Glancing down, he notices the usual trinkets scattered on the ground, especially the scale at Lilacbird’s trembling paws. Has Smokestar been decked in his usual decorations already? There’s always something fun in sending him to the other leaders covered in feathers and flowers; he is, systematically, the nicest looking of them all.

They could use the levity tonight. He nudges a pile of bird down closer to himself — ripped from someone’s meal and then left behind in favor of nicer feathers already tucked in someone’s fur, no doubt, but soft-enough looking for his purpose. He forces some lightness in his voice. ”Here, @turtlepaw, help me — we should bring some of these feathers to Smokestar.” One tuft of down, disturbed by his movement, floats up with a gust of wintry wind. He watches with a quirk of his whiskers as it drifts down and sticks itself between Rookfang’s ears, caught in the spiked fur there. ”You keep this one, Rookfang,” he hums, ”Actually, perhaps you ought to add a few more — it is a good look on you. Softens you right up.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 49 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

  • Love
Reactions: lichenstar

tags! ₊˚✧ ゚.duckpaw was one of the few apprentices chosen to attend the gathering. she was days into her apprenticeship, with mosspool overseeing her training, and she was already reaping rewards that her new position entitled. she had actually left the camp just a few days prior, and now she has been selected to the party for the gathering. duckpaw had nearly with fainted with surprise upon learning this information. there were so many new people to meet, granted, that was if she was permitted to talk to the other clanners. she had a feeling mosspool would be less than approving of her striking up conversation with thunderclanners. it was established that the two clans had a pretty rocky relationship, and mosspool seemed to have a personal investment in the feud. maybe she would be happier if duckpaw limited her interactions to the skyclan cats? duckpaw is doing her best to impress her mentor, or at least keep scathing disappointment in a place she couldn't see, and she had to be thinking three paces ahead to keep it up.

duckpaw sits with lilacbird and her fellow gathering attendees. she has a decorative amount of bird feathers adorning bi coloured fur. she looks at herself in the reflection of a puddle, small smile creeping onto her lips. the gathering of rookfang, snakeblink and feathergaze chat about what they predict might happen at the gathering, and someone brings up sootstar. the name is thrown about with a lot of anger, and this piques her interested almost immediately "what did sootstar do?" she presses the older warrior, olive green eyes wide. why was the windclan leader so controversial? why hadn't mosspool mentioned her before? duckpaw fidget with white paws, working to place one last feather in between long coat layers.
Foxtail wasn't sure how he felt about not going to the gathering. He was certain there'll be tension... if Sunstride was telling the truth, WindClan was bond to show up. He imagines every cat in the other clans would want to know about the fate of the Moor Queen, and what WindClan strives to do to remedy all the chaos Sootstar has caused. So, he should feel some relief that he won't have to be surrounded by tension of WindClan returning to the Fourtrees. But he can't, not with the rogue problem growing more and more prevalent here. What if the rogues ambush us when the patrol leaves for the gathering? He thinks worriedly, nervously digging his claws into the snow. They have been getting more aggressive, after all. He shakes his head, pulling his gaze back to the trinkets in front of him. "...I-I'm not too sure," The young warrior murmurs to Lilacbird, "I just hope WindClan is telling the truth about Sootstar."

His ears twitch as Duckpaw asks a question to her mentor, and StarClan he wishes he didn't know anything about Sootstar like her. Foxtail never personally encountered the moor leader, but he has seen her actions played out through her loyal subjects. Her warriors have always been tense at the border, power-hungry for blood and glory. Duckpaw was probably too young to remember the attack on Smokestar, when a WindClan patrol attacked their leader on his way to the highstones. In his mind, that's what broke the camel's back— Sootstar was lost from any kind of redemption when she went for the highstones. At least the highstones are open for all again, He thinks to himself with a sigh, deciding not to answer the apprentice. It isn't his place to explain this to her; he's fairly confident Mosspool will give her the rundown soon enough. He can only hope that tyrant is six feet under... as no clan will be free until she's dead.

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    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel & tropics for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    16 moons

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i'm in the in between, honey

Turtlepaw is close on Snakeblink's heels as always when they return from their hunting patrol. She proudly carries a small mouse in her jaws. It was a feat won only after a long bout of deep concentration. The little tabby has become her mentor's shadow - a very bouncy shadow - recently. She excitedly followed the warrior around everywhere he went, usually babbling questions or stories from her imagination. If Snakeblink was annoyed by her, she couldn't tell. Not that she would care if he was annoyed by her, Turtlepaw was just happy to have a mentor.

She happily drops her mouse next to Snakeblink's vole and briefly beams in satisfaction. The pause in jittery energy does not last long. Her paws are already kneading the ground excitedly with anticipation for the gathering. This would be the first one she's gone to since apprenticed, and couldn't wait to tell some of her best stories to cats from other clans. Maybe she would even learn a few!

Her daydreaming was broken by her mentor. Turtlepaw eagerly bounded over and pounced on the soft down scattered at Snakeblink's paws. "I'm gonna get Smokestar the best feathers!" she mewed, bounding off to find her leader with a mouthful.
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  • Love
Reactions: Snakeblink
A lone tortoiseshell sits on the fringe of the pre-Gathering festivities, her blue eyes lost and milky with unfocus. She’s seeing past her Clanmates’ moonlit silhouettes, past the wetlands and into a forest dense with shadows. She’s seeing a tearstained face, hearing a choked-off voice calling her name, telling her to wait. She hadn’t waited—she would never wait. She doesn’t have that luxury anymore. Her belly swells with every day, and she’s noticed a certain heft to her physique that has never been there before. She’d always been well-muscled, thick with strength in the hindlegs, but now she finds her movements ungainly and strange, hindered by a middle that had never protruded in such an awkward way before—not even in the warmest greenleaf seasons.

Chatter circles her and falls on unhearing ears. She flicks them forward now, trying to recapture the present. Lilacbird shakily asks about what the leaders will present at the Gathering, while Feathergaze, Rookfang, and Snakeblink answer her in turn. Turtlepaw and Duckpaw are pawing feathers and scraps of flowers. It’s only Duckpaw’s innocence that brings blue eyes surging with remembrance.

An easier question, I think, is what hasn’t Sootstar done?” She shoots a questioning look Duckpaw’s direction, her tail flicking behind her. “You weren’t much more than a kit, but WindClan has raided SkyClan’s herb storages in leafbare and attacked us on our own territory numerous times… once in the dead of night.” Her breath mists before her face. “Sootstar seized Highstones. Sootstar allowed rogues into her Clan to swell her numbers. Sootstar’s warriors attacked medicine cats and leaders alike on their way to and from Highstones… stole kits from ShadowClan…” She trails off, tucking white-tipped paws beneath her.

  • ooc:
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  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 21 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior / queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.


"I heard my name...nothing bad I hope." He emerged from the reeds surrounding the camp carrying a freshly caught bird he could not rightly identify but it had soft brown feathers that would make excellent additions to the cobbled together trinket collection and also something to take to the nursery. Turtlepaw's enthusiastic approach is met with a wry smile and he regards the mouthful of feathers with an amused glint in his single orange eye, "For me? I suppose it would be nice to look unified tonight." He had not really let himself be adorned too heavily since the first gathering, the occasional wayward feather or herb tucked away; but he would not be opposed to it.

"I will believe Sunstride's claims when I see him named by StarClan." He remarks, hearing Rookfang's comment as he comes to a stop to drop the bird down and settle onto his belly with his paws tucked, Foxtail chimes in with the hopes it is true and he can't help but feel similar. It would be nice to be rid of that wretched molly, even hearing Iciclefang recount her crimes makes his fur bristle with disgust. That she was left roam unopposed for so long was a travesty he would not soon see repeated and he would make it clear to WindClan this night if they showed up. RiverClan would not sit idly by and permit another tyrant to rear its ugly head in the forest. If they had to become four clans rather than five then so be it. Made sense anyways, the gathering place was called Fourtrees - perhaps it was an omen, a warning...they could very well afford to lose one of them if the need should arise.

"If WindClan does arrive, mind yourselves for the time being. There will come a time when teeth are necessary but I wish to hear what dog who snapped his teeth under Sootstar's rule has to say first."

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.