pafp all that i want is to wake up fine // building a fort


Mar 19, 2024
// wait for @ivorykit before replying!

At first, she thought the new she-kit that'd been brought to camp would be a complete weirdo. She smelled, like, super off, like something soft and fake. But now, after living in the nursery with her the last couple of moons, she's become more forest-like, more natural. And she's pretty fun and nice, too! Scarletkit finds she likes to hang out with her over some other kits in the nursery, others who have too much arrogance or are too rude. So she spends most playtimes with her, and today, they're doing what they've talked about doing for forever!

"Pass me that stick!" The young tortoiseshell chirps to her friend, one paw holding up the curtain of ferns they've spent forever trying to sloppily weave together. It's like they're building their very own den! To her, it looks pretty good. To looks like a glorified mat of leaves and fronds with too many holes and tears to count. But it's theirs, and they spent all day on it, so she's proud! It leans up against a tree stump in camp that provides a bit of stability, and now they just need to make sure it'll stay standing. It's pretty wobbly, and threatens to collapse every time she pulls her paws away. Blinking expectantly towards Ivorykit, she reaches out a paw for the twig in question.
Sometimes she still finds herself surprised at how easily she and Scarletkit had become friends. She hadn't imagined the judgmental glares from the tortoiseshell kit's mother's frosted blue eyes, hadn't imagined the whispered kittypet word that has begun to weave its way through camp. She's never heard Scarletkit call her that to her face, though, and despite the other girl's rigidity, Ivorykit finds her easy to be around. Their closeness reminds her a little of the sister she'd lost to Twolegs — Angel had, too, always had the best ideas, the greatest games. When Scarletkit had proposed they build a den of their own, Ivorykit had scrabbled toward her with excitement.

"Pass me that stick," the other kit instructs. Ivorykit bends to clutch it in her jaws and lets it jut from her mouth for easy access. "It's looking good!" She mews, muffled, her teeth clamped tight around the wood. "D'ya think we can live in here when it's done instead of in the nursery?"

  • ooc:
  • Adora . Ivorykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 5 moons old, ages realistically on the 16th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — thunderclan kit. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh white she-cat with curled ears and brown eyes. compassionate, righteous, naive, idealistic, self-doubting, self-destructive.

Palefire could still remember the day that she had found Adora - now named Ivorykit. They’d only just dealt with the nightmare that was the wolves, and the young warrior had been feeling sorry for herself. It looked then like things would never get better, and she’d never be able to redeem herself for the horrible things she’d done. And then she’d stumbled across this little white bundle of fur, curled up next to the body of her mother, left alone on the side of the Thunderpath.

Normally, Palefire was adverse to outsiders, and held no love for kittypets. Under different circumstances, she might’ve just kept walking. But something about Ivorykit had struck a chord with her. The girl was soft and kind, and the lilac molly knew all-too-well the pain of growing up without the love of your parents. She felt they were kindred spirits, in a way, and had since grown fond of the kitten. She likely wouldn’t jump to the defense of many other non-clanborn cats, but with Ivorykit she felt a strange desire to keep her safe.

Seeing the two girls playing so happily together drew a soft smile from the warrior. She approached on soft paws, not wanting to disturb them as they built a clumsy, albeit impressive, structure of some kind. “It looks great,” she purred in tandem with Ivorykit’s own sentiment, and she sat down nearby to observe, curling a fluffy tail neatly around her paws. “Do you think I could live there too? Or am I too big?” So much had happened now since she’d been a kit that she could hardly remember the feeling of being so carefree, but paying witness to their youthful joy made her want to experience it too.

  • 4psYZte.png
  • 79175764_ro4GJWUVwEZd0z0.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 16 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes.
    currently emotionally withdrawn, all opinions are strictly ic.
    single, open to relationships / npc x npc / sister to bluestride.
    mentor to no one / formerly mentored by nightbird.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.

He'd noticed Ivorypaw and Scarletkit smashed together in the corner of camp for the whole day, basically ... heard their low murmurings, breathed from afar their scents mingled together. Part of him wanted to walk over, but he'd heard everyone say that his walking ruined stuff, that he didn't do it straight enough or right enough. And he wanted to be included in games, so...

Only when he hard them say they were done did Stormkit toddle over, ear flicking to the sound of a warrior's voice. It sounded familiar- right, that was Palefire, wasn't it? And Palefire was alright, he supposed- not as cool as Dad or Mom, nope- but she was nice, gave 'em feathers and stuff. But he'd already met her, not Scarletkit and Ivorykit- it was them he wanted to impress, so he thrust his small, stretched body against Palefire's leg, whiskers twitching.

Fangs poked out from the curve of his smile. There was a wrinkle to his muzzle, crumpled with the joy of taking charge. "Kits only, this den!" he declared wildly, puffing his chest out. Because it was a new den that they made, wasn't it? That was what it sounded like, anyways. "No warriors, not even queens allowed!"
penned by pin ༄
The tortoiseshell’s whiskers twitch thoughtfully as she considers her friend’s question. Would the queens let them? “Maybe if we ask reallyyyy nicely,” She purrs, slumping against Ivorykit affectionately. Palefire approaches and praises their construction, which caused the child to stand straighter and puff out her chest with pride. Before she can answer the warrior’s question, her denmate rushes over clumsily. Scarletkit's ears twitch with amusement at Stormkit's sudden proclamation, his tiny form filled with exuberance as he declares their newly crafted den off-limits to all but kits. She exchanges a playful glance with Ivorykit, a mischievous glint in her amber eyes. “Maybe we can make an exception for Palefire. She’s cool enough to hang out with us in our den,” She declares with an excited flick of her tail, split-toned eyes proudly gliding over their leafy creation. She then looks back to Palefire and gives her a broad grin. “What do you say? You wanna be part of our secret kit club?” Her paws twitch, eager to go inside and have so much fun in their new den!
Palefire's approach is met with an exuberant purr; Ivorykit butts her face against the warrior's foreleg with affection. "We're building a fort! Doesn't it look awesome?" Her tail curls happily as Palefire agrees, and she nods enthusiastically as the she-cat asks if she could stay in the den with them.

She's interrupted, however, by Stormkit's messy approach. Nightbird's newest litter are an odd bunch, she thinks, but she smiles as the little black kitten's explosive assertion. "Kits only, this den! No warriors, not even queens allowed!" Ivorykit's smile grows amused, and she aims to ruffle the fur between Stormkit's ears gently. "Who's gonna catch the prey for us, huh? Is it gonna be you, big guy?" She giggles and meets Scarletkit's amber gaze, giving a nod of ascension. Palefire would be allowed, alright.

"Last one in is a rotten piece of fresh-kill!" She squeaks, barreling past her friends and into the tiny, cramped expanse of their new den. Somehow, it doesn't collapse the moment she steps paw into it... but on second thought, it might not fit Palefire so well after all...

  • ooc:
  • Adora . Ivorykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 5 moons old, ages realistically on the 16th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — thunderclan kit. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh white she-cat with curled ears and brown eyes. compassionate, righteous, naive, idealistic, self-doubting, self-destructive.

Ever her brother's shadow, the sleek furred she-kit follows behind his determined paws slowly. Scarletkit is... related to them, somehow (but so is most of ThunderClan it seems, so the child doesn't dwell.) And Ivorykit isn't bad - she's seen warriors talk of Ivorykit the same way they do to Coltkit, but the string to connect them is frankly not obvious to the young kitten. At most, she deems the discrepancy to be that neither of them have littermates, and the Clan is strangely prejudiced against lone-kittens. Not that that makes sense, either.

"Ah -" Ivorykit darts into the fort, and she holds her angled gaze at her brother. Stormkit who undoubtedly cannot see her glare at him, but perhaps can feel it, with his other senses. He's always claiming to be a better smell-er, after all. Twilightkit straightens her posture before bringing her gaze back to Scarletkit. A child with no authority, she says, "I don't think it'll fit all of you. It's small," though she can't help but think that it'd be funny to be proven right and watch the reeds and twigs fall on the others.​