camp all that we intend is scrawled in sand [cuddle time]

It’s hard not to feel like he’s just going through the motions, these days. Every day pans out the same. Border patrol, hunting patrol, sit at the riverbank for hours, border patrol, sleep. Maybe eat, at some point, if he can stomach it. Even birds don’t have the same taste anymore. It’s not just Clearsight. It’s WindClan and ThunderClan and SkyClan and way too many close calls, way too much blood staining soil and rocks and memories.

He could lose a clanmate at any time, for any reason. Who will be next? Ashpaw had nearly died in the fight against ThunderClan; without Icicle’s quick rescue, the ginger apprentice wouldn’t even be here today. And he can’t… he can’t handle that again.

When he returns from his latest border patrol and spots the girl from across their temporary camp, Clay tries not to drag his paws as he wanders over to her.

"Can I lay here?" Without waiting for the other to make a move, he settles at her side, heaving a deep, relieved sigh. Hazel eyes slip closed after a few moments, and he moves to rest his head on his paws, tilted toward orange fur. With a flick of his tail, he invites any clanmates watching to join them—the more, the merrier, because they’re all RiverClan whether they accept each other or not. And besides, after everything they’ve been through together, doesn’t everyone deserve a break? They all fought so hard for his sunningrocks—for RiverClan’s territory—and surely even the most diligent workers can’t resist a cuddle pile every now and again.

// his victim is @ashpaw! but everybody is free to join in, u don’t have to wait

"this feeling calls for everything I can't afford"

It had been a long moon, and despite Pinepaw’s scarce participation in the battles, he could feel everything weighing on the clan. He’d watched friends come back scarred and bleeding, just as everyone had. So when Clayfur–oh Clayfur, the way he had changed without Clearsight beside him–began a cuddle pile, Pine found he couldn’t resist. The young tom scuttled over and pressed himself against Clayfur and Ashpaw, burrowing into their pelts. Already he felt his muscles relaxing, the tension in his shoulders melting away. The clan was his family, and this was what he needed to remind himself that they were okay.

✦ ★ ✦

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
There was no doubt that a gloom had fallen upon her clan as of late, but who could blame them? Forced from their home, forced to shed their blood against another clans claws not once but twice. Lakemoon herself was not immune to the melancholy, even if internalized, it only made her mind that much darker of a place.
Paws are sore as she returns from a nearby puddle to wash the mud that had caked them away. She would never admit that she was wavering, not when strength was desperately needed amongst the healing clan. Her clanmates were strong, courageous, even while they were battered. Able, however? A different story, pride flickered in her chest when even the most wounded warriors eyes remained ablaze with determination, while sorrow war against it when they could barely stand.
She gives herself a shake, looking up just in time to see Clayfur slouch against Ashpaw, his mumbles too indistinct to hear from where the warrior stood, but enough that she could hear the exhaustion.
Several more join, including little Pinepaw, and Lakemoon warily makes her way over. Now, she wouldn’t be caught dead in the heart of a cuddle pile, but she was content to settle just a fox length away, and watch her clanmates give the solace to each other that she could not.
She rests her head on her paws, keeping one eye open still as she tries to find her own comfort.