all the best mistakes — blazestar

It's her first time properly in the medicine den, and Bobbie can't lie and say she likes it in here. The aromatic, strong scents of herbs weigh heavy on her nose, and the dark, cloistered nature of the burrow den sets her on edge so soon after the dog attack, even if the early moonlight filters faintly through the branches woven above. Duskpool lies in a nest somewhere nearby, solidly unconscious; a blessing, she imagines, given the various wounds ripped deep into his dark pelt. The lilac queen is faintly aware Dawnglare and Fireflypaw must be somewhere about, which doesn't exactly help (she's heard Mallowlark sleeps in here and shudders at the thought). She'd initially wanted to just head straight back to the nursery and be with her kits permanently, forget about the injuries, but Dawnglare had commanded her with his strangeness into the den.

Freshly treated wounds sting with herbs, dancing up her side; her head still throbs, as does her thrice-bruised side. The day's events are a blur with the sharp force of the dog's hits terrifyingly clear in her memory; still dizzy, she wants to go to sleep and forget it, but she was faintly worried she might not wake up if she did. A silly thought, she assures herself, she was clearly fine, but ... still. Perhaps what she really fears is new nightmares. Pale sage eyes flick as movement stirs somewhere nearby, fixing on a large flame-point form that's quickly becoming familiar and Bobbie exhales in relief, "Oh, Blazestar. I thought, uh, I thought you were Daw-Dawnglare."

She pauses, one fang snagging her lip as she debates whether to probe the subject of the day's events with him. The lilac queen offers her thoughts; though she's comforted by the leader's presence for some odd reason, her mew is still hesitant, "Quite the int-introduction to fighting, I suppose. Not that I did much g-good," As it often is with her, the laugh that follows is shaky and the hollow joke self-deprecating. Bobbie pauses again and mews, quieter now, "....Thank you. You, uh, you basically saved my l-life today." It feels like all she does is thank him for things, she muses faintly; she owes her life to him likely several times over.

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Like Bobbie, Blazestar is unhappy to be stuck in Dawnglare’s den even for a short amount of time. Being in such close proximity to a cat who’d once been so important to him—and who now stares at him like an unwanted flea upon his pelt—is draining. He shifts in his nest, hoping to keep the thick silence straining throughout the small, enclosed space—but someone hears him. A pale shape moves in its own circlet of moss, lifting flower-stem eyes to him. “Oh, Blazestar. I thought you were Dawnglare,” she says quietly, her stutter like a shaky exhale.

Blazestar is fond of Bobbie, and the last thing he wants to do is upset her—but this causes something to burn in his blue eyes. “I’m not,” he says, and though his tone is not harsh, it is a touch cold.

But the former kittypet would not know anything about Blazestar and Dawnglare’s history, much less the reason their friendship had dissolved; his metaphorical hackles flatten, and he murmurs, apologetic, “Sorry. I’m… just tired, I guess.” It’s surely not the time or place for that story.

He watches one fang peek through, and his weary expression brightens. She’s self-deprecating, and it’s eerily familiar to the way he talks about himself. In true fashion, Blazestar shakes his head. “You fought longer and harder than I did. At least you didn’t die,” he says, whiskers twitching with faint amusement. “You did more saving than I did, I think. Maybe I should be thanking you.


The frost that edges Blazestar's tone upon his quickly returned mew makes Bobbie flinch; it feels familiar, prodding a tender spot in her heart. She turns rosemary eyes downwards, lost in unfortunate memories for the breath between his first resounding words and the next. Normally she's quick to turn her thoughts from those dank and hollow caves of memory, but her mind is still fogged with aches and pains and old ghosts and she's not quick enough. They'd never really fought, she remembers; perhaps that was the first sign, because didn't those who loved one another fight?

No, never fighting; never the raised claws that have marred her denmate's cheek or the sharp words she's seen mates spitting at each other. When she'd raise her gentle disagreement, he'd simply do exactly that; not yelling, not spitting insults, but offering her a cold silence. When he did speak to her his words were glazed with a framework of ice until she'd bow her head and give in—she remembers the glacial days between him asking her to run away and when she'd caved and stolen away in the night.

Of course, these memories run rampant in her mind for all of a moment before she slams the doors on those crypts of empty hearts and swollen eyes, pale gaze on her own paws now. It dances back up towards the flame-point and steals away again; perhaps the past threatens to break through to the surface in the fragile silence of the moonlit den. Bobbie finds her voice easily and returns his apologetic mew, "You d-don't have to apologize. Far be it from me to fault you for that, especially after t-today." The careful words belie the fact it's more than her stutter clogging her throat when she says it, but the queen follows a similar path of thoughts as the tom she converses with. It's not the time or place for her to let the past hook its claws in her flesh. It may never be.

"Nothing drives one to fight h-hard like not knowing what you're doing," The queen tries to lighten the mood in the den and in her head, tone lighter and lilting as it often is when she's amused. They would perhaps be doomed to keep batting the compliment back and forth until first light if not for his faintly amused mew, taken maybe too seriously. "Ah, I really didn't do m-much at all ..." Bobbie's head dips, using her hanging fur to shield her face; for some reason her ears are faintly warmed by the amused remark. Restless, she settles her head on her neatly tucked paws and her ensuing words are quiet, but they carry in the hollow air of the den.

"I guess I just d-didn't want to do nothing again. Sit by and let how I feel stop me from helping when I c-can. I mean, what if my kits were in danger and I couldn't d-do anything? I couldn't live with that." She's talking half to herself and once she's done speaking, the lilac tabby sighs. Can't she try to keep the mood light for one conversation? Bobbie's eyes glance at Blazestar and then away, her mew dipping apologetic, "Sorry. Not the time."
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  • Love
Reactions: Marquette
Blazestar is immediately sorry for the way he’d spoken to Bobbie when he sees her flinch away from him. It’s as though his claws have scored her face, the way Yukio’s mate had done to him. Blazestar stiffens, wondering if he’d genuinely upset her—but she tells him there’s no need to apologize, that she doesn’t blame him after the day they’d had. The flame point gently shakes his head. “Bad day or not, it’s not an excuse to take it out on a friend.” He exhales softly. He won’t trouble her with the whole story, but… perhaps just enough to reassure her that he isn’t angry with her. “Dawnglare and I have known each other since we were kits. We used to be very close.

She’s modest about the part she’d played in the dog fight, but that’s to be expected. Blazestar shakes his head again, this time with more conviction. “Courage is almost more important than fighting skill sometimes. You did not back down, and that’s what will make you a great warrior, once your kits are apprenticed.

There is a shadow drawn over her expression then, and he understands as she speaks that she’s referring to the helpless mess she’d been abandoned in the loner lands, pregnant and alone. “If your kits were in danger, I imagine you’d fight like a LionClan warrior to keep them safe, no matter what you did or didn’t know.” He settles deeper into the feather-lined nest he’s stationed in, wincing as he does. “Oh, did you ever hear about LionClan, TigerClan, and LeopardClan?” He smiles fondly. “Little Wolf told me all about them. How each of us came to get traits from them. I believe she learned the stories from Howlingstar.


✿—— Bobbie's head is still settled on her paws, but spring eyes are fixed on the flame-point's form when she thinks he isn't looking as he speaks. Him and creepy, rude Dawnglare as friends? It's hard to imagine, she thinks, mulling the idea over as she studies the leader's face. She's aware he used to be a kittypet, and it's difficult to envision, though she knows it was a long time ago; she's only heard bits and pieces about his life before she knew him. She thinks it was worse than her own; she knows he and his mate had to separate because of the warrior code, knows from talk around camp that his daughter lost her life in a skirmish. Perhaps she's being silly, but she imagines she can trace the sadness in the lines of his face, the shape of his eyes; she wonders if the same can be said for her.

He shakes his head and suddenly she's aware she's been staring, quickly averting her eyes back onto her own paws. They creep back, though, darting to his face and away, never quite meeting the other cat's eyes before stealing away again. The queen blinks to collect herself, listening as he speaks about these mystical Clans; his smile and his tone are fond though he winces as he settles into his nest. Again she wonders if you can see a cat's thoughts in their face. Regardless of if it's really possible, she feels as though she can see a ghost of the happiness he must have once held, in those days with a family whole and joyful. Once more her pale gaze flicks away before it can meet Blazestar's; Bobbie hurries to mew, "No, I've n-never heard of them. I suppose it's childish, but—would you m-mind telling me about them?"

  • ooc: ——
  • xFuluhM.png
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 37 ☾s
    —— bobbie is a beautiful but insecure lilac tabby, dotted with white patches and with pale green eyes. a queen of skyclan, she's sweet and kind if prone to melancholy; the heartbreaking end of a lifelong romance has left her scarred..
    —— smells like sweet lavender & tea leaves ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to romance, unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

She seems to forgive his snappish remark, and he’s visibly relieved; some of the tension leaves his broad shoulders and the firm lines of his body. He shifts, tucking his amber-dipped paws under thick cream fluff. “I suppose it’s childish, but would you mind telling me about them?” Blazestar’s smile is disarming. “Childish? Not at all. According to Little Wolf, all cats came from these Clans… they’re our ancestors, I guess you could say.” He believes it, as fantastical as it sounds; perhaps he believes it because it is lore from her mouth, from her heart, bestowed upon her by legacy.

He notes the way she meets his gaze and shifts her spring-bud eyes away, as though afraid the torrent in his blue will drown all traces of tender new growth in her own. He thinks of the cat she’d spent her life with, impersonal and eventually callous, and wonders if this is residual. He purposefully points his half-lidded eyes toward the soft turf of his nest as he tells his story. As he speaks, it becomes easier—he’s lost in thought, in the lore he passes to a now-SkyClan queen.

Long before there were five Clans, before there were colonies, even, cats as big as sheep roamed this forest. They lived in three Clans. LionClan was made of cats with golden fur and thick manes around their faces. They were brave and proud.” His tail swishes behind him. “TigerClan had cats with stripes black as night, like big, hulking tabbies. They were… secretive, I guess. They prowled by night.” As he recounts the final Clan, he lifts his gaze just a fraction—not to meet hers as boldly as he has, but to examine the pale tabby pattern on her body, not thorough but listless. “The last Clan was LeopardClan. They were covered in spots, and were excellent climbers. I like to think…” He twitches an ear, sheepish, “I like to think we have a lot of their blood here in SkyClan.

He finally, finally raises blue eyes to meet sage, curiosity sparkling in sapphire depths. “Well… what do you think? Do you think we could have come from such creatures? I know it seems a little farfetched, but… for some reason, I believe in it.” Blazestar’s whiskers shake as he shakes his head. “Once StarClan became real, and once I received nine lives from them, I started to believe most things are possible.” Whimsical, but genuine.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun

✿—— He reassures her that her request isn't childish, not at all, and it soothes her a bit; she does not let her mind wander to ask why what he thinks matters so much to her. She simply settles her head more comfortably on white-tipped paws to listen to this tale of generations unknown, passed now to her; perhaps one day she will tell her kits of this. This tale that all cats (even kittypets like herself, she wonders?) came from an old guard, of cats that walked the forest on paws as big as her own head and shadow the fur of their descendants now. Suddenly the strong herbal scent and the heavy presence of Dawnglare (he's somewhere, certainly) seem to fade in the face of the smile he offers her—should she be thinking such things? Perhaps not.

The pressure of his eyes, abyss-deep, is relieved as he turns a blue gaze with heavy lids towards the tender green of his own nest. She would be lying if she said her own did not stray back upwards, tracing the shape of a muzzle lined in gold instead of midnight; she recalls that day when her belly swelled with kits and she leapt at his presence. How foolish it seems now, she thinks, mind straying vacantly, that she thought they could ever be the same—that Blazestar might hurt her as the cat she spent her life with had. Again her thoughts seem to be dancing on the edge of a dangerous territory and she reigns them quickly back in, refusing to look in those dim passageways of the mind, eyes back on the ground just in front of her own nose.

Three Clans of cats large as sheep, then? In the face of how the cat before her still stood before her, how his shredded throat had knit itself back together, it does not seem difficult to believe, not at all. Finally his eyes meet hers, cobalt deep as the early-night sky against her own pale rosemary; curious, almost whimsical questions hidden in their depths. She offers her thoughts, and if her voice is a touch hoarse with unspoken thoughts, she does her best not to show it, "I ... I don't think it seems t-too crazy at all. We had to come from somewhere, didn't we? That makes as much s-sense as anything .... Little Wolf's family must have been here for a l-long time, then?"

For once a lightness dances in her tone as she adds, "Perhaps m-most of the cats here come from LeopardClan. You seem to have a lot more L-LionClan, yourself." Her tone is playful, lightly teasing as she shifts her ever-moving eyes towards the thick golden mane of fur that rests on his own neck. She giggles softly and mews, "Maybe you should have been Lionstar, instead."

  • ooc: ——
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 38 ☾s
    —— bobbie is a beautiful but insecure lilac tabby, dotted with white patches and with pale green eyes. a queen of skyclan, she's sweet and kind if prone to melancholy; the heartbreaking end of a lifelong romance has left her scarred..
    —— smells like sweet lavender & tea leaves ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

  • Love
Reactions: Marquette
Bobbie’s response is spoken feather-soft, with the slightest hint of a rasp that Blazestar would have missed if they were not sitting so close together. She tells him she doesn’t think it seems out of the realm of possibility, that it makes as much sense as anything. He purrs, nodding in agreement. “When you think of all that we take for granted every day, anything seems possible,” he says. Perhaps those who had not been at the Great Battle—who had not seen the spirits rise themselves—would always feel this a little less, but Bobbie has accepted the possibility of StarClan with more grace than many former outsiders.

“Little Wolf’s family must have been here for a l-long time, then?” Blazestar nods. “You have not met the other Clans yet, but ThunderClan’s leader, Howlingstar, is Little Wolf’s mother and the grandmother to my kits.” He pauses, remembering the sliver of crescent moon hanging in the sky, painting the forest in feral black and silver shadows. He remembers how alive every tree had seemed, how the wind had seemed like breath in his fur. He remembers the brilliance of green eyes peering back at him, her wild name on his tongue like a smashed berry. “She was the first wild cat I met. I’d just been wandering outside my housefolk’s nest, and I went a little further than I normally would… and she warned me that not all cats where she’s from are as kind to kittypets as she is.” He laughs, but softly. “She was right, of course. She belonged to the colony living in the marshes who wanted to drive the colony here in the pines out for more hunting rights. She was one of few who did not despise our kind.

To have that bloodline, though, that Bobbie’s talking about—ancient, wild, linking back to LionClan, TigerClan, and LeopardClan—he wonders if Little Wolf’s lineage is untouched by kittypet blood entirely. Until she met me, of course. He nearly misses Bobbie’s comment about LeopardClan blood running strong in SkyClan warriors. The remark causes him to smile wider—they’d shared that thought, it seems.

“You seem to have a lot more L-LionClan, yourself. Maybe you should have been Lionstar, instead.” Teasing, light, the way her giggle curls around her mouth and takes flight, delicate—Blazestar searches her features for a moment before deciding, “Perhaps you’re right. But I think you must have LionClan blood, yourself.” He tilts his head disarmingly. “Can you guess why?

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun

✿—— Perhaps strange for a new arrival, for one who had not seen starry cats climb from bodies, the queen had accepted the notion of StarClan quickly. It had not seemed strange to her, to believe that one's ancestors and relatives watched down from above; comforting, even, to know that one day you would see those you'd lost again. The concept of tradition, of lingering family, is familiar to her; while far from purebred, she comes from a lineage of sorts. For years she'd kept her white-pelted housefolk company, as her mother had before her, and her mother before that. A tradition, a duty, stretching back generations of both Twoleg and cat—one she'd broken, but ..... she's found something of the sort here. Not the same, the guilt of leaving still lingered, but she's found a family of sorts here, new duties, new traditions. If StarClan is part of that she will accept them happily—that, and she'd seen the life drain out of Blazestar and come back again.

As such, she's inclined to agree with him—when she can watch a cat fall and rise again, nothing seems out of the realm of possibility. He answers her question quite well, with the answer she'd expected—so different from both herself and the golden-hued cat across from her, a lineage to be proud of. Moons of life in these wild forests and vales, a storied family line passed down by legend from cats who stalked quiet as mice on paws as big as rabbits. So different from herself, she's reminded; she has no ancient family like the fabled Little Wolf who he speaks of in such holy tones, nor does she have a reputation built by skill and claw like some of the other ex-outsiders in the Clan.

She's reminded with a pang that she has nothing. Especially, she thinks guiltily, when you look at the shecat he'd once spent his time with—wild, with the bloodline to match, but kind. Born to the skills and the life of a cat worthy of the name of a Clan cat, so unlike herself—suddenly she does not like where her thoughts are going, not at all, and she drives the idea away like a dog. She offers the words she knows she should, the words this shecat a forest away deserves, in a quiet mew, "Wow. She s-sounds incredible." It's true, of course; no wonder the loss of her presence seems to weigh the flame-point tom down like a stone.

The thought leaves quietly as the topic changes and a small settle smiles on the face still resting between her white-touched forepaws. The mood is lightened by her joking, thankfully, and her spirits are too; it's been some time since she last joked around so casually with a cat, had a conversation not shadowed by feelings she couldn't explain to one who hasn't felt them. Blazestar, she's reminded, understands what she's loved and lost in a way few cats she's met have.

His tilted-head smile is disarming and she twists her gaze towards the ground, finally freeing her head from where it rests on her paws as she shuffles them. The question puzzles her as she looks down at her soft paws unused to battle, her pale silken fur not knotted by hard warrior duties. That the golden-maned leader of a Clan carries the blood of these 'lions' is believable, but her? With her simple fur and open face that does not intimidate? It seems unlikely and she's puzzled as she replies, tone light, "I don't think I c-can .... I mean, I even look kittypet."

  • ooc: ——
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 38 ☾s
    —— bobbie is a beautiful but insecure lilac tabby, dotted with white patches and with pale green eyes. a queen of skyclan, she's sweet and kind if prone to melancholy; the heartbreaking end of a lifelong romance has left her scarred..
    —— smells like sweet lavender & tea leaves ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

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Bobbie’s response to his story about Little Wolf sobers him. He had been sparse with his praise for the she-cat he’d called his mate many moons ago, but perhaps it’s still obvious how reverent he is of the ThunderClan warrior. Blazestar’s subconsciously aware now of how his eyes must have lit with cerulean fire, how his voice had dipped into dulcet sing-song. He clears his throat, self-conscious, and agrees with her in a low tone. “She is an incredible warrior, and she was a wonderful mate and mother. But she is ThunderClan, and the warrior code exists…” He falters, pain lancing through his heart, “…because of us.

That’s not quite accurate, is it? Blazestar and Little Wolf could have loved until they were dust in their graves for all StarClan had been concerned, he’s sure of it. It was tragedy that showed them their folly, and nothing more.

He latches onto Bobbie’s mewl denying her supposed LionClan heritage. The SkyClan leader laughs, though it’s devoid of ridicule. “Sure, but you don’t look anymore kittypet than I do. You should have seen me the day I stumbled into the pine forest… not a snarl in my pelt.” He flicks his tail tip, shifting in cushioned moss. “No, it’s not all about looks, Bobbie—I saw the way you faced up to that dog. Duskpool, Coyotecrest, Twitchbolt, Sootspritespark… they’ve all had warrior training. They have taken vows to protect their Clan.” He looks at her, a somber glint in his gaze now. “You’ve taken no vows, and you’ve never had a mentor, but you fought that dog to protect your Clanmates. It’s the heart of a LionClan warrior you have. I can see it.” His tone dips, tender and earnest. “You should believe in yourself more.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun

✿—— she reminds herself not to let these guilty thoughts live; she misses her former mate as much as blazestar does, for different reasons, but ..... she misses him. she hates it, sometimes she hates herself for it, but she would be lying to say he doesn't still hold a place in her heart ... barely. yes, it's a hold kept by claws instead of soft paws, but it's there nonetheless. she hides from it now, will only entertain these thoughts for the slightest echo of a moment, but it is there. she still feels her heart leap like a rabbit when she sees a tall cat with dark fur around camp, still spots a flower or a twoleg toy and thinks of whose favorite it was. she is sure if she spoke of him, if she could ever bring herself to (and oh, if she would tell anyone, wouldn't it be blazestar?), her eyes would shine like that too, her voice lilt with the warble of love too. she cannot fault him for it; she will not fault him for it.

"it's not your fault, y-you know." the words leap from her mouth traitorously, uncontrolled in this moment, ghosts springing forth from the chambers of her heart. bobbie clears her throat, shifts her gaze, but she cannot take back that heartfelt whisper. because it is what she thinks; it couldn't be his fault, it shouldn't be his fault to love and suffer for it. her ears twitch as he begins to speak with a laugh that somehow doesn't make her thoughts twist like most do; she really doesn't feel lionclan, though. a cat without skills, tiny next to skyclan's lion of a leader, tiny next to most cats; she doesn't think beyond that, beyond her softer pawpads and unbroken claws.

her eyes, rosemary and dew, soften under tired lids as he speaks; tone earnest, soft, genuine as he talks of the actions that have landed her here in this odd-smelling den, actions she had thought were stupid. blazestar praises her instead, for the way she'd thrown herself uselessly at the dog, that looming thing with its hot breath taller than herself twice over. "i .... thank you." it's all she can manage to say, a phantom mew, lost for how she can respond to these wholehearted words.

instead she turns in her nest, heart beating traitorously between her ears, chilled ears uncharacteristically warm. "i .... we should both g-get some rest. thank you for talking with me, bl-blazestar." it's not what she wants to do, not what her heart cries in her chest for her to do (she does not think of what that traitorous thing would have her do), but she cannot keep him up until dawn with her problems. bobbie offers him a last gift, a last glance, settling down in the soft moss of the medicine nests once again.

  • ooc: ——
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 38 ☾s
    —— bobbie is a beautiful but insecure lilac tabby, dotted with white patches and with pale green eyes. a queen of skyclan, she's sweet and kind if prone to melancholy; the heartbreaking end of a lifelong romance has left her scarred..
    —— smells like sweet lavender & tea leaves ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

  • Love
Reactions: Marquette