all the great kings of the past are up there [soot]

Jul 20, 2022



Another sleepless night for Duskfire. Ironic, considering the tom had been working nonstop ever since the hawk attack on his patrol. He was exhausted on most fronts, but like always when he finally found himself with a moment to himself his mind decided to throw him under the bus. Guilt still tore at him over the loss of his apprentice, that and a burning shame that he'd failed to do what every other warrior had; keep their apprentice alive.

Deciding he'd made his clanmates listen to him toss and turn long enough, the bengal slowly rose from his nest and slipped away into camp.

Despite the chill in the air from autumn, the sky was clear that night. Overhead the stars shone alongside a partial moon, and not for the first time he wondered if Rosepaw was up there. If Starclan was real, why couldn't they send him a sign? With a sigh the tom would let his haunches settle beneath him as he took a seat in the dull moonlight, green eyes skyward in search of answers he would likely never get.


windclan deputy - male - 21 months - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat