
When Bluepool thinks of her kin, of her blood, she first thinks of Mintshade. She was the only sister she had left, after all, the only cat who had known her when she was still just Blue, the girl who would do anything if only it meant her father would notice anything other than his golden child, for once. She has other living breathing relatives in WindClan, but every day it seemed as if their numbers were dwindling. Sootstar is gone, of course, but so is Harrierstripe, so is Shrikethorn. In this life, nothing is certain but death. Everyone had to go at some point. But in her opinion it had been much too soon for either of her sister's kits. They had both been good cats, fine warriors. How easily they had been taken from this life startles her, makes her want to hold her living relatives all the more closer.

And didn't Bluepool understand what it was like to not have your parents anymore? She had never known her mother, of course But she had known her father. Had, despite everything, loved him in the way only a child could. She has since learned though, that blood did not equate to loyalty. Still, she finds herself seeking out the oldest of her sister's children, finds herself sympathizing with him despite the ass he was currently making of himself.

"Sootspot" she beckons at the same time that she approaches "Will you take a walk with me?" Outside of camp, onto the blossoming moors. It was a beautiful day for it, after all.


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    A small framed moor runner with a blue toned pelt and black stripes. Her tail is cropped and her eyes are golden in color. On her chest, she sports a large 'X' shaped scar.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + isn’t above using dirty tricks in order to win

It was a difficult thing for anyone to learn that blood flowed just as thinly as water. Living in WindClan should have been a hint that such a thing was the case, but Sootstar's dynasty was supposed to be above that. They'd been chosen by the stars to rule the moors, but it seemed that, as StarClan had turned their backs on his mother, her living relatives turned their back on loyalty. He remembered his last conversation with Cottonpaw, the only sibling he'd spoken to since Sunstar's ascension, and the venom that filled his thoughts felt as if it should've been fatal. Sootspot should've felt the same for Bluepool, but seeing the silver tabby move towards him, he could only feel numbness in place of vengeance. A time ago, he'd have respected her, looked to her for guidance in a world that stopped making sense to one so used to partisan decisions, now... he didn't know what he wanted from Bluepool. As he turned his head the first time, he pretended not to see her, his mind wandering to the tunnels. Then, she moved closer to him, speaking his name, and broad pupils flicked in her direction. A smile came all too easy to him.

"Bluepool," he gave a faux bow of his head as he mewed, whiskers twitching as he strutted closer. It was empty pleasantries, it always was, but hollow friendliness had always seemed better to the chimera than cold truths (though try as he might, he was not yet mature enough to separate the two entirely). For a moment, the tom tilted his head to consider her request. The closeness they may have once shared as kin had withered like the leafbare blossoms, though unlike them, Sootspot didn't think it could regrow as vivaciously. "Of course." He hadn't had the chance to frolic in the moors yet, the underground mattered more to Sootspot, and enjoying flowers didn't exactly seem... becoming of a cat of his stature. Still, 'will you take a walk with me?' was hardly a question posed with the utmost sincerity - others always talked when they wanted him alone and he couldn't help but wonder what was on his auntie's mind. "The lead is yours." With that, he'd wait for the Lead Warrior to start walking before he followed, tail stretched up towards the sky.


"It truly is a sight to see isn't it?" she asks as they leave the safety of camp. The flowers had seemingly sprouted overnight, blanketing the moors in a rainbow of color and a beauty that she is certain is unrivaled in other territories. Certainly, there isn't anything like it in ShadowClan. The marshes were cruel, unforgiving, with absolutely no room for beauty but the moors had taught her that you can have both, the cruelty and beauty could go paw in paw. The moors and her sister. She glances out of the corner of her eye at her nephew as they walk, assessing the similarities between him and his mother. Physically, he carries some of her traits. Her sister's short stature, the darker shades of gray that matches his late mothers and those familiar green eyes. When he looked in the reflective waters of the river or the sun-warmed pool she wonders what he sees.

She hums quietly to herself as they walk, enjoying the perfume wafting through the breeze and the sun on her back. "It was never like this in the marsh group you know" she says finally, breaking the long stretch of silence. "You are lucky to have been born here, in WindClan. ShadowClan's lands are not as.. hm. How do I put this? It's not as nice there" He probably remembers from their stint with the rogues, the smell of carrion and rot, the mud, the toads. How her sister had enjoyed them she would never be sure. She herself had never had the stomach for it. "Your mother Mintshade and I grew up there you know, but I would give anything to have grown up here" With the wide open fields and the mountains looming over them in the distance. "Sometimes, it feels like you should be able to touch the sky, like if you reached out your paw you'd get a scoop of stars. But in the marshes sometimes it is difficult to even see them. We are lucky to be here now, don't you think?" she asks, casting him a sideways glance. Did he feel similarly or did he wish he had left his home and followed Granitepelt and his mothers other lackeys? That is the real question behind the words she speaks.

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  • d8xs4yJ.jpeg
    A small framed moor runner with a blue toned pelt and black stripes. Her tail is cropped and her eyes are golden in color. On her chest, she sports a large 'X' shaped scar.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + isn’t above using dirty tricks in order to win

"Certainly. They are blurs to eyes used to the dark but they have a certain appeal." It was not a Tunneler's eyes that caused an indifference to the colours, but Sootspot's, who stared upon the open field like someone trying to be polite and indulge in a hobby that he didn't share. Gait stilted as he walked, unsure if he should be stopping the smell the blooms or mirror Bluepool, the tom could opt for neither, instead just breathing through his mouth as the pollen began to irritate his nose. A mention of ShadowClan caused his ears to twitch and a grimace to briefly cross his features at the memory. "I am aware," he drawled with the wave of a tail. "When we fled the rogues, no cat wished more for the taste of rabbit than I." Frogs were messy and their slime could coat one's teeth like sap, a sentiment Bluepool seemed to share as she spoke of wishing to be moorborn.

He glanced at Bluepool, silent in his wariness. If he blinked, he was certain that the blue pelt of his auntie would turn pale chocolate - he didn't like how similarly she spoke to their leader. Another reminder that family had become a sullied word that felt like his belly being clawed open, another grim realisation that the only confidant was imprisoned in prayers to a StarClan he so readily rejected. Sootspot smiled, hiding the bitterness as if he were hiding from prey. "The truth often does get in the way of feelings, does it not? We cannot grab the stars no matter how hard we try... still, we never lose hope that one day it will become possible." One day, there may be another Sootstar, someone who could do what the first could not and rule with a fear that could never be challenged. "There is a certain... luck to our survival, I believe." It was, at the very least, lucky that Sunstar had not purged the bloodline that'd stood in the way of him and power... then again, Bluepool and Mintshade had never been threats to it to begin with.

He tilted his head, ears flat against his skull: it was a conscious effort trying to keep them there. "Even in death, Sootstar casts a long shadow. My loyalty has always been to WindClan, yet there are many who do not believe it. They see me wander to the light and try to push me back into where it is cold and it is lonely." His energy poured into a saddened tone when the inside was hollow. "One must wonder if it is any easier to be a sister instead of a son." He looked to Bluepool expectantly.