all the other kids with the pumped up kicks [open]


that's why they call me bad company
Apr 26, 2023



All cats climbed in some capacity, and Soma was no different. As a kit he'd climbed into trashcans and crates, and then later onto couches, stairs, and cat trees once he and Junco ended up in the care of the twolegs. But trees? That was new.

Soma found himself just a short way outside of camp, crouched at the base of a pine tree in their mostly barren little forest Skyclan called home. He was a big cat, more of it on the height side than bulk, but he had some weight to him too, the muscles in his shoulders and legs nothing to scoff at. He knew that theoretically he was more than capable of hauling himself up into the branches, he just.. wondered if he should. He was a big cat- what if the branched broke, or he just lacked the overall sense of balance and agility that the others had? There were other larger cats that he seldom ever seen in the trees- like Slate, one of the lead warriors- and he couldn't help but wonder if that was the reason, or if they just didn't like being up that high.

Acid green eyes gazed up at the trunk before him, and he didn't feel any fear or apprehension at the thought of being up high. Hell, if he was honest he didn't really fear falling either, but someone had to be around to take care of Junco.

He's got the clan now. he reminded himself, and that seemed to be enough for Soma to begin his little experiment.

The tom sprung up, claws scraping against bark but lacking the conviction to actually sink into it, resulting him just sliding down the trunk to sit at it's base again.

"Feels weird." he noted to himself, lifting a large paw to flex his claws. It wasn't like sinking them into padded furniture....

skyclan- male - a tall, muscular tomcat with asymmetrical tuxedo markings and electric green eyes.
Drizzlepaw watches Soma’s attempt to climb a tree after their conversation, and he’s glad he decided to try despite his worries. He definitely wasn’t good at it at first either, and everything takes time, so he’s sure that the black and white tom will learn how to do it proper as time goes on.

He’s not too surprised that Soma just seems to slide down when he puts his claws in the awkward texture. He knows it felt extremely weird trying to sink his into the tree that he chose when Thistleback asked him to show him something to convince him to take Drizzlepaw back to SkyClan, and even though he failed miserably it didn’t matter much, it was more the attempt despite his shortcomings.

“It does feel weird, huh? You’ll get used to it, though.” It still bothers him from time to time, but generally he can handle it. Even if sometimes it feels like he brute forced himself to tolerate it… Well, just like he told Bobbie, the pain is worth it in the end. Being so high up was such a thrill, no matter how arduous the climb.

He takes the chance to leap up the pine tree himself, gracefully treading the bark as he lands on one of the lower hanging branches. It’s not to show off, but rather to be available if the other decides to continue his attempts. “I’ll keep watch from above, and give you tips, if you’d like?”