The day is warm, almost as warm as greenleaf. Iciclefang suns herself near the riverbank. Even in repose, the tortoiseshell cuts a stunning figure. When she stretches, her body moves like liquid, like the river itself. Shades of amber and darkness ripple like water over well-formed muscles.

The moment for relaxation goes, though, her paws itching for the river. Iciclefang poses and then leaps into the air in a clean and precise dive; when she hits the water, she barely disturbs the surface. It's cold, but invigorating, and she moves through it with grace and power.

When she flings herself back onto the riverbank, a silver fish flopping wildly from her jaws, water droplets fly from her patchwork pelt, catching the sunlight like morning dew and framing her with glistening fire. She drops the fish and delivers a blow to its head, face vaguely smeared with satisfaction.

// please wait for @Catfishpaw @Hazepaw

you are the dancing queen
Catfishpaw had made some plans with Hazepaw to go and mess around in the riverbank, maybe splash around and such. Like, it would be just a fun little thing and nothing could make her question something integral about herself today, absolutely nothing. Catfish had been a little slow making her way to the beach, stopping and looking at foliage and such, admiring the beauty of Riverclan.

She had only looked up when she caught movement near the riverbed, her first thought was Hazepaw beat her to the water, but it wasn't. Instead she caught Iciclefang, stretching and then diving into the water. There was a pause for a second, cogs turning in the silver torbie's head. Her head cocked to the side as she sat stupidly, near the clearing. Something was bubbling inside her stomach, and she couldn't quite place what this feeling was. But, as soon as the older molly came back out of the water with a fish caught between her jaws it seemed to worsen. There was something telling her to both keep watching Iciclefang and also run away.

She shook her head, what was happening to her? She had seen Iciclefang before, what was happening to her. Okay, it didn't matter, she was there to meet Hazepaw. Maybe she had just become very socially anxious, very soon, and for the first time in her life... that must be it, right? Like, why else would it feel like she couldn't move without doing it wrong? Well, there was only one way she knew how to deal with fear, so she ventured further onto the bankside. Her eyes went straight to the fish and tried to ignore Iciclefang as much as was possible "That's a pretty good catch." there was a definitive lack of confidence in her words and she was mostly refusing to make any eye contact at this point.

young and sweet

When one is friends with Catfishpaw, one gets used to waiting around for her. The pretty she-cat is easily distracted — something Hazepaw is guilty of as well, so they aren’t really mad about it. If anything, they’re glad: while they enjoy her company, it’s nice to be on their own for a bit, basking in the peaceful quiet of the river.

Dragonflies trace glittering paths in the air and the water sings its burbling melody as it rushes over stones and through the lazy bends of the river bed. Hazepaw slips through the weeds buzzing with insect life, her blue pelt mimicking the flash of silver that sunlight shines on the water’s surface. It feels, for a moment, like she’s all alone in this lively and strange world. Then the weeds part in her way, revealing the riverbanks, and the fire-and-shadows pelt of the newly-named Iciclefang slipping under the surface disturbs that gentle illusion like ripples distorting one’s reflection.

The older she-cat, barely out of apprenticehood, cuts an impressive figure as she comes out with a fish held in her jaws. And it seems Hazepaw is not the only one to notice it. They finally catch sight of the she-cat they were waiting for, but Catfishpaw isn’t hurrying to them: she doesn’t even seem to have noticed Hazepaw’s presence. She’s all but gaping at Iciclefang, her face doing something complicated. Even once she comes closer to the older molly — walking past Hazepaw! — her voice has an uncertain note to it that is wholly out of character for the confident apprentice Hazepaw knows.

Feeling perhaps a pit miffed at being ignored by their friend, Hazepaw prowls up to Catfishpaw silently, head popping right next to the other apprentice’s as they crowd into her personal space.

”Staring,” She singsongs under her breath.

(=^・ェ・^=))ノ彡♡ With no apprentice, Darterwing had a lot more free time than what she was use to. She spent most of it in self-pitying solitude out on the territory, hunting and gathering resources. Being in camp and catching glints of Ravenpaw in the medicine cat’s den made her feel prickles of embarrassment. Her confidence in being a dry paw, being different had fleeted, now that her apprentice was gone she felt once again lower on the social hierarchy. A less needed and desirable warrior even if others would not confess it; it was true.

She is nosing around the riverbank, eyeing for pretty pebbles to take to the nursery and line the kitten’s nests with. Ears twitching at the sound of voices in the distance her gaze would rise and spot the newly named Iciclefang, a fine catch at her paws. Several fox-lengths away stood her younger sister and Hazelpaw. Darterwing, a massive romantic and flirt, knows bashfulness when she sees it. It’s enough to make Darterwing forget about her own grief and a smirk rises on her face. It was time to perform her sisterly duties and embarrass the living StarClan out of her!

”Iciclefang! Wonderful catch.” Darterwing calls in genuine praise, bounding over to the trio of young she-cats. With a sly glance to Catfishpaw she adds, ”You should give Catfishpaw some tips. I know she’s aspiring to be a great hunter and you’re clearly a fisher of great skill.” She looks to Iciclefang, an unassuming look on her face to mask she was trying to pull anything.
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Iciclefang does not notice the way Catfishpaw is looking at her. When she does turn to the silvery molly, it's to acknowledge her praise with a faint smile. They'd been fellow apprentices a very short time ago, but now that she's a warrior, she can't help but realize there's a gap between them now. "It is, isn't it? It's the best one I've made today, I think. The rest have practically been minnows." She shakes her fur again, flicking more droplets into the air.

Catfishpaw's companion, as usual, is Willowroot's daughter, Hazepaw. The blue-tinted she-cat had muttered something under her breath to Catfishpaw, but Iciclefang had been too busy preening to catch it. "What'd you say?" She blinks.

But it's Darterwing she turns her attention to. Her praise causes a glint in her silvery-blue eyes, and as she would to any older and more experienced warrior, she dips her head -- slightly -- with respect. "Thank you." Iciclefang wonders if Darterwing is bored now that her apprentice has been taken from her by Beesong. She does find herself with a lot more free time as a warrior, and a lot more freedom in general.

"You should give Catfishpaw some tips. I know she's aspiring to be a great hunter, and you're clearly a fisher of great skill." Iciclefang looks at her with a simple bow of the head. She notices nothing sinister about Darterwing's intentions.

"Come here," she beckons to Catfishpaw, her voice cool as the water dripping from her pelt. She'll wait until the other she-cat is practically flank to flank. "You'll want to practice your dive first. You want to minimize your splash so that you aren't disturbing the fish." She sets her intense, narrow blue eyes on the other she-cat, waiting for a response.

you are the dancing queen

Starclan! That stupid pounding in her chest was just not stopping, and it didn't feel like it was just in her chest even, it felt like the blood was rumbling through her head too. Even with this pounding though Iciclefang's words hit Catfish's ears and she gives a nervous giggle at the remark. This makes Catfishpaw's head nearly blow up, who was this cat? She didn't do this? Then the taunting of words of Hazepaw caused her to jump, fluffy her tail ever so slightly.

She finally has something else to look at besides Iciclefang, though saying Catfishpaw was looking at her would be a little bit of an overstatement, more like looking at the ground and scenery around the warrior. Although it seemed that the escape she was hoping for in Hazepaw may not occur as she registers what the other cat had whispered in her ear. A nervous grin crossed her maw as she tried to shake her head at the other apprentice, and as Iciclefang asks what was said Catfishpaw is quick to blurt out "Hi!-" very frantic, very unlike her "They just said hi." Maybe, just maybe this little interaction could be salvaged and Hazepaw and her could just go on with their fun. Unfortunately, she didn't notice Darterwing making her way over, her sister was about to push the embarrassment over the edge.

At first her sister's arrival was a good thing, if her and Iciclefang got caught in very important warrior conversation she could slip away with the miffed Hazepaw. Catfishpaw could've have known better though. The silver cat's face kept getting hotter and her eyebrows pleaded to Darterwing when she purposefully put her in an inescapable position. She took a sharp breath as she listened to Iciclefang, moving next to the molly. Trying her hardest not to make any psychical contact, the thump thump thump of her chest was still trying to cloud her hearing as she listened to Iciclefang, feeling her staring, she bit her lip "Yeah, okay. That makes sense." not sure how to proceed but just wanting out of this she ventured an escape plan"Maybe Hazepaw and I should like go and practice that? I don't want to be bugging you anymore than I- than we already have."

young and sweet

Darterwing brings up the question of an impromptu training advice session. It’s a setback, which is annoying, but Catfishpaw seems interested, so Hazepaw contents themself with watching as Iciclefang shows her something. When the young warrior is done, they approach, meaning to prod Catfishpaw into leaving for their planned hangout. But even as they nod along to her words, her deflection gives them pause.

There’s something going on here. What exactly Hazepaw doesn’t know, but they have a nose for shenanigans and a willingness to indulge in their chaotic urges from time to time. Catfish shying away from socialization is a little uncharacteristic, and so is the frantic energy peeking through her cheery composure. Usually they come to her rescue… but this once, they indulge their curiosity.

Tilting her head as if she has no idea what Catfishpaw is angling for, she looks at the two mollies in affected confusion, gestures to the water, and asks as innocently as she can: ”Show?”