Feb 6, 2024
Bloodwing seemed a formidable warrior. Hungry for battle, for justice, just as he was - and with sufficient experience to back it, as he remembers from their apprenticehood. Sneezeduck was never the type to voluntarily spar another; but times were tense and changing, and so too (at long last) must he.

And so, the two circle each other now, in a clearing fit for two. Despite his apprehension for his new makeshift mentor battering him with soft paws, his claws remain sheathed for now, for any fresh wound may prohibit him from the long-awaited battle for vengeance. Even so, as he stalks the cold ground, he can't help the way his paws flex into the frosted dirt, as if imagining them digging into Applejaw's murderer.

The young warrior's lip curls at the thought, and his heartbeat resonates in his ears. Time seemed precious now, and the young warriors needed every moment they could get to sharpen up. If ThunderClan were as cruel as they were portrayed to be, it was life or death.

"Show me what you got," Sneezeduck invites with a subtle growling edge to his voice. With that, he breaks the circle to brace his muscles and leaps for Bloodwing with long, springing legs - aiming to barrel right into her exposed side.

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    sneezeduck. a young shadowclan warrior with a complex for vengeance and justice. son of duckshimmer. brother to singeglare and swallowflutter. mentored by sharpshadow. mentor to none.​
  • ooc. please wait for @BLOODWING

She had never known Sneezeduck to be eager for battle, then again, she had never truly gotten to know him when they were apprentices. Like sap on a tree, she had always stuck by Singepaw's side. They had rarely talked about family together, instead, using their time to wrestle and fight and mess around and spout many-a-great-dreams and rebellions. A part of her had wondered if he'd always just be Singeglare's brother, but there was a modest kindness within him that was sweet, as if when she talked, he'd listen.

Perhaps Bloodwing was wrong about that too, but at that moment, it hardly mattered. At that moment in time the cinnamon tabby was staring down an opponent, a smirk on her maw and a frown on his. "Come on then mousedust!" She jeered in good faith, a hop to her step as she prepared to maneuver. With siblings, she'd won most of her spars through brute strength, with Singeglare, she'd had to learn to be a little lighter on her paws to avoid getting tripped up. She didn't know what she'd learn from the chocolate tabby other than the fact that he moved much faster than she could've ever anticipated.

Something collides into her ribs before she can truly register it was Sneezeduck, eyes squeezing shut briefly at the sudden influx of pain - Stars it'd be a miracle if that didn't bruise later. Bloodwing spun on her heels and squared her limbs to steady herself, wincing as one buckled beneath the strength of Sneezeduck's charge. 'Applejaw's older than me and she died to a cat.' The thought came and went within a split second as she was reminded where her extremities were, how easy it would be for her to fall if she didn't end fights quickly. There was no special technique to her training, just force and ideals of justice driving her forward. She was predictable. Tough, but predictable.

She didn't want to die. But she was tall, bulky, her mentor gone - what else could she do to prevent her death other than hone what she was already well-practiced at?

Her ear twitched back - Sneezeduck wouldn't kill her. No ShadowClanner would kill her. This was a spar, practically child's play compared to the real thing. She rolled with the momentum she'd worked so hard to halt, aiming to kick at Sneezeduck's belly with her hindpaws as she found herself beneath the tabby, forepaws hovering awkwardly in front of her neck in preparation to smack the other's face if he leaned any closer.