all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me .. twilightfall

It's to no surprise that while she's stuck in the depths of her sisters den that sleep has come to her easier. There's nothing else to do than that, of course, but the exhaustion that yellowcough has left her in is like nothing she's experienced before. Her chest struggled with the rise and fall for each breath, and when she toed the line of sleeping and waking she wondered if she would be strong enough to keep breathing through the night.

When her eyes open again, she feels... odd. Different from a dream, she realizes quickly, that the area surrounding her is more palpable. Her claws flex against damp earth, feeling the peaty soil between her toes. She's not in Starlingheart's den anymore, instead within something less familiar, surrounded by a dim hollow and milk-scent. Among this, she noticed the feeling of a maternal presence coming closer.

"M- Briarstar?" Lilacfur isn't sure why she's called out for her mother, the name practically blurted out into the air.
[ sad hello's and mad high low's ]