all the stars / burnstorm

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
The day Roeflames energy had returned was easily one of the best days of the warriors young life, to be able to walk and laugh and talk again… it strangely felt like a luxury now, to not be in delirious agony.
Though not a privilege, Roeflame had vowed to treat it like one, to cherish all the good she had built in her life.
After having settled back into the warriors den, the first cat she’d stumble into would instantaneously cause a beaming smile on her features.
"Burnstorm!" her greeting is a pleasantly surprised chirp, accompanied with a beaming grin.
In all honesty, she couldn’t help but feel a little guilt for possibly causing so much worry, even if she hadn’t asked to be.. quite literally plagued. Roeflame decided to not worry about all of her inner turmoil, though, at least not for awhile.
Roeflame would attempt to hold her eye contact steady, but would ultimately fail when she has to cast her gaze to the side, feeling a fluster begin to burn at her cheeks.
Has he always looked like that?
"Hey.. would you wanna get out of here? I’ve been dying to get out of camp." She prompts, deciding that despite the strange feelings bubbling up in her chest, she missed her friend.



A lot of Burnstorms days are spent the way they have always been spent. He goes out on patrols, he talks to his friends, his family, and he does the duties that are expected of a warrior his age. But there were moments that he walked past the medicine cats den, that he looked wistfully into the depths and wished he could see his friend. He had, of course, brought her prey, asked about her. But he is not certain if she had ever even eaten it. Had she missed him as much as he missed her or did she not care in her fever induced sleep? When he looks at the empty nest next to him he realizes how big of a hole her absence has made and it makes him feel a conflicting swirl of emotions, most of which he has no name for.

He is getting ready for another night of falling asleep staring at the vacant spot next to him, his ebony paws dragging in the dust as he makes his way to the warriors den after a long day. Immediately, on instinct, his eyes find the nest next to his and he is expecting to find it empty once again. Except this time there is a body occupying it. He opens his jaws, ready to tell whoever it was to scram but then it registers. Roeflame is here. She is sitting up, saying his name.

Immediately, a smile finds its way onto his features, bright and infectious. "Roeflame!" he calls out in turn, not caring to acknowledge the looks some of the cats who are trying to rest turn to give him. He rushes forward and presses his nose to the top of her head in an overly familiar greeting then quickly pulls back, feeling awkward immediately. "I'm so glad you're okay" he tells her as way for explanation "I was.. I was really worried about you you know?" his voice drops to almost a whisper. He was just glad she is okay, that she is in front of him alive and well. His uncle had worked a miracle and he would be sure to bring the tortoiseshell tom the biggest piece of prey he could find later.

Fatigue forgotten, he agrees to her request immediately. "Of course, cmon, let's go" he says, a thrill of excitement running along his spine. Now that they were both warriors, they could have moments alone like this. 'Just like any other friends would' he tells himself quietly. But he had never wanted to spend alone time with Lightstrike this badly... He shakes the thought away and turns to leave the den, looking back over his shoulder to see if Roeflame was following. "Anywhere specific you want to go?"

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
The toms sentiments are not lost to the tabby- quite the opposite when Roeflame could practically feel her flush reach up into her gaze.
Any evidence is gone in a blink as the tom eagerly agrees, turning to leave with a giggling Roeflame on his heels.
They were absolutely being bothersome to their clanmates, but could she really find a care in the world right now?
Before they’d exit, Roeflame would aim to press the top of her head against his shoulder blade in a moment of fleeting reassurance. "You’ll never have to worry like that again, I promise! " She whispers before she’d step away, her smile still radiant.
He asks where she wants to go, and the silvery warrior pauses for a heartbeat.
"Sunningrocks? I bet the boulders are still all warm from the sun!" She suggests as they’d move from the warriors den to the entrance, a newfound giddiness in her step.
It was difficult to hide just how excited she was to spend time with Burnstorm, and in the end Roeflame decided she didn’t want to hide it, besides the feelings were completely normal for two friends, weren’t they?


When the silver she-cat presses her head to his shoulder he feels heat begin to creep onto his cheeks. A rumbling purr of amusement escapes his throat and with a barking laugh he says "We'll see about that, trouble seems to have a way of finding you" it seemed he was always saving her, but this sickness had not been something he could have fought off with claws and teeth. No. It had been up to his uncle who had gotten the cure they had so precious little of and Roeflame had been one of the lucky few.

When they step out into the forest he takes a deep breath, reveling in the sounds and smells of his home. ThunderClan was where he belonged and not for a moment does he ever stop and think about how life might be different if he had instead chosen SkyClan like Howlfire and Fireflypaw had. It simply never would have happened. He is glad to be here, happy that he has gotten to know Roeflame and Lightstrike and Stormywing and all of his other friends. He is glad he is here.

"Sunning rocks it is then" he says with another deep laugh. She was so certain of her choice, how could he say anything other than yes? He leads the way through the forest, weaving his way through foliage and around tree trunks with ease, filling Roeflame in on everything she had missed while sick. "And Racconstripe told Nightbird that if his patrol out hunted hers she would have to go on a date with him" he tells her with a snort of air through his nose and he rolls his eyes. His uncle really was determined huh? "I tried my best to help her and spare her but Cloudyfur ended up out hunting all of us by a huge margin, who could've guessed that she was an expert hunter now! Poor Nightbird though I feel bad for her but I'm sure she can hold her own" another laugh escapes his maw as he imagines how the 'date' must have gone down. With Nightbird kicking his uncles ass hopefully.

"Well, we're here" he says as he parts the grass and emerges into the open area that contained the sun-touched rocks that had been so fiercely won by his clan. He steps aside to let her lead the way, this was her idea after all.

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
The first step out of camp is a dream, though Roeflame doesn’t revel, not when every step forward is better than the last. The climb up the ravine is quick, and if Roeflame wasn’t so engulfed in Burnstorms stories she may have had the mind to challenge him to a race.
Instead, their walk is pleasant, Roeflames gaze hardly ever straying from the ebony warrior. Roeflame’s emotions had always been big and hard to contain, but when she’s so distracted by Burnstorm she almost stumbles over an upturned root, the question of normalcy once again sprouts in the back of her mind.
She wasn’t a complete mouse-brain, these feelings are all too familiar to the dusty-hued warrior. That was okay, though. Tonight she’d let herself be okay as she followed her friend through the forest like a star-struck apprentice.
By the time Burnstorm has finished telling her about Nightbird and Raccoonstripe, the molly is shaking her head, laughter already escaping from her before he can even finish.
"I can only imagine how a date between those two would go" she’d finally manage to chime once the laughter faded, and while gossip wasn’t truly her thing, she hoped Burnstorm would be able to tell her all about it later on.
When the duo finally reaches Sunningrocks, Roeflame wouldn’t skip a beat, trotting past Burnstorm she’d waste no time stretching against the smooth stones, relishing the warmth they still managed to hold despite leaf-falls impending arrival. "I never thought I could miss a bunch of rocks so much!" She’d exclaim with a laugh, turning to look back at Burnstorm after enjoying her moment of freedom.
"What else did I miss? I need to know everything!" She eagerly prompts, her forepaw outstretched to tap the empty space beside her.


It is without a second thought that he moves to join her, jumping up onto the rock that she is lounging on and settling down next to her. Immediately he notices not only the warmth of the rocks but also the way that there was not quite enough room for both of them here. As a result, his ebony pelt brushed against hers. He didn't mind though, it was not the first time they had been in close proximity but it did make his heart beat in a way that was unfamiliar to him. Was he coming down with something?

"You didn't miss anything else super exciting" he muses, his whiskers twitching and his gaze moving to the river that burbles lazily nearby. "There was a lot of moping on my part" he adds with a laugh. There had been deaths - Foxpoppy stands out in particular in his mind - but he does not want to drag her down with that and besides it is likely she already knows. "You've been missed in the warriors den you know" he tells her, his gaze shifting to look at her from the corner of his golden eyes. He missed her he should say but for some reason he feels embarrassed at the idea of admitting it was mostly him who had missed her.

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
There is no hesitation in his step as Burnstorm joins her, and Roeflame cannot suppress the content purr that briefly rumbles from the back of her throat, golden shaded gaze lifting to meet his, determined to hold her eye contact this time.
There was a lot of moping on my part. Burnstorm admits, and Roeflame laughs.
You’ve been missed in the warriors den you know.
Dammit, she curses herself as her gaze slides towards the river, depths churned black by the boulders shadow. "Oh, was I? " She chimed lightly, feigning faint flattery.
"I missed it too, more than I could have imagined" she laughs after a moment, leaning lazily against his broader flank without thinking much of it, not until the back of her head is resting on the support of his shoulder.
In the moment after the realization the warrior would almost falter, but if Burnstorm wouldn’t protest, she’d remain where she had gotten comfortable. Unexpectedly, she sighs. "It feels good to be back…to be here." While the molly doesn’t dive deeper, a small smirk quirks at the side of her maw. "You all must have been so bored without me around to keep you on your toes."

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