Sleep escaped Smogmaw some hours ago, and reclaiming it became a failed endeavour. His inner rhythm had become completely thrown off over the last few moons, owing to his tendency to stay up through the small hours and catching minimal shuteye throughout the day. It was a bad habit which he needed to shake, but that proved easier said than done. But now that he found himself incapable of slumber - as a matter of fact, he felt strangely energised - the warrior chose to make the most of the night.

He planted his rump in the soil a half-minute away from camp, sitting tall beside a spindly tree and keeping his eyes peeled. For what, exactly, not even Smogmaw knew yet. But the surrounding landscape maintained his full attention, as any lone rustle in the foliage or shrubbery could indicate an invader. Perhaps a murderous cat, or a rabid fox. Or, on the contrary, maybe he was just paranoid and sleep deprived.

Yeah, that sounded just about right.

Smogmaw drew a heavy breath, now realising that not only was he paranoid and sleep deprived, but lonely too.



Scorchfrost was not a stranger to sleepless nights. Be it from his endlessly wandering mind or paws that took him on thoughtless walks across the territory. It was familiar to him. He did not expect to encounter others at these late hours though, the calmness of the slumbering camp having long since settled. It was not hard to figure out what Smogmaw was doing. His silent vigil was one that Scorch had done time and time before.

Scorchfrost was concealed within the dark of the night, visible only when the moonlight caught itself on the silver in his fur. His approach was not quieted, he didn't stray away from the twigs and leaves in his way, so it was obvious when Scorchfrost moved to join Smogmaw. " So. " He started, voice lighter than it often was. " What brings you to these parts, stranger? " A poor attempt at a joke, a light-hearted comment perhaps, but the effort was there.

Most of Shadowclan are nightwalkers. Shifting through the shadows and easily too quiet for the other clans to hear. It's normal for them, this nocturnal life and the same goes for her. As she appears on the other side or camp, slipping from the warrior's den she spies the two toms standing just outside the camp. Curiosity ticks in her and she makes her way toward the two. Scents tell her who they are with ease and she allows her tall and slender frame to slips around the both of them. The night is quiet enough, the stars above watching over them without and ounce of worry. At least that is now she used to think. But now she has questions.

"Good to see the both of you up and about. What are we watching for?" She asks with slight intrigue as she glances to the dark pine forest. Slowly she too sits down and curls her tail around her paws.

The sound of encroaching footfalls caused the warrior's ears to pivot backwards. Yet, his watchful gaze did not waver for the moment. It was only when Scorchfrost drew close enough that he glanced towards the older male, offering a vacant expression completed by weary eyes. "Insomnia," Smogmaw answered forthrightly, not in the mood for aimless smalltalk but satisfied with the company nonetheless. "Figured that since I can't sleep, I ought'a make something of it. What of you?" Suspecting that the other tom was present on similar premises, he tightened the muscles in his throat and forced a yawn.

His attention is diverted by the unexpected arrival of the medicine cat. "Ah, Bonejaw," greets Smogmaw cordially. He dips his forehead in a small nod, demonstrating more outward respect towards her than Scorchfrost. "I'm on the lookout for enemies slinking about," he continues in a puckish tone, "y'know, like foxes, rogues, Thunderclan cats... that sort'f thing."

For a brief moment did he fancy asking Bonejaw about herbs to aid his sleeplessness, but ultimately decided that he would sooner knock himself out with a rock. Scuzzing up his mind with plants was not within his interests.

While overthinking what he had said, and how the other two may have perceived his words, a relevant question came to mind. "Speakin'a Thunderclanners, what's their deal?" he asked. From what he had gathered, neither Shadowclan or Thunderclan were on the best of terms at the moment. This wasn't necessarily worrying to him, but it did arouse his curiosity, having not heard anything official on the matter. "I am ashamed to say that I've been out of the loop."


Unfortunately, Fogpaw can offer no answer to Smogmaw's question but the talk of Thunderclan makes his face sour up for a brief moment. His eyes shift to his adopted mother, Bonejaw, as a hint before moving back to his clanmates as he takes a seat just like the rest of them. The apprentice sighs without noise, only noticeable by how his shoulders sink down. He asks himself why he wandered over knowing there's nothing he can contribute to the conversation so instead he trains his eyes on the darkness into the wilds and just takes comfort in their presence.

He's close to nodding off to sleep himself when the moon flickers through the clouds above and he blinks as the rays light them up momentarily. The clouds look heavy to him and he once again yearns to try to communicate, hoping that Bonejaw can translate if they don't get it. It still makes him nervous. Just a little sick in the pit of his stomach. Regardless, Fogpaw aims to nudge the grouping of adults before extending his claws on one paw. He picks out a rock, taps his nails rapidly against the stone in what he hopes resembles the pattern of rushing rain, and then gestures up to the sky.
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"What'd'y'mean, what's their deal?" Flickerfire's tone is careful, her ears pricked for strange tones in her Clanmates voices. She joins the small sleepless crowd with a noisy yawn, but she keeps a critical orange eye on Smogmaw. "Ain't nothin' weird about ThunderClan... except their medicine cat, I guess. But Emberstar got rid of 'er." She passes over the molly's murders, but her nose bridge wrinkles imperceptibly. "Thank StarClan. Salamander ain't been right since the Great Battle. But you know that, don't'cha, Bonejaw?"

The tortoiseshell looks at their medicine cat with a quirked brow. She's being playful, but as always, it comes off brashly, wrong. She just wants to move the conversation away from Emberstar. She doesn't want to listen to anyone talk about Emberstar.

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