all the things she said | coyote

Since Fireflypaw's diagnosis, Howlfire had needed some to herself. To go from thinking herself ill with yellowcough to discovering she was pregnant was a bit of a jump to say the least. Howlfire still wasn't really sure how to feel about it. Happy of course, but shocked too. Howlfire had always liked to imagine herself as a mother, giving her children a stable home and love that Howlfire sadly missed out on as her childhood progressed. But to be expecting kits now...well it was a bit sudden and certainly not the most ideal time but she would cope, she hoped.

Whilst Howlfire had her own fears, she also recognised there was another cat that needed to know the news. Coyotecrest. Stars, she couldn't even begin to think about how he might react. Would he even want kits? Would he leave her? Howlfire didn't actually know where they stood in terms of a relationship. Certainly she loved him to a degree, but Howlfire had always had mixed feelings about mates and about taking her own, and despite loving Coyotecrest in her own way she wasn't sure if she saw him in that light nor would she ever.

After what felt like a whole moon had passed, Howlfire sighed and rose to her paws, knowing it would be better to get things out in the open now rather than beat around the bush. She knew he had gone on patrol earlier and waited eagerly for him to return. When she spotted this familiar form, she gave him a warm smile in greeting, gesturing for him to come over her. "Did you have a moment? I was hoping we could talk about something."

Angry at all the things I can't change
Cream paws led him into camp alongside his apprentice with prey dangling within his grasp. Briefly his eyes cut to Pearlpaw, dismissing the young molly with a nod. Sore muscles stretch tenderly as he dropped into a low bow. Rising with a muffled sigh blowing past the robin stuffed in his mouth he heads for the fresh kill pile to deposit his catch. Somewhere within the corner of his eye he notices Howlfire beckoning, donning the familiar warm smile he'd grown so accustomed to. The corners of his cheeks lift with the beginnings of his own smile and cool evergreen eyes crinkle with blossoming mirth. Getting to spend time with her was certainly the highlight of his day. Lowering his head in a swift manner Coyotecrest drops the bird alongside the clan's cache of food.

With purpose he moves to her side, nodding all the while. "Of course. Pearlpaw's training is done for the day so I have plenty of time. I also have wanted to tell you about Skypaw's reaction at the gathering. I know I should have said something sooner but...I wasn't sure how well you would receive it." He murmurs whilst taking a seat and sweeping his tail over his paws. It was technically good news despite being a bit harsh in its delivery. Perhaps he was simply waiting for the constant doom and gloom lingering over the forest to ease up a little before telling her the young thunderclanners clipped response. "He forgives you, but he also said he would never forget." He promptly decides to omit the tom questioning whether or not Howlfire and himself were mates.

While he fondly imagined a perfect world where he could settle down with someone, he feared the rejection that would follow should he propose such a question. Thus, he'd rather keep quiet, finding comfort in the unknown and what ifs rather than asking outright. Sucking in a soft breath he releases it, shoulders falling idly. "But uh...what did you want to talk about?"
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith

She smiles appreciatively when he confirms he had a moment to speak. Pearlpaw's training was done so he would have some time to herself. Sometimes Howlfire could hardly believe her friend had an apprentice of his own now. If not for the important news she had to share she might have asked more about how her training was faring overall.

She pauses only briefly when he mentions Skypaw. Howlfire listened as he revealed Skypaw had forgiven her but that he would not forget what had been spoken either. "Well, I suppose it's good that he forgave me at least," Howlfire commented, after digesting this news. "I suppose he's more mature than some of our siblings in that regard." Fearing she might off topic ranting about her littermates, she forced herself to stop, and flashed Coyotecrest an appreciative smile. "Thank you for speaking to him, it meant a lot."

And then came the moment she had been waiting for and dreading too. He asks what she wanted to speak about and she hesitates, feeling unusually unconfident and nervous. "Well, I don't know if you noticed or not but I have been feeling unusually lethargic as of late. I thought it might pass on its own but my appetite has been up and down too. I spoke to my brother fearing it might be yellowcough," Howlfire takes another pause, taking a long breath. "Turns out it wasn't yellowcough. I'm...we're expecting kits. You're going to be a father."
Angry at all the things I can't change
She took the news well, thank the stars. A small huff escapes him as an easy smile slips across flaxen lips. "You're welcome." He was happy for her. It brought him joy knowing that he was able to help mend some part of her estranged relationship with her family. Her demeanor shifts to a degree causing his expression to mirror concern. As she goes on about how she had been feeling as of late he offers a solemn nod. "I did notice...but wanted to remain optimistic. You had been chosen to do quite a lot of patrols lately." He wanted to assume that she was simply tired or overworked and prayed that it was not yellowcough plaguing her system.

The pregnant pause filling the air between them as she draws a breath leaves him fearing the worst. Was it yellowcough after all? Surely it couldn't have been. Not when she looked perfectly healthy. But the silence breaks and the news reveals itself in the form of precious future life. Green eyes spread wide. "You're going to be a father." There was nothing about her at this moment that implied she was joking. While the timing was horrendous, he couldn't have been happier with the news. "Kittens?" He whispered, tone hushed as a toothy smile began to split his lips. "Howlfire that-that's wonderful news." Leaning his forehead into her own he erupts into a thunderous purr.

"These little ones...our kittens. I vow to protect them with my very life." He murmurs before pulling away. The sickness could not touch them. As for Howlfire he would hunt twice as hard to ensure she had everything she needed.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith

He seems almost as shocked as she had been when she found out. Well, at the very least he hadn't burst out laughing as she had...though granted she had laughed out of surprise rather than finding the announcement humorous.

Howlfire is quietly relieved when Coyotecrest smiles and begins purring so loud, Howlfire fears he may shake the ground. She closes her eyes as leans his forehead against her own, enjoying the joy of the moment. "Yes, no harm will come to them so long as I have anything to say about it," Howlfire nodded in agreement, sharing his sentiment about vowing to protect them. Both she and Coyotecrest had been touched by loss in their life, and she was certain in her heart they would do everything they could to ensure their own kittens were free from such a fate for as long as possible. "So you're happy then?" Howlfire asked, studying him carefully. "I was a little nervous about what your reaction might have been."